Mr. Barry Manilow
On Saturday my Mr. AGPMan and I attended a concert here in OKCity by the incredible Mr. Barry Manilow. My guy and I were both blown away by his presentation and how absolutely GREAT his performance was.
In a few days (I Googled it because I was curious) he will be 69 years old and he sings just as good as he did
35 years ago...
I've been to tons of concerts in my lifetime (from Paul McCartney to Bon Jovi to the Carpenters) and I have to tell you Mr. M's concert was in the top five. Honestly...it was better than great!
~YOUNG LOVE...MR. AGPMan & I - 1978~
I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that his music was crazy popular when my Mr. AGPMan and I were dating and there wasn't one of his old songs we didn't know. He tossed in a couple of new tunes that were equally as wonderful...
The show was fun, clean and sooo romantic!
The highlight of the night for me was when he sang the his #1 hit song, Mandy. On the huge screen behind him was a vido/TV clip playing his debut from 1973 when he was on The Midnight Express. Incredibly he sang a duet WITH HIMSELF that brought down the house. The entire thing gave me chills. He was SOOOO YOUNG and handsome and I'm sure could never have dreamed then that because of technology he'd one day perform with his younger himself... The entire experience was amazing. Loved every second of it.
I'll be in and out this week as I'm going out of town to visit my sister in Nashville in a few days. I'm excited about shopping and junking and helping get her new shoppe, PLANTATION WHITE, off the ground. More about this soon!
Hope your day is wonderful!
Love to you...

Oh fun!!!!!! I was a big Barry Manilow fan for years. I love love love his songs! What a fundat with your AGPman!
Your post brings tears to my eyes! I knew you would understand why I've been in LOVE all these years. I love the picture of you with your glow stick! You are a true Fanilow now!
Enjoy your trip!
Miss Fanilow
You look VERY happy to be there. I'm glad you had a good time. :)
Enjoy your time with your sis!
Oh- He has always been one of my favorites. I can remember being on the beach in FL -all alone- and crying because my life was taking a change I did not want to happen...and his music just touched my soul. He is coming here soon and I hope to be able to see his show.
Good luck helping your sister get her new place up and running. It will be fun to hear about it- xo Diana
What a fun experience. Rebecca can you tell me some good places to junk in Nashville?? I will be going there with my hubby in a few weeks and while he is doing his thing, I'd like to know some good places to do my thing :-)
Jocelyn @
What fun!!!I too grew up with his music.What great photos!
Told you....one of the best concerts I have ever been to!! Glad you had a good time!
Barry (we're on a first name basis) was THE man when my hubs and I were dating waaaay back when. Oh, it sounds like a fantastic evening...bringing back so many songs to mind today! Have a good week.
I am so excited for you that you had such a good time. I have heard he is quite the performer! I love the pictures of you having fun!
Oh Mandy! I am a fan. I have seen him in person at the Hollywood Bowl. He truly gives an amazing show. So glad you got to see him. Sending hugs, Martha
I am sure that concert was a ton of fun! My brother sang like Barry Manilow in High School and was just as adorable- all my friends wanted to go out with him and would try and get me to help in that department!
Glad you had a great time.
And the pics turned out nice too.
Thanks for sharing.
In Him,
Dearest Rebecca,
Great to read that you had a fabulous time at the concert!
We just drove home today from Florida, went to Miami for 3 nights and a stop on the way over and a stop last night for breaking up the 10 hour drive. Visited with dear friends and now back to a wet and rainy Georgia...
Love to you,
I'd go to see him in concert too - a talented guy.
You look like you had a great time, who wouldn't?
Have fun helping your sister get set up, and good luck to her new venture.
Hi Rebecca, It is fun to go to concerts that bring back wonderful memories of our lives. I have some of his albums. That dates me. Have a wonderful trip to visit your sister. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.
Oh, Rebecca - three words: jealous jealous jealous! Naw, I'm so proud for you and would have loved to have been sitting right by your pretty self. I've always heard he put on a wonderful concert. I always thought he had the prettiest blue eyes. I love all his songs too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Lucky, lucky you to get to go to one of my favoorite singer's concerts!! I always loved barry Manilow's songs and music from back when he first started out...
would lOVE to see him in person!!
I hope you and Faith have a good time junkin, and working on her new store. So thrilled for her she
is doing this, it will be great for her, and having you help her set up, I know her store will be
Enjoy your time together...
Hugs and love, Francy
What a great night you had together. Something about music from our teens that engenders such strong feelings in us, I understand what you are saying.
Girl, you are having too much fun at that concert:) Have a blessed day, can't wait to hear about your visit with your Sister! HUGS!
Hello sweet Rebecca,
I love Barry Manilow, always have! If you were to go to my profile you would see that he is listed as one of my favs. I have never heard him live though and what a treat that would be! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.
Blessings & hugs,
I love Barry too!!! went to a Christmas concert in Seattle...15 years ago? One of the best concerts ever! He's such a performer and so talented...cute too!!!
Thanks for sharing!
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