Would you believe it if I told you no one in my immediate family except ME likes to hunt down fabulous old junque? 'Tis true. Not my daughter. Not my son. Not my son-in-love, daughter-in-love and since my Miss K is only nine I don't count her opinion about it one way or the other. :) I'm not even 100% sure my Mr. AGPMan would love it if it wasn't for the fact his wifey is in the biz of transforming JUNQUE into CASH! That makes him a willing partner in the scavenger hunt and more than happy when he goes to the bank! :) :) :)
Now my sister in Tennesee...well, she's the junquing queen! She's my favorite gal to dumpster dive with. Only problem she's so far away so we don't get together nearly often enough. Maybe that will change someday!
Last Thursday I scored this sweet old maple chest from either the late 50's or early 60's at one of our local thrift stores. It's not what I'd call an AMAZING FIND, but the piece does have good bones. The upper knobs were missing (what a pitty), but everything else was in great shape. Given the price I paid for it deciding to buy it was a no-brainer! :)
After one coat of my favorite primer (Zinsser) I gave it a couple more coats of soft white paint and replaced the missing pulls with wooden knobs. The edges have been gently distressed and then it was given a couple light coats of sealer. It's going into my booth space at Edmond Antiques (Edmond, OK) tomorrow.
Because so many requests are made from would-be-buyers for furniture that is plain white (without artwork) I've opted to keep this one as you see it!
Here's a tip for you if you are going to paint furniture that is found unpainted and in it's original wood condition...
You may be temped to just begin priming without first sanding on the finish. I almost always lightly sand the varnish off when possible. Doing so helps the primer bond directly to the wood and not just the crumbly old sealer. Then when you distress the edges the paint doesn't come off in chunks. Instead you have smooth, gentle distressing!
I should make enough money on the chest to pay for my booth space for the month (or more!). Pretty good, huh?
Blessings for an awesome Saturday!
Love to you...

My husband tells me quite often he is a minimalist! That makes me laugh because he is completely without any notion of style. His idea of interior decoration is to have what you need and nothing else...that's so boring! He doesn't keep his shed minimalist though....LOL He often tells me to stay out and not clean, but I don't really listen to him...LOL he does support my interests though and has packed the car and trailer up many a time after we've been to an auction. Those days are over now though with my bad back keeping me housebound most of the time. That's why I enjoy reading of your junking adventures so much.
That is a great piece--and even better it pays the bills. I love your booth..though I have never seen it in "real life". Someday I hope to have a booth like yours!
Un gran cambio.
buen fin de semana.....
Amazing what a little white paint can do. I love painting furniture.
Rebecca, you do a FABULOUS JOB on your pieces! TRANSFORMING an ugly duckling into a BEAUTIFUL SWAN! I have exactly the same situation in my family~~my hubby is supportive, my sister enjoys this but I don't see her very often, and everyone else- they think I'm CRAZY! They do not know what their missing! (and may I say it's a FUN JOB) from one sweetie to another~~~~Roxie
Oh Rebecca,
You make me want to have a booth again... My mother and I had one together for several years and then we had to move due to my husbands work. It is so fun. I miss that time. Your dresser looks fab! as always.
Amy Jo
I like the look of it. What kind of sealer do you use when you're done distressing?
I need some ambition, but it is hard to get much done when it is over 100 every day. How do you get anything done? Your projects are always an inspiration and visiting you is always a highlight of my day...now you know how exciting my life is. Getting vicarious joy from other people. Ha. Reading doesn't even break a sweat. ;D Stay busy so you can entertain me! Happy 4th!♥♫
I am thankful for my girlfriends that understand my love of junk :-) .No one else gets it.Although my husband love our home and the way I have decorated it.But he would go junking with me that is for sure.Love how you transformed this piece.Looks amazing!!!!Have a wonderful weekend.
Dearest Rebecca,
Great job and you were a fabulous 'spotter' once again! Yeah, your sister should be within a couple of hours distance but so is life...
Enjoy your weekend.
Huge improvement!the makeover looks great!
I LOVE it! I of course love junkin' and love to find a good deal and create something beautiful from it. It's just so stinking fun.
Oh my gosh, ...I have a chest of drawers exactly like this one, only mine still has the knobs.
I have it in my walk in closet. I've had it forever!
You've done a magnificent job in beautifying it!!
I love it, Rebecca. plain. simple. sweet. I have a question for you though....and probably a dumb one...do you remove the hardware and paint that separately when it is going to be the same color as the piece itself? I have always removed tit but several of the gals using the chalk paint say you don't need to do that-you just paint over it. Just wondered what YOU do!
I wish your sister lived closer for you, too. xo Diana
Rebecca ~~ Oh, I would go hunting with you if I could~ I so enjoy looking for treasures too. The dresser actually looks like some of the ones I have painted.
Bless You
Pearl 13.1
Wonderful job! I hope it sells quickly for you! ♥
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