I'm both happy and excited to be back home from Tennessee! In my previous post I shared with you how I was traveling east to my sister's home to work on a few behind the scene things in order to help ready her new shoppe,
for it's grand opening!
Sweet Faux Window Panes
There is still much to do before her precious shoppe opens it's doors to the public and I wish I could have stayed longer to help. I'll share more with you soon about it's opening date! We did manage to transform a vintage bed into store signage and we both love how they came out. We also put up faux window panes and are crazy about how they turned out as well.
My Sister and Miss K
The headboard was used for the larger sign (inside one/ which I FAILED to photograph!) and the footboard which you see above was hung outside under the awning. I'll have you know that they two of us hung that heavy thing up all on our own (well...with only a wee bit of phone-help from my Mr. AGPMan!).
Girls Rule!
My Miss K was a real trooper on the trip and I so enjoyed having her with me. Not sure I'll ever drive 11 plus hours alone with a 9 year old again...highway construction and delays made me completely NUTS! I'm quite sure K was totally bored to death at times and I'm so grateful she had lots of electronic stuff and books to keep her busy! Once at my sister's house she was included in lots of the activity going on!!! She even did the OPENING SOON Sign (below) for us! Simply the sweetest thing ever! I'll share more pictures, soon....memories in the making!
My Miss K Playing Dress-Up
I did return home with both my arms inflamed with tendonitis and carpel-tunnel. I've been babying them for a long time so not sure what all this means. I was hoping to put off the inevitable (surgery) until January. Doesn't look like that's going to happen! :( We'll see how things go.
Courtesy of Miss K
My SUV was loaded up and overflowing when I pulled into my driveway at 1:00 AM this morning. That means lots of fun new things and hand painted finds will be coming your way before long! Lots of things for my A Gathering Place website AND my A Gathering Place booth space at Edmond Antiques here in Edmond, OK.
Honestly, I'm very thankful there were no mishaps along the way (there and back!). God is so good. I missed my guy so much and returned home with a renewed commitment to continue to support him WITH JOY during the last four months of his schooling. Still happy November will be here before long and our lives will return to normal...
Missed you all as well! If my arms and hands stay nice I'll be off to visit as many of you as I can over the weekend.
Continuing to live my life with thankfulness...

So happy to hear that you made it home safely. We all look forward to more pictures and hearing about the Grand Opening.
Jocelyn @
The sign is just gorgeous, you did a wonderful job on it. I just hope that the problems with your arms will get sorted out real soon, carpal tunnel syndrome is so painful.
Wow, not only are you talented but your sister as well! How exciting and fun; I bet you two have a great time together. I'm so sorry about your arms/hands; praying you won't need surgery-just ice. Can't wait to see what you brought home. Missed you while you were gone.
How exciting! You know all of us bloggers would be shopping there if only we could. I wish you the best and hope it does beautifully!
Complimenti!Sono una tua lettrice italiana,ti volevo fare gli auguri per questo bel negozio e dirti che ho visto la tua bellissima casa sulla rivista italiana"Casa Romantica shabby-chic"Sei bravissima e romantica !Mi sono incantata a guardare nelle pagine del giornale!Baci,Rosetta
Love the sign you created for the shop! Those faux window panes were a really nice touch for the window.
Sounds like you all had a wonderful time and your sis's store looks fabulous!... love the sign Miss K made and she looks so pretty as a little bride! Can't wait to see more, and also the treasures you will be putting on your website... how I would LOVE to visit Tennessee!... so happy also that the first pkg you sent came back to you... and thanks again for the other one!!!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie
I am glad you made the trip safely and I am sure you were two VERY, VERY busy ladies trying to cram so much into a week's time together. From the looks of the store front window, it is all going
to be fantastic! I caught glimpses of several interesting things! I am sure the entire store will be just wonderful when Faith opens her doors for the first time!
I hope you give those arms and wrists a rest before you dive into your own new creations. What you have is serious business and you do
not need to punish them further!!
Be sure to post lots of pictres of
Rebecca...my little Yorkie was let out about 4 AM Tuesday morning for a potty trip and he never did return......Berch was out with a flashlight before dawn, looking and calling for him. We have not seen him since....our hearts are broken and I think he is gone from us forever. Our Morkie knows something is amiss and she is very clingy....so sad....
Rest and have a great weekend with your hubby, I bet he missed you, too!!
Love and hugs, Francy (Yasmin)
Translated from Rosetta:
Congratulations, I am one of your Italian reader, I wanted to wish for this beautiful store and tell you I saw your beautiful home in the Italian magazine "Casa Romantica shabby-chic" You are very good and romantic! I was enchanted to look in the pages of the newspaper Kisses, Rosetta
The sign you made is amazing. Tell your sister if i was driving down the road and saw her shop I would probably get in a wreck trying to get to it as fast as I can! Does your sister have a blog?
Dearest Rebecca,
Glad you made it back home safe! Guess our age is often playing tricks on us. Since Wednesday I have whiplash and it nearly made me incapable of doing anything. Today is less painful. We'll see...
Love to you and enjoy first your summer weekend and RELAX!
Oh Miss Rebecca, how exciting your sister is opening her own shop! I wish her a lot of luck in her new endeavor! sorry to hear about your arms. I had carpel tunnel in just one, and it was painful. Take care sweetie!
Debbie xo
Hi Rebecca ~~ Great idea with the headboard for a sign. Yes, God is Good indeed.
Pearl 13.1
Hi Rebecca, I tried to email you, but our email won't send or receive right now...arrgghhh! Your sister's shoppe looks like one I would want to spend the entire day in!! Glad you guys made it there and back safely ~ It must be the current Issue of Casa Romantica your home is in ~ Go to this website: www.cutepinkstuff.com, as Cindy has a couple of issues left for pre-order of this magazine. I have already pre-ordered my copy a couple of weeks ago. Congratulations Miss R!
Wow! Love the sign. Love the shop! Your sister is so blessed to have you. Feel better real soon! Missed you.
Okay, now is time to take care of yourself for awhile:)
Hello to you my friend,
WOW !! Her store looks fabulous !! Just llike I thought it would !! You two could partner up !! Congratulations to Linda !! That will really keep her busy !! The sign turned out beautiful !! Can't wait to see more pictures !!
Amazed at how TaLL little Miss K has gotten !! Still so beautiful, and just LOVE her eyes !!
So happy your trip was wonderful, and you are home safe and sound, with Noooo voice .. I kept you yackin' still !! Will catch up again real soon .. rest up, and THAN get to work girlie .. You got lots to do ..
Have a blessed week-end ~TeA~ xo
The shop is going to be gorgeous! You will have to let me know where in Tennessee it is located! I would love to visit. I adore the sign you made and especially the one Ms. K made :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
So thankful your trip was safe and fruitful. I would love to shop at Lindas new shoppe. Love the Rosie sign you painted. R I am enjoying my fireplace screen soooo much. I didn't know you were having trouble with your hands. Will b praying about that. Welcome home, we missed you.
I will stop in and shop with her one my way thru there this Summer:) Have a blessed day my friend, REST! HUGS!
Wow, what a trip.....the electronics are so wonderful on long or short trips.
Miss K is so pretty and growing so fast.
I love the signs..
Welcome home!
Happy to hear you got there and back safe. Looks like you accomplished lots. Wish I could visit both your shops. I'm the type that believes in "never say never" so who knows I might just be able to visit some day!
Hope you get some rest on the weekend.
Rebecca,per email ti ho mandato le foto!Spero rimanga contenta,fammi sapere se ti sono arrivate!Buon weekend!Rosetta
You were missed in blog land! I will pray you find relief and answers soon for your arms! Lotsa luck to you sister and her new shop! So beautiful!!!
Congratulations to your sister Linda!What a beautiful sign.Her shop looks like it is gorgeous too!
Hi R, Congratulations on your sister's store and please extend my greatest wishes for her success. Her store already looks lovely and no doubt, helped along by you and sweet Miss K. Her little sign would be quickly framed and forever kept above the cash register if it were for my store. Adorable!! Again, blessings and joy to your sister's journey. T
The shop looks like a beautiful plae. I am so sorry about your hands and arms. I have tendinitis that moves from area to area in my body and it is miserable. I know your pain. xo Diana
Sounds like a wonderful trip. I'm sure Miss K will always remember it!
I'm more than a little behind in reading blogs - looks like you had a great time at tne concert!
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