OK...I'm trying to be a good citizen here!!! Truly I am! I pay my taxes, I vote and I volunteer. I'm not afraid to PICKET when a local or national cause inspires me to do so and I'm willing to do my SHARE of Jury Sitting and Serving...
But come on! This is my third summons in less than 10 years! All this while my Mr.AGPMan has yet to be called on once! What???? Not fair! Not Fair! NOT FAIR I tell you!
Want to know what made me feel worse?
My guy laughed...then added "the BEAUUUUTIFUL State of Oklahoma just LOVES YOU, Rebecca!"
Sometimes I just can't stand that Mr.AGPMan of mine. Seriously. Sometimes he just really ticks me off!
And you all just THOUGHT he was ONLY wonderful...NOT! :)
Blessings to you as you JOYFULLY serve your country...Rebecca
But come on! This is my third summons in less than 10 years! All this while my Mr.AGPMan has yet to be called on once! What???? Not fair! Not Fair! NOT FAIR I tell you!
Want to know what made me feel worse?
My guy laughed...then added "the BEAUUUUTIFUL State of Oklahoma just LOVES YOU, Rebecca!"
Sometimes I just can't stand that Mr.AGPMan of mine. Seriously. Sometimes he just really ticks me off!
And you all just THOUGHT he was ONLY wonderful...NOT! :)
Blessings to you as you JOYFULLY serve your country...Rebecca
Hehe.... I think they just like the looks of ya on their jury. Yeah that's it. You have to think positive.
You make me laugh girlie, that was unexpected,(about Mr. AGP man) from me about mine yea, but you? Oh, I'm so sorry, that really does stink, happened to my mom all the time too, she would get summoned and summoned again, and my Dad....not ever....not once. Is there a man conspiracy going on? Hopefully you won't have to stay, just show up. Big Ol Hugs from me!
♥ Teresa
i have never received a summons either.
Rebecca, couldn't you just pinch their little heads off sometimes?! Ha. Ha.
Hugs, Barb
Oh no Rebecca! I just hate being called to jury duty too! I know it's my civic duty but....! I hope you don't have to stay! Sending hugs to you!
Oh man, that's awful. Jury duty can be tough on a person. My husband just got called this week and it's his first time. What makes it even funnier, is the fact that he's a cop.
Hugs, June
Oohhh ~r~,
hahahaha.. I think you would look so pretty in "pink".. sitting in the juror section.. what a crack up !! I was just summoned about 2 months ago, and had to answer a questioner, and guess what, I got off because my Son is a Police Officer !! I was sooo excited !! Maybe that will always happen, sooo, you say someone very close to you,is in Law Enforcement, and you go home, FREE !! Now, you can get to those important duties, like painting and sewing.. darn them anyhow !! Steve makes me laugh !! He'll be next, you watch and see, and then we will get the last laugh !! Oohh, but, I LOVE our Mr. AGP man..Ooohhh, but that would be sooo FUNNY.. Love you two to pieces.. Have a restful evening my friend..psssttt(maybe the Judge is cute)..hahaha.. hugs to you both.. ~~tea~~xo
Forgive me Rebecca,
But i must agree with your husband, lol I think Oklahoma just really loves you,!! And why wouldn't they, you are just to sweet.!! This is such a cute post.
Hi Rebecca~~Here in California a prospective juror is eligible for jury duty once a year!ugh! We in our family have had our share of callings, but the summons always ask us to call the afternoon before to make sure the parties haven't settled out of court or maybe standby. We are always relieved if we get released this way and we are good for another year. I know there is always something we would rather be doing, including me, but I guess it's our civic duty. hmmmmm. Maybe you will get released this way too! We can hope...worse scenario, you can do a little PR business with some of the other ladies on the jury at lunch or breaks! You know, talking "pink roses" and all your pretties!LOL...trying to stay positive for you. I'll let you take care of the hubby's comments...I don't want to make him mad...he's shipping my sign, after all. Love to you and hope your week ahead is better...Mary H.
That's funny ...but not funny Rebecca ...I just got my 'invite' too.
:^( Hugz ...Betty
I've never been selected to serve. I agree, they LUV Rebecca ...
TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Rebecca,
Thats not fair at all! Maybe they will call on him next time. LOL
I was asked twice. The first time, they settled out of court so I didn't have to go and the second time, my little boy had just been born so I wrote them a letter and told them that my husband worked offshore and would be gone. Also I was tying to learn how to breast feed my new baby. I was having a hard time! So they excused me from duty. They haven't asked me since then.
Lee Laurie
Rebecca, if it is any consolation I receive a Summons about every 14 months. It is usually waiting for me in my mail box just when I am getting back from vacation :). That is how my county works it. Who knows, it may turn out to be a positive adventure. If not....breathe, breath, breathe. :)
Oh bless your heart..... I received a summons years ago but it was SAT testing week at the school where I taught so I was excused. Guess what, never have receive on since (and I haven't taught school in years!!!) Be brave dear friend.
Yikes, my sympathies! Three times. Have you ever been chosen?
I would be in soooo such a spot if I get called to jury duty.
I am the only one that can get my daughter to school and watch hubby. The dilemma has not arisen,yet - fingers crossed.
Oh, I've never had to serve jury duty. I guess the states of Georgia and Alabama do not like me so much. lol
I enjoyed your post. And I hope you had a great weekend.
Take care. You are a blessing to me.
Hi Rebecca, Too funny. I had to go a few years ago, but nothing lately. My son served a few months ago on a jury case. I think they are at our letter name in the alphabet. I may be next again while hubby seems to go the least. What is up with that? LOL
I think Oklahoma wants to see your smiling face again. Great post! Enjoy your week!
hugs, Celestina Marie
Rebecca, I think this is my first time to visit your beautiful blog. Your State of Oklahoma jury summons caught my attention. I live in Edmond! Your blog is stunningly beautiful. I will be back.
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