Saturday, June 30, 2012



Would you believe it if I told you no one in my immediate family except ME likes to hunt down fabulous old junque?  'Tis true.  Not my daughter.  Not my son.  Not my son-in-love, daughter-in-love and since my Miss K is only nine I don't count her opinion about it one way or the other. :)  I'm not even 100% sure my Mr. AGPMan would love it if it wasn't for the fact his wifey is in the biz of transforming JUNQUE into CASH!  That makes him a willing partner in the scavenger hunt and more than happy when he goes to the bank! :) :) :)

Now my sister in Tennesee...well, she's the junquing queen!  She's my favorite gal to dumpster dive with.  Only problem she's so far away so we don't get together nearly often enough.  Maybe that will change someday!

Last Thursday I scored this sweet old maple chest from either the late 50's or early 60's at one of our local thrift stores.  It's not what I'd call an AMAZING FIND, but the piece does have good bones.  The upper knobs were missing (what a pitty), but everything else was in great shape.  Given the price I paid for it deciding to buy it was a no-brainer! :)  

After one coat of my favorite primer (Zinsser) I gave it a couple more coats of soft white paint and replaced the missing pulls with wooden knobs.  The edges have been gently distressed and then it was given a couple light coats of sealer.  It's going into my booth space at Edmond Antiques (Edmond, OK) tomorrow.

Because so many requests are made from would-be-buyers for furniture that is plain white (without artwork) I've opted to keep this one as you see it!

Here's a tip for you if you are going to paint furniture that is found unpainted and in it's original wood condition...

You may be temped to just begin priming without first sanding on the finish.  I almost always lightly sand the varnish off when possible.  Doing so helps the primer bond directly to the wood and not just the crumbly old sealer.  Then when you distress the edges the paint doesn't come off in chunks.  Instead you have smooth, gentle distressing!

I should make enough money on the chest to pay for my booth space for the month (or more!).  Pretty good, huh?

Blessings for an awesome Saturday!

Love to you...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I spent most of the day on Monday restocking my booth space at Edmond Antiques here in Edmond Oklahoma.  I can tell things are moving and I'm excited so many treasured finds have found a new home.  I brought back lots of fabulous things on my latest jaunt out east and about half are going into my booth and the other half are soon to be transformed for my A Gathering Place website.
 Having a booth again was a challenge at first, but slowly I've gotten back into the swing of tending to a hands on space.  I love the hunt for sweet treasures and my hubby loves that I've cleared out our storage shed.

I'm thinking there's room now to fill it up again! :)  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....???
I've rearranged things making it easier to shop!  When two people are inside my 10' x 10' space it's crowded!  Still loving the pergola thingy my guy fashioned for me!  It's sooo great!

I just finished hand painting some sweet pink rose things for my website and plan on uploading them in a day or so.  I really did find some wonderful treasures on my drive to and from my sister's home and can't wait to get started transforming them!!  My favorite place to JUNQUE was Jackson, Tennessee!  Found wonderful things there!!!!

 One of my Italian customers and friend found two copies of the Italian Magazine Casa Romantica for me that showcases my home.  I also ordered two copies from CUTE PINK STUFF and they should be here soon as well!

More soon!  Hope your day is fab!  I'm off to prep new old finds and ready them for artwork!  Hope to get back to sewing some new things before long!

Love to you...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Yesterday something wonderful happened in our family.

I've shared with you over the years my deep love for my only grandchild.  I call her Miss K for privacy reasons even though I love her given name of

It means Beautiful One.

Ten years ago our sweet grandgirl was preparing to enter the world even though from the beginning she was already safely ensconced inside our hearts.  She couldn't possibly have known it then but she would soon take her place within a family unit who would never waiver in their love, support and belief in her.

She is that special.

A decade ago my Mr. AGPMan and I watched from behind the scenes as our son became a young father, then a man and then a beloved daddy.  He loved, supported and fought for his girl and has provided for her a wonderful home.  When he married our daughter-in-love, Sarah, four years ago she became our Miss K's momma.  We are blessed to have her in our family!

Although carried in the womb of another woman, yesterday the courts decreed that the adoption of our Miss K by our SarahGirl is legal and final and that she is, and always will be, our Miss K's mother...

Note to my Miss K:

Don't ever forget for a single moment that you've been CHOSEN!
I will love you forever,
Your only and forever,

Today I thank God for the difficult days of long ago because ultimately they became my friend.  They helped drive me beyond a place of ease and into a quiet place of constant prayer.
Yesterday the long awaited answer
to hundreds of prayers came.

Celebrating with a grateful heart!

Love to you... 

Monday, June 25, 2012


(Fabulous Old Rose Print)

While shopping at a pretty large thrift store (aka: Goodwill) in my sister's Tennessee town the most incredible thing happened (and NO it wasn't finding the amazing print above although that was pretty GREAT)!  I Honestly think this was a God-thing and the entire experience was both mind boggling and fun!

I was walking up and down the store's aisles looking at a bunch of super-fabJUNQUE when a sweet little voice behind me said:


At first I didn't turn around because my sister calls me Becky and has introduced me to all her friends as Becky.  I was pretty sure whoever was saying the name REBECCA wasn't directing their comments to me...

Anyway, just to make sure I turned around ever so slowly only to find a lovely lady with blond hair staring at straight at me...

Then she said:


Now you must understand I was 650 miles or so from home and I couldn't imagine who would know me by my name, Rebecca!


Right then (as my voice caught in my throat and I picked myself up off the floor)
I smiled big and said:


Come to find out the lady is a sweet blogger friend named Patty who lives in Tennessee (I think a couple of towns away) and just HAPPENED to be shopping at the same place I was at the very same time!  I couldn't believe it!  We've chatted by email before and I was thrilled to meet her in person!  Her handsome hubby was there, too, and I give him the credit for figuring out the camera on my phone (Thank You, Mr. Patty!)!!!!  He snapped this picture of the two of us because I'd left my camera in my SUV.

We stood there and talked for at least 30 minutes or so and shared and shared and shared.  I just love her to pieces and the unexpected meeting reaffirmed for me something I've always believed.  God directs our every step!  I never have and never will believe in coincidence.  Meeting Patty in person was meant to be and I was so blessed by her kindness and grace.  For sure a new forever friend!

Isn't life sweet?

Yes!  Yes it is!

Love to you this Monday...

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sometimes, believe it or not, I am at a loss for words.  To this day it's impossible for me to describe how I felt the day I married my beloved or the feelings I had when I bore his two children.  Those three single moments will always remain the highlight of my life.  Lots of other wonderful things have happened to me since~  Watching my children graduate and then go to college and/or serve in the military and then subsequently marry ushered in feelings of great joy.  Seeing the miracle of my Miss K come into the world changed my life...  I love being a Nana, even if right now it's only to one little girl...
Like many of you, no doubt, I've experienced my share of heartache sprinkled upon the pathway of my life.  I'm grateful the rough times have been far outweighed by the good times and although I shouldn't be, I'm always surprised when super-wonderful things come my way.  Today I was reminded of the words to a favorite old hymn,


 that says...

God has not promised skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God has not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

But God has promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

God has not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He has not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.

God has not promised smooth roads and wide,
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain rocky and steep,
Never a river turbid and deep.

But God has promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
A couple of months ago I was contacted by the editors of the Italian Magazine, CASA ROMANTICA, in hopes of doing an article showcasing my work and my La Chaumière de Briarwood.  I was shocked at their interest and was once again left speechless.  No words came to me...just sheer excitement that anyone would think anything I've ever done would be worthy of publication (OK!  I admit I might have run through the house screaming at the top of my lungs for a wee little bit, but no one was home to see me so I don't think it counts!).
Just hearing from the editors brought back the feelings I had when the American Magazine, ROMANTIC HOMES, first contacted me in 2005 about doing the same thing.  Back then I was pretty new to selling my wares and was totally clueless as to what I was doing.  I'm a firm believer that once we know better we should do better and I hope over the past seven years I've learned how to better dress my home while staying true to her simple, yet beautiful, lines...
Today I'm grateful for both change and progress and for the nod given to me by those who are far more gifted than I.  There are so many incredible homes worthy of attention and talented people who never fail to inspire me every single day.  And so I press onward doing what I love in hopes that someone else out there will be inspired to do the same.
I'm sharing with you a few photos a fellow blogger, Rosetta from sent to me this morning of the article published in the June 2012 edition of CASA ROMANTICA (Thank you, Rosetta!  You bless me!)  Incredibly they showcased nearly every room of my home and lots of my work as well.   I'm hoping one of my sweet Italian friends (Valeria, Debby, Rosetta, Maria, Evelena and Angelina, Marta, Cherie' and Colona) can locate at least one copy for me and send it my way.
 Many, many more photos where included in the article, but I'll save them for another time.  Right now I'm working on translating the article so I can read for myself what all they had to say.  So far I've only managed to decode :) the first page!
 I leave you today with this...

Stay true to your calling and hold fast to your dreams!  Don't think for a moment God doesn't care about you or them.  What seems big to you isn't to Him!   After-all, He was the one who placed those desires deep within your heart.

Dream on friends...DREAM ON!

Because I'm trying to be tender to my hands and arms I will be blogging only a handful of times a week instead of every day for awhile.  That said, I'm going to let this post serve as my Thoughts on a Sunday Morning post as well.

I'm linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm for
White Wednesday!  Hope you'll visit all the gorgeous whites when you can.  You are sure to be inspired!

Blessings and love to you for a wonderful day!

Love to you...

Friday, June 22, 2012



I'm both happy and excited to be back home from Tennessee!  In my previous post I shared with you how I was traveling east to my sister's home to work on a few behind the scene things in order to help ready  her new shoppe,
for it's grand opening!
Sweet Faux Window Panes

There is still much to do before her precious shoppe opens it's doors to the public and I wish I could have stayed longer to help.  I'll share more with you soon about it's opening date!  We did manage to transform a vintage bed into store signage and we both love how they came out.  We also put up faux window panes and are crazy about how they turned out as well.
My Sister and Miss K

The headboard was used for the larger sign (inside one/ which I FAILED to photograph!) and the footboard which you see above was hung outside under the awning.  I'll have you know that they two of us hung that heavy thing up all on our own (well...with only a wee bit of phone-help from my Mr. AGPMan!).

Girls Rule!

My Miss K was a real trooper on the trip and I so enjoyed having her with me.  Not sure I'll ever drive 11 plus hours alone with a 9 year old again...highway construction and delays made me completely NUTS!   I'm quite sure K was totally bored to death at times and I'm so grateful she had lots of electronic stuff and books to keep her busy!  Once at my sister's house she was included in lots of the activity going on!!!  She even did the OPENING SOON Sign (below) for us!  Simply the sweetest thing ever!  I'll share more pictures, soon....memories in the making!
My Miss K Playing Dress-Up

I did return home with both my arms inflamed with tendonitis and carpel-tunnel.  I've been babying them for a long time so not sure what all this means.  I was hoping to put off the inevitable (surgery) until January.  Doesn't look like that's going to happen! :(   We'll see how things go.
Courtesy of Miss K

My SUV was loaded up and overflowing when I pulled into my driveway at 1:00 AM this morning.  That means lots of fun new things and hand painted finds will be coming your way before long!  Lots of things for my A Gathering Place website AND my A Gathering Place booth space at Edmond Antiques here in Edmond, OK.

  Honestly, I'm very thankful there were no mishaps along the way (there and back!).  God is so good.  I missed my guy so much and returned home with a renewed commitment to continue to support him WITH JOY during the last four months of his schooling.  Still happy November will be here before long and our lives will return to normal...

Missed you all as well!  If my arms and hands stay nice I'll be off to visit as many of you as I can over the weekend.

Continuing to live my life with thankfulness...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am walking out the door bound for the gorgeous state of Tennessee.  I'll be helping my sister get her new antique and complements shoppe ready for it's Grand Opening!  It's name is PLANTATION WHITE located in Dickson, TN, and we hope to have it open in a couple of weeks!  I'll be sharing lots more about everything soon!  I'm quite sure they'll be lots of tales and stories to tell!  Pictures, too!

I'm driving and my Miss K is traveling with me...just the two of us...a Nana and her only GRAND-girl!  We are excited to say the least!!!  A little road trip with my favorite little girl EVER!  Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

Blessings as you blaze your way through another simmering summer.

Make it count!

Love to you...

Monday, June 11, 2012


Mr. Barry Manilow
 On Saturday my Mr. AGPMan and I attended a concert here in OKCity by the incredible Mr. Barry Manilow.  My guy and I were both blown away by his presentation and how absolutely GREAT his performance was.

In a few days (I Googled it because I was curious) he will be 69 years old and he sings just as good as he did
35 years ago...

I've been to tons of concerts in my lifetime (from Paul McCartney to Bon Jovi to the Carpenters) and I have to tell you Mr. M's concert was in the top five. was better than great!
 ~YOUNG LOVE...MR. AGPMan & I - 1978~

I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that his music was crazy popular when my Mr. AGPMan and I were dating and there wasn't one of his old songs we didn't know.  He tossed in a couple of new tunes that were equally as wonderful...
The show was fun, clean and sooo romantic!

The highlight of the night for me was when he sang the his #1 hit song, Mandy.  On the huge screen behind him was a vido/TV clip playing his debut from 1973 when he was on The Midnight Express.  Incredibly he sang a duet WITH HIMSELF that brought down the house.  The entire thing gave me chills.  He was SOOOO YOUNG and handsome and I'm sure could never have dreamed then that because of technology he'd one day perform with his younger himself...  The entire experience was amazing.  Loved every second of it.



I'll be in and out this week as I'm going out of town to visit my sister in Nashville in a few days.  I'm excited about shopping and junking and helping get her new shoppe, PLANTATION WHITE, off the ground.  More about this soon!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Love to you...

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Early this past Spring one of my long time friends called me to tell me she was coming to town.  After chatting for a few minutes she said she found something in storage she wanted to have hand painted with roses  She went on to say she'd purchased the piece many years before and it no longer fit in with her decor.  She actually had some choice words to say about the piece and went on to lament how much she had grown to absolutely hate it.

After describing the piece to me I told her to bring it over and I'd giver her a price to repaint it.

Well...when she walked in the door carrying the vintage hamper you see above I couldn't contain my laughter...nor could she!  The piece she was WHINING to me about was a something I'd painted for her back in 2003.  I nearly fell on the floor in hysterics when I saw it...  We giggled for over an hour...not kidding!


I haven't repainted the old hamper yet, but I'm going to soon!  Those roses look like piles of HAY to me!  ARGH!
Today I met one of my Oklahoma bloggie friends down at my booth space so she could pick up a special order.  Since I FORGOT (WHAT?) my camera I won't tell you who she is...I'll let her share with you if she so desires.

Anyway, she found this amazing fireplace screen and it was a fun piece to repaint....
Today I'm thinking CHANGE IS GOOD!

My Mr. AGPMan is taking me to see Mr. Barry Manilow tonight and I'm more than excited.
My friend Denise from
  is a huge fan of Mr. Dreamy and has seen him in concert a gajillion times.  I told her I was going to stand up in the concert and scream out:

 (I may do it, too!)

This is my first time to hear him in person even though I've loved his music for years.  No yellow ribbons in my hair...but maybe PINK!

Love to you...

Thursday, June 7, 2012


We have a birthday celebration in our family and tomorrow my children, their spouses, my Miss K and my Mr. AGPMan and I will gather together inside my La Chaumière de Briarwood and eat cake! crazy as it may sound there are more
in my family than
(much to my hubby's dismay!)
and so in the morning I'll be baking a
in honor of my beautiful son-in-love, Micah's,
28th birthday!!!

He truly has become my second son!
I've mentioned to you before how much I love the vintage Woman's Home Companion Cookbook my mother gave me years ago!  I go to that amazing 60 year old recipe filled book for nearly everything.  
Today I'm sharing with you a recipe first published in 1941 (my cookbook edition is from 1955) for our family's favorite non-chocolate cake!   It is soooo yummy and it's fabulous with most any icing! 


Cake Flour, 2 cups
Baking powder, 3 teaspoons
Salt, 1/2 teaspoon
Shortening, 1/2 cup
Sugar, 1 1/4 cups
Egg whites, 4
Vanilla, 1 teaspoon
Milk, 2/3 cup

Sift Flour; measure; add baking powder 
and salt, sift again.

Cream shortening; add sugar gradualy;
cream together until light and fluffy.

Add unbeaten egg whites and beat thor-
oughly; add vanilla.

Add dry ingredients alternately with the
milk, stirring only enough after each addi-
to blend thoroughly.  Do not beat.

Pour into 2 greased 8-inch layer pans.

Bake in a moderate over (375 degrees F)
about 25 minutes.

When cool frost with your favorite icing!



I'm back in my studio today painting more old finds.  I'm FINALLY getting around to finishing up some things I started many, many moons ago.  

See the vintage pink rose cake cover at the top?  Well...I base painted it back in 2010!  OH MY GOSH!  I think I'm a little behind in finishing some projects, don't you?  Finally added the hand painted pink roses last night and it's going on my website today!!!
( it's SOLD!).

Better late than never!

My friend, Sandi, over at Rose Chintz Cottage
 has been featured in Romantic Homes.  I'm sooo excited for her and hope you'll pop over to her sweet sight and say

CONGRATS!  Beautiful lady...if you don't know about her or her bloggie you are in for a real treat!

Love to you...

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