Sometimes my days are filled with such busyness that I meet myself coming and going. Running a home and a business can be overwhelming once in a while and I'm sure many of you out there understand exactly what I mean!! Make no mistake about it tho... I'm exactly where I dreamed I'd be a few years ago and so I try and keep my whine to a minimum...
I know in my heart I have much to be grateful for.
It wasn't all that long ago my life was shattered. I masterfully messed up a business I once owned and a lot of other things as well. Because of some truly poor choices (some from ignorance and some from stubbornness) we nearly lost the very home we live in today and almost every other thing we owned.
I know what it's like to face real hardship and total devastation. I know financial ruin.
I understand what it's like to be in ill health,
have a marriage in crisis and, well,
feel like a complete and total failure...
Early this morning I read a devotional that reminded me of something I needed reminding of....
God has never taken his eyes off of me...nor you. He's always near and lives to hear our hearts beat...
Want to know why I talk to God so much?
Because He listens to every single thing I say.
My prayer this morning is that I will always listen back...
My prayer this morning is that I will always listen back...
Love to you~

Sencillamente precioso.
Oh Rebecca, you're very brave to share such low points. However when GOD is our captain those low points are never quite so bad as if we were without GOD. God Bless you and keep on shining.
Thanks for the reminder!
Sweet hour of prayer, because he listens... HUGS and prayers for a sweet Sunday!
I think we all learn from our mistakes.I hate when I make them.But I try to put it all up to God.I know he is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS listens.It is ME who does not always listen.
I think we all learn from our mistakes.I hate when I make them.But I try to put it all up to God.I know he is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS listens.It is ME who does not always listen.
A reminder of all that we have to be grateful for! Thank you for being so brave and posting this. We forget that peoples lives may seem to be great, but that they also had some terrible times. That they have come out of a bad time to learn how to live in harmony with God.
Oh my...I don't think I'm brave at all. Just trying to be REAL! I think we all have a tendency to look at other people's lives and think they are perfect. Nothing can be farther from the truth... We all have our struggles and difficulties, sorrows and scars.
That's why we need a Savior...
Love you all~R
Thanks for the reminder.
Oh how we are BLESSED to be children of the KING! His LOVE is unfailing, His MERCY is endless and His GRACE is sufficient! He knows we are not PERFECT, but we are MADE PERFECT in his IMAGE! Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for reminding us...we need you LORD like we've never needed you before! Let us tell the World our testimonies and where/what you have brought us from. From one sweetie to another~~~~Roxie
Hi Rebecca ~ So beautifully stated, I can relate to the feeling of failure, as I went through some things too in my life that were so challenging that now I look back and realize too that God was with me then and never left my side. It is actually ironic because that is when I also felt the closest to him, and I feel the experience has kept me close to Him because of it. It was a blessing in disguise.
God Bless You,
Pearl 13.1
Rebecca..YOU are the dearest of the dear. I needed to read your message this morning. Needed it badly and there it was. Thank you. Thank you so very much,
Your friend always,
Great post! We all need to remember this. Probably more of us have been thru bad times and know the miracle of answered prayer than we realize. Thanks for the reminder!
What a wonderful message, Rebecca- It is good to do this kind of post because I think a lot of people that just pop in and out think that you hae a magical life and never had any type of heartache or woes. Bless you- so many of us have walked those same roads- xo Diana
I think He even listens to the complaining Rebecca! I am having a tough go the past few months with my health and though I hate to admit it I do complain at times. I figure He knows how I am feeling - I can't keep anything from him and He's the only one that can change complaint into praise.
bee blessed
Such REAL, and TRUE words !! Spoken straight from HIM, in soo many verses through out the bible !! Thank God for DO-OVERS all the time, everyday !! God is good my friend !! Loved every word of this Sunday post !!
Hoping you are feeling good, and getting lots done !! It's soo hard to catch up after being away !!Wishing you a happy, very blessed week my friend !
Hugs for you ~TeA~ xo
Yes, we do them all,cry and wail included. So glad God sees, He hears, and He is unconcerned just as He was when Moses cried out to Him. Love you, my friend.
I do think you are brave Rebecca. Sometimes we do get lost in reading blogs - thinking that a person has a perfect life. I think it is refreshing to hear that no one has a perfect life. I know I try to be the best I can be on a daily basis! Still need work! lol
Thank you for this. I really needed this today.
Hugs to you,
Lee Laurie
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