Dear Blogger Friends...
I've had so many of you write and ask if I was ever going to return to blogging and so I thought today I would post an answer... Thank you to those of you who've remembered me and prayed for my family over the past several months. Your kindness has meant more than I can say.
My plans are to return to blogging in early Fall. I want to update you on our kitchen remodel...(yeah...the one I we started about a decade ago)!
Kidding...but it feels that way!.
Quickly I will tell you that we all are fine. I'm working at healing from the loss of my precious daddy while doing my best to celebrate his life instead of reliving his death. It's been almost 6 months since he went to heaven and knowing where he is brings me a great deal of peace. God is good. Always.
I hope by the first part of September to slowly begin posting again...sooner if my plans go as I hope. Much to share...if you are still interested.
Thank you again for giving me space and time to grieve. I needed it.
Love to you...