~Sweet Vintage Double Lamp~
Because my Mr. AGPMan is face deep in a bath remodel (yep...it's still going on!) I haven't wanted to bother annoy BEG him to do much in the way of what I call Lamp Restyling! As many of you know he's my Master-Re-Doer and I fully admit I'd be lost without him! He's VERY focused when he works and the last thing I ever want to do is disrupt the flow of his energy! His stick-to-it-tive-ness ultimately results in tons of projects around our home getting completed!
~Fabulous Antique Lamp~
That said...when every sweet little lamp on my website has a SOLD sign across the front of it and the only ones left in my booth space at French Quarter Antiques in Oklahoma City bear tags that say DISPLAY ONLY, something drastic has to be done! Can't run a business if you don' have anything to sell.
~Needs Major Repair...Great for a Marriage~
And so...
This morning I blabbed uncontrollably quietly chatted about my predicament to my man. I mean...I don't know how to rewire aging lamps let alone refashion them and I figured if I whined long enough I might get some assistance. him to do some work for me! :)
Apparently my sulking gentle feminine charm worked! A few minutes later he brought in several neat old lamps for a POSSIBLE makeover!
~A Sweet $2.98 Find~
I hope you'll come back later this week to see the final outcome of the ones we I chose to refashion! Every single time I do this I end up with at least ONE NEW LAMP for our home!!! EEEK!
Hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday!
Love to you~

Okay, so Mr. AGPman is seriously like Love Bunny, sweetpea! What to do or what to do?!?! LB is out right now purchasing a tire for the camperrrrrrrr to drive me into the wilds of Idaho again! I seriously hope the tires are outta stock, chick!! Sigh.....
Rebecca amor, what what a wonderful amor, you have...so much like my mr wonderful :) cept my lists seem to take foreva to get done, he still never complains when I add to it, just looks at me and smiles...Gotta love them for lovin us right :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Besos, Rose
ps...Goodness How I have missed visiting your beautiful blog :) I send you an email amor, much love & besos to you :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE #2 &3. Both are gorgeous! You find the best stuff. Hope all is well for you. P.S... loved the Stocking you did for the blog thingy. Hugs- Heather
Did'nt God do a wonderful thing when her made husbands that are patient and good and live their lives doing for and helping us with all the creatie-ness we need done. My man and I are having some issues, and we are at odds right now...please pray for us.
thank you so much..
Did'nt God do a wonderful thing when her made husbands that are patient and good and live their lives doing for and helping us with all the creatie-ness we need done. My man and I are having some issues, and we are at odds right now...please pray for us.
thank you so much..
Reminds me of my Hubby. He says I am brains & he is muscle. LOL!!
Sometimes if I want to get a reaction out of him I say "Hun, I have an idea"!! I can actually see him suck in a breath!!LOL!!
Whatever would we do without our guys????
Hello Rebecca... you are too cute! I love how you used your feminine charms (which, by the way you have an unlimited amount of) on your hubby to get the lamps fixed up... he sounds like such a nice hubby, and I know he enjoys helping you with your projects because being the lady that you are, you let him know how much you appreciate him doing so... I always love to hear about a hubby and wife doing things together... can't wait to see how they turn out! xoxo Julie Marie
Sometimes waiting with a proper attitude for our wonderful hubbies to do things for us is SO hard. Truly, when I want him to do something, I wanted it yesterday or last week...not tomorrow.
I understand about having no product to sell. We have a small woodworking business (hobby---it doesn't support our family), and my husband has been running low on his drop spindles lately. His Etsy sales have been high, and over the weekend, he only had two left on the website. He had to spend his weekend in the woodshop so he could get the inventory back up...which meant, for me, forget about the little project I wanted him to do.
Blessings on your day,
Can't wait to see your new creations. Such a sweeet man to jump in and help you.
Ah Rebecca, I think that you have Mr.AGPman wrapped around your finger!
I bet all you have to do is bat your big beautiful eyes at him and he melts.
I cannot wait to see how they turn out.
Rebecca...you are too sweet as is your sweet Hubby! Blessed! Blessed, Blessed! I love your accent in your posts! Feels like I'm hearing your voice...smiles and Hugs...Lovey!
Oh Rebecca, I love your projects and it is always good to keep those men busy! Men like to stay busy, don't they:)
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
I have one of Rebecca's lamp's, yes I do! And it is so beautiful!
Rebecca...for shame! Would I, most respected old lady in the land..ok..maybe not all THAT respected, bip around in a red mini skirt? LOL YES! You betcha, I would if I could! Unfortunately....LOL NOT a good idea!
I changed my title on my post and will think them through next time. You, sweet friend, were not the only one afraid to peek. :)
Jus' a li'l red footie stool...wi'd fleur's on it. Nothing exciting...
You are too cute the way you cross off what you really thought and edit it to make it more noble, LOL.
Hope your lamp project works out well.
Ooohhh my gosh .. you are a teaser !! I could soo picture these all dolled up, and ready to light up the town !! Hurry up, and gooo ... PAINT !! You are always up to something spectacular !! I'm soo jealous, cuz, I whine alot, and loudly, BUT, just get looks .. Nooo action, well, okay, sometimes .. BUT, he isn't a Mr. I can do everything type .. Darn !! We might have to do a husband swap sometime .. kay .. I see wife swap on tv .. hahahaha .. I LoVe Mr. Steve !! xo
More soon sweetie .. LoVe when you share ~
Huggers ~TeA~
Rebecca, Shine on!
Your lamps are wonderful and I can imagine how pretty they will be when you doll them up.
Lamps are great to have around,
As anyone in my family can tell you, I love lamps. I am lamp poor. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with them!
I bet they will be beautiful
Listen sister, we don't need a man. Just watch and learn! OK I'm jealous because I don't have one!
So, that is why your "light" is always shining. You have a home full of lamps!
I can't wait to see what you do with them! Please tell me what secret "do what I ask" perfume you wear? I want some!!!
Oooh, I just know he is going to produce something very magical again. It is quite handy having him around, isn't it?
Hi Rebecca, I can totally relate to your post! I rely on hubby too to do the remodelling stuff and fiddling around with crystal inserts I just tell him how I want it and puts it together for me. Your hubby sounds lovely and together you make a great team... take care, Maryann ps can't wait to see the finished product!
Oh, ....I have a lamp fetish 'big time'....can't wait to see the finish products. I know they'll be beautiful!!
Hehe, what a cute post. Your man sounds alot like my man - there's nothing they wouldn't do for us, and they are keepers!
I just posted about winning your lovely giveaway. Thank you again sweet friend.
Well my dear, I must thank you for readying items for your booth. Just about everything I "found" while out junking the other day was "for display only"! Very frustrating! :)
Well, when I lived in Ok. we were on student loans, so I didn't dare go looking for treasures. Just think of what I missed!!!!
Can't wait to see what your Mr. Wonderful comes up with, Rebecca!!
Omigosh, I love visiting your blog. It's like having a little mini-vacation in a beautiful bed and breakfast. You have wonderful taste...!
Oh, you know how I LOVE your lamps, especially the tole lamps. I'm always in need of lamps for my clients so to quote my governor, "I'll be back..."
Hey Rebecca-
Can I mail you some lamps?
My husband is wonderful, but he is not handy.(bless his heart0
How about a tutorial!!!
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