Over the past four years of my life, especially so during the past two, I've sought to live my days in peace and harmony. By nature, I suppose, I'm a pretty stubborn person and that sometimes leads to a lot of inner conflict. I also have a tendency to be a score-keeper (for me that means being a non-forgiver). Those two simple facts have contributed not only to some unhappiness, but they have also led to the making of some pretty unwise choices during my lifetime. Incredibly, I've been spared any true catastrophic consequence.
For this I'm very thankful.
Such imperfection has also kept me on my knees.
That's a good thing.
I believe God directs my every step, so when I stumbled upon some words relating to forgiveness this past week they immediately stopped me in my tracks. I read the passage once...and then again. I walked away for a few minutes and came back and read the words once more...
"There are simply no words that adequately describe the power of forgiveness. I will, however, offer you two words of advice: Do it! Until you are willing to forgive everyone for everything, you will be unable to express true and authentic gratitude for the grace and blessings of your life... There will be a seed of misery in your mind, heart and soul that will gnaw away at you, making even the brief moments of joy you experience difficult to hold on to...
To forgive someone you believe has hurt, harmed, or violated you is, in some way, no easy feat. However, doing so is a spiritual mandate for your healing, learning and growth... Forgiveness transforms the blame into a blessing, the hurt into healing."
Words said better than I could ever hope to say them~ Early this morning I asked God to allow them to travel from my head to my heart.
Peace and Harmony.
Love to you this beautiful Sunday...

Sweet Blessings to you!
Wise words...and so true. Forgiveness brings us such freedom. Not easy, the process is painful...but so rewarding! Thanks for sharing.
You are always so sweet and kind! I love stopping by! Hope your weekend is going well and your week will be wonderful! Hugs Anne
How do you always know when to post such words of wisdom?? Today I needed to hear this....thank you for making me have a better day by "listening" with my heart to the words you quoted!!
Have a happy, peaceful and loving week, sweet friend....Love, Francy
Dearest Rebecca,
The BEST way is never the EASY way in life... but if one is able to forgive indeed peace falls upon us.
Have a blessed week ahead and thanks for sharing. You kind of continue in your Dad's footsteps...
Love to you,
Very timely Post, Becky.
I needed to hear those words again.
Just what I needed.
So thankful for God's Blessings.
Love you-- Mom
I am what you call too easy to forgive. I just figure life is too short to hold grudges and anger. Most people can't understand how I forgive others who have wronged me so badly, I'm either crazy or blessed.lol
Oh by the way, LOVE LOVE LOVE the cupcake pillow with lace and polka dots! Absolutely ADORABLE :)
Hope you have a wonderful day!
I love your honesty!!!.....
I like the meaningful words about forgiveness..... I think I forgive too easily.
My dear Rebecca, it's like looking in a mirror when I hear your confession. It must be our personality type and I agree that we should look to forgiveness and forget many things...
I am going to read this over a couple of times yet and try real hard to follow these wise words.
Thanks for sharing something to inspire the best in all of us.
Oh my goodness Rebecca, Just two days ago. I decided to truly forgive to 2 people that were very close to me who betrayed and hurt me. I thought I had forgiven however it haunted me daily for the past ten years. However with counseling and the grace of God, I will forgive these people so I can be free. God Bless you. Hugs, Kim
Forgiveness is huge! Happy to hear that you are resolving some issues! The load will be lighter now:)
Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
That was a lovely post Rebecca, but dont forget to forgive yourself while you are dishing out forgiveness, that is just as important.
I do have some unresolved issues that I would dearly love to let go....I thank you for this post. I think it will help me tremendously.
Enjoy your Sunday
This is what God has wanted me to hear over and over this past year. Forgive should be my word for the second part of 2011. Thank you for this piece today.♥♫
Rebecca - my problem is really not in the forgiving exactly - it is in the forgetting. Do you know what I mean?
Thank you for such lovely words. They touched my heart so.
I would have never guessed you were a holder of grudges or score keeper in the past. I am so glad I met you now and I didn't tick you off! I tend to just let things go with time, I wonder if that is the same as forgiveness, it must be close because I have no misery in my heart.
beautiful words that have such a true and deep message for all of us...oh, if it were easy!
What a beautiful post and so true. This is what our pastor preached about yesterday at church. We are to forgive and even love our enemies. I have had trouble with this in the past but I turned it all over to God and He has helped me so much. God Bless you and thank you for this post.
Lee Laurie
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