Tuesday, March 22, 2011


(Before and After Her Makeover)

A couple of weeks ago while I was out and about I stopped into my friendly neighborhood ROSS store and had a look around.  Now...I don't know about you but I'm NOT afraid or too PROUD to admit I shop at discount stores!  I love them and soooo does my pocketbook! :)

That said...I always go to places like Stein-Mart, TJMaxx, ROSS, Marshall's, etc., BEFORE I go to the Mall Stores because the way I look at it if I can snag a "Jones of  New York" cropped sleeve T-shirt for $12.99 why should I give Dillard's or Macy's $24.00 for the same exact thing?  To me it's a NO-BRAINER!  Besides, I really do TRY to be a good steward with the money I've been blessed with (and saving $ also makes my Mr. AGPMan a very happy hubby!).
(Romantic and Chic!)

Now...I'm the first to admit that discount stores don't always have what I'm looking for...and it's a bummer to sometimes to feel like I've wasted my time stopping in when I end up coming home empty handed.  Still...I always manage to find something sweet...even if it's NOT SO CUTE to begin with!

Take the two Easter Bunny Rabbits you see at the top for instance!  The one on the right was how it came to the USA via China (chunky ceramic nose and questionable painting job and all!).  It was OK as is, but nothing truly special to me!  If it hadn't been cheap (I think it was $4.99 or $5.99) I'd have passed on it.  But, since I truly thought it might look fab with a tiny little shabby cottage chic makeover I decided to buy the only two my local ROSS had for sale and bring them home!

Now...the first thing I did was pop off from the front that crummy looking carrot/pocket thingy and then paint the entire Bunny out with my favorite cottage white paint!  After a quick repaint job that included tiny pink rosebuds and a fresh new SPRING sign (vs. Welcome) my new little gal-pal was ready for tad bit more embellishing!  So...pink and cream florals (yummy roses, too!) and pale sagey green leaves were added to her collar and ruched rayon ribbons and a vintage satin bow in pink, too!

Now...generally I'm not one for using tooooo much whimsy.  I like it...just don't have very much of it on the inside my home.  But, I do favor using a bit more fluff and stuff under the awning of my front porch and so that is exactly where my Bunny-Fashionista will be residing!  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the other one...  I may end up giving it to my AdrieGirl, but only if I can find one for my daughter-in-love, my Miss SarahGirl,too!  If not I'll save it back for next year!

Don't forget I'll be starting another Giveaway on Friday!  I'm truly excited about this one...hope you'll hippity-hoppity-back-by to see what's coming up next!

It's sure to make all you pink lovers BLUSH!

Love to you...


Vintage Gal said...

Rebecca ~ that bunny is absolutely adorable ~ you are such a talented lady ;-)

dedicated exchange hosting said...

That's just so wonderful!

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Rebecca :) I just LOVE how you transformed that sweet Bunny!! Seeing the before and after together like that, WOW!! You would never know that they were once the exact same ~ I LOVE HER!! You have such an amazing touch with turning something ordinary into something special & beautiful :)

I'm looking forward to seeing my sweet little bunny :)

Warmest hugs, Brenda

Theresa said...

I bought one of those bunnies and it is hanging on my front door:) It says "Welcome"! Have a blessed day dear Rebecca! HUGS!

Tanza said...

Hello and good early morning sweet one ~ NOW ~r~, SCREAM !! LoVe that sweet Miss bunny, and her beautiful transformation, SEE, what a makeover can do :) LoVe her, and IF you need a good home for her friend ... MEEE !! Just sayin' .. I'm in LoVe with her .. It's soo funny, how these sweet pieces take on such personalities of their own, and they just melt my heart away ..
You are quite the talented, and very blessed one, and you know just how I feel about you .. Only LoVe, and adoration as always .. Have a happy Spring like day, and do something that tickles your sweet heart ~
BiG LoVerS xo

Rita said...

What a transformation! Miss Hippity Hop will look great wherever you put her! Have a wonderful day!

Julie Marie said...

Oh Rebecca, she is sooo sweet!... your magic touch always transforms the everyday into something beautiful!... xoxo Julie Marie

Lisa said...

That is just precious! A true extreme makeover.:)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

See...that is so clever....I would have had to look at it all clunky...and you made it beautiful!!

Mari said...





You have the "touch" and she is much happier with her new look!!
Thanks for the visit!

Kerri said...

I love the bunny! So adorable with those tiny rosebuds painted on. BTW, I love shopping at discount stores too :)

Charo said...

Love the new look, is so sweet and romantic!


Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

Love it! Easter decorating is so much fun. The colors of Easter are the best.

When I SCORE on anything to me that is bragging rights.

2amscrapper said...

great makeover!

NanaDiana said...

Okay- That BUNNY looks like a HONEY now...Before? Not so much! Great job...do you think you could do a little paint job on me and take off a few pounds? xxoo Diana

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

As usual you took something usual and made it beyond adorable!! I am such of fan of yours, Rebecca!!

Screaming Sardine said...

Rebecca - your bunny is so beautiful. It seems you make everything you touch all pretty. :)


Mary said...

Hi Rebecca,Thank you for dropping by my blog yesterday and leaving me the good news....so excited to know I have another chance. Your Bunny makeover is sweet as can be! You are so very talented, luv all your work! Wishing you lots of smiles and sunshine......Hugsssss Mary

Midlife Mom said...

You gave that bunny the ultimate make over and she looks wonderful!!

I love TJ Maxx, Marshall's and all the other discount stores. Even Good Will sometimes has some good wooden stuff, like the chair that I just bought for $1.99 last week! Yeah! I love a good buy! A coat of paint does wonders! :o)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I too shop the same places you do. Why spend more money than you have to!
What a fantastic redo! She is so pretty !!


Carolyn or Connee said...

You are so lucky to be able to look at something and see how you can transfor it into something beautiful. great job.....who would have thought!

Hanni said...

This bunny transformation is just wonderful, you such a talented lady, I just love your blog.

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