Friday, February 3, 2012

~~~~A TIME TO PAINT and a TIME TO SEW~~~~ Time To Freshen Things Up


As I worked my way through
 this past year I knew one thing to be true...
 I was changing.

As I waved goodbye to 2011 and ushered in the
New Year
I felt my life and business were about to be
 shaken up
 tossed about.

(Boy was I right!)
(Linen Postcard Pillow)

Over the past eighteen months I've really struggled with moving beyond


and if I can speak truthfully here some of those
feelings have really
 freaked me out.
 I've done a variation of the same thing for a decade now
and I've just grown tired of making
 the same old, same old.

This is no more apparent than when I look at
pictures of my own home.
It's easy for me to see
how my own personal tastes have
evolved over the past few years.

As I shared with you last week the
time has come for me to
 and begin to
 really listen
  to what my own heart is saying.
I need to pay attention to my inner voice and move beyond the one prevailing (and erroneous) idea that
 cottage and pink
 must always go hand in hand, side by side.

It doesn't...they don't.  Not for me anyway...

Whenever I'm confused and not sure which way to go or I'm afraid of the twisting and turning of the road ahead, I always go to the Father and ask for His help...  

(And then I call my sister...)

There is just something about the simplicity of  honest prayer that calms me.  Something about going to the Creator of the world and asking for discernment and then knowing, believing He will not fail me.
(Thank you, God)

And...there is something about
talking to a sister~ 
And how I know when I pick up the phone,
she'll be there.
(Thank you, Lin)

That said...

This weekend I've decided to put my
website on a little hiatus for a few weeks.  Two of my favorite men (hubster and son) are going to do their magic and freshen things up with a new look and feel.  While they are doing that I'm telling them what to do I will also be working at restocking my practically empty shelves with lots and lots of new things.  Hand painted Signs, French Farmhouse Complements, Cottage Pillows, Sachets, Cards, Tags, and so much more!  I'm going to be revamping nearly everything and hope to be back up and running by early to mid March. I promise to keep you updated as I go along!

In the meantime I will continue to sell lots and lots of my overstocked fabric (new and vintage) and trims on eBay and maybe even Etsy.  Be watching...more stuff is coming up over the next couple of days.

As I've shared with you before I will still be working with the softest pinks and I'll never stop hand painting roses...  I just want to do more of other things, too, and no longer want them to be the only two things that define my work or garner my focus.

Thank you for your encouragement and faith in what I do.  Your friendship and love and support mean the world to me.

 "There were times when I thought I
couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will"
(Sam Cooke)

Love to you...


Anonymous said...

I love the look! I have been doing a similar but not exact to our home as well. I feel the need to simplify for sure. Too much busy makes it hard for me to concentrate. I'm not sure how deep into my change I will go but time will tell as I am led. I also do not embrace change so easily but something is askew. Not sure if it's color, pattern or just the lines of the room. Either way... change is happening. I do love your new look, it's beautiful. Hugs.

Marilyn said...

Have a great time through it all!♥♫

Stella said...

Sometime leaving the familiar is scary and sad. I am glad you have the courage to move on and the support you need to do so. Looking forward to the new looks. Stella

Julie Marie said...

Looking forward to your new changes Rebecca... and still a love for your pink roses... I have always had a country~farmhouse home... the only style I have ever known... even as a child growing up in our little rural town... and suddenly it is the newest look for many... yet even with all the changes through the years, many things remain the same... I love how so many of the "new" looks are actually timeless ones that go with everything... a prime example is looking through our old Victoria magazines, which I do often and I know you do too, and seeing over twenty years ago photos of homes and decor that could quite easily have been in a magazine today... I know your style will always be soft and heartwarming and beautiful... can't wait to see your new farmhouse complements... xoxo Julie Marie

Unknown said...

Wishing you the best as you make these changes. I know that you will be happier by listening to your inner voice and God. Sometimes we need to make big changes. I can't wait to see what you will be doing...but know it will be fantastic. There may be struggles a long the way, but I know you have the strength to get through this. When our inner voices speak we must listen. As creative as you are you must have new ideas just begging you to try them out. I love the change in colors you have already used in the last piece you showed us. Hugs, Teresa

Anne said...

I am so excited for you.Change is good.I love roses too.But sometimes you feel like they are taking over your home.That is what happened to me.I will always love them.I just don't want them everywhere.I am a romantic at heart that will always show in my decorating.But I am making changes here too.I can't wait too see what your complete projects are.

Jen said...

How exciting for you Rebecca and for all your faithful followers! Can't wait to see your new look and what new things you will offer.
I just know it will be a success


p.s. In response to your question, actually I do speak French.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Exciting Rebecca! Can't wait to see the results!~Hugs, Patti

Unknown said...

You go, girl!

Jill said...

I am very excited for you and I'll miss you for the next month!

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

I have, myself, and excessive amount of pink in my home, and I now find myself slowing starting to "shed" some of it, and going for more whites and soft creams ~ I plan to paint the area of the mauve wallpaper in our living room a creamy cottage white, to help soften the look of the room ~ I'm keeping the borders along the top and chair rail, and the rose paper below, and I think it will look much better (and make hubby more happy...he's so not a pink lover, lol )

Loving those new white pretties you've created, and I look forward to seeing more of what's in store!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Warmest hugs, Brenda

Carolyn said...

Oooo-la-la!!! Love the Frenchy images in the creams!! Can't wait 2 see your new line! :D

Hugs, Carolyn

Becky said...

Hi Rebecca.Im with you on the change to creamy colors.I love pink but too much of a good thing isnt that good right?I love the pillow with the shoe.

Im looking forward to joining you on your new journey for 2012.God Bless and much luck!

Yasmin Smith said...

So enjoyed our chat!!! I think you are on the right track with the direction you want to go for. Everyone needs change now and then, especially artists, to keep their creative "juices" flowing.
If you stay stuck in one spot too long, you will stagnant, and lose the joy of it all....
The pillows you showed today look so chic, elegnant, and classy..and
I like a bit of French in the look.
I have a lot of "leisure" time on my hands (not by choice) so I read
and look at a lot of magazines, and I think the fashion world is leaning towards the French; country
farm-house look....a fresh, simple,
but unique look...that many of us who are tiring of the cluttered "cutesie-poopsie" look and the overly sweet look of all roses and pink will turn to....I say "GO FOR IT, GIRL-FRIEND".....
Give yourself enough time to straighten it all out in your head and don't rush it. You know your loyal followers will always wait for you!!!
Have a happy weekend...Love ya, Francy

Mari said...

Rebecca, change is always good, can't wait to view all of them ;)

Have a wonderful weekend sweetie.....

Plantation White said...

I will always be there....

I love you, Lin

Anonymous said...

I understand what your saying. I have been feeling myself change creatively too. I've been praying and it's time to start listening to what's going on in my heart. It's time that I stop being afraid of success and failure. Thanks for the post.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Rebecca,
Change is a good thing and it sounds as though you are ready.
Best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your changes.


BrushedByAnAngel said...

Change is good - I love pink but you only find it sparingly in my home, I am a more neutral person with the creamy shades of white. I think you are heading in the direction that is right for you at this time - embrace it.

NanaDiana said...

Good for you, Rebecca. Sometimes we just get kind of stuck in a rut of what we think we are supposed to be, don't we?

I have changed so much in the past 2 years. I don't know if it's age or just a yearning to move forward from the place I was in.

I started sewing today for the first time in year. Kids' clothing, of course. I could hardly tear myself away to come here and check blogs tonight. I'm glad I did because I would have wondered where the heck you had gone (for 2 weeks). AND, you better get yourself back here after two weeks, Missy, or I am gonna come find you! xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I love everything you do and as a designer myself I can relate to what you are saying. One thing I read in the first issue of Where Women Create that I ever bought said "Never be afraid to reinvent yourself". That and a lot of prayer have carried me through some of the same kinds of times. Much success in all you do!! Hugs

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

HI Rebecca,

Oh, change can be a good thing...and you can still maintain a cottage look with other colors besides pink, too :) :) Even though I'll still love pink :) :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you are committing this to prayer. That is so important!!! Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

Nannyaboo said...

I tried to post and cliked "Preview." What happened?
Hugs-- Mom

Regina said...

Happy Pink Sat Rebecca!
Such loveliness.
Looking forward for it.
Enjoy your weekend.


Mouse said...

enjoy your wee break and come back revitalized and lots of stuff done :)
can't wait to see the new look :) love mouse xxxxxx

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Rebecca your new pillows are just gorgeous!! I am excited about your new look! I know it is going to be beautiful!!!


Nannyaboo said...


I love the new line. It is "Fresh and Creative. There is ALWAYS room for change and it opens windows for an exciting view.

Blessings on you as you travel new hights... You are in for a fantastic adventure.

Thanks for sharing.

Much love-- Mom

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh dear Rebecca, I know your heart will be ready for the change and it'll suit you, oh so well! I can't wait to see the changes. I know you'll still have that wonderful smile when it's all done! Oh my, how wonderful to have a sister, that is truly a blessing. I've got three awesome brothers, always wanted a sister too. Sounds like you two are so very close! Lucky you~

Your Craft Book said...

Hello Rebecca, I so agree with you and that a change is coming. I have been undergoing the same thing for the past two years or so. My home is less floral and more simpler. I find myself craving a feeling of peace and simplicity and for me that is less is more.

I cannot wait to see what new creations you come up with but one thing I know for sure, everything you do is fabulous. Blessings, Maureen.

Kit said...

Sounds great! It is good to shake it up now and then. Enjoy the change! Kit

Anneke said...

i love your blog and work , everything is unique and beautiful.
have a nice week and greetings from ann

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