Almost exactly ten years ago I found out my job of five years as a retail manager would be ending. At the time my daughter, Adrienne, was still in high school and my Mr. AGPMan and I greatly depended upon my income. When the stationery store (CURRENT STATIONERS out of Colorado) closed up shop in January 2003 I had a big decision to make. Find another job in the day to day world or take a chance at running my A Gathering Place business one more time.
I chose the latter.
Even though being self-employed has it's drawbacks (like working sun-up to sun-down sometimes), I've never regretted returning to what I love. I knew then, as I do now, that it was time to get serious about the things I was passionate about in my life.
Yesterday I read the following quote that totally explains how I was feeling all those years ago. I hope if you are trying to decide WHAT to do with your life you'll step out on faith and make the changes necessary to return your heart to the things you love!
Yesterday I read the following quote that totally explains how I was feeling all those years ago. I hope if you are trying to decide WHAT to do with your life you'll step out on faith and make the changes necessary to return your heart to the things you love!
I believe our talents are gifts from God and
what we do with them are our gifts back to Him.
You KNOW He's on your side, right?
You KNOW He's on your side, right?
"You will not create change in your life
until you feel it in
your core
that your life must change.
This either happens through crisis-pain or
getting wildly excited
creating a life you love.
Don’t wait for crisis-pain!
Start now to get passionate about living
an awesome life…"
(Karen Salmanhosn)
Hope your day is filled with everything necessary to get you to where you need to be.
Love to you...