A couple of summers ago I found a fabulous pair of vintage French Doors at a local antique shop. I snagged them for a great price and my hubby worked hard to install them in the opening of our dining room. I love them so much as they have truly transformed our home...especially our entryway!
What I haven't shown you is the doorway into my Mr. AGPMan's office which is just inside the front door and to the right of our stairwell. We've had this single French Door for a LONG TIME! My guy just hasn't had any free time to get it installed. Not an easy task given the doorway didn't have an existing door-jamb. It's now up and looking fabulous even though he still has trim to add and repaint!
We awoke early this morning to the sound of thundering rain upon our rooftop! We were more than happy as we bolted out of bed to watch the skies darken up with moisture laden clouds. Nothing is needed more for our town than this heaven-sent watering for our dry, parched earth. Thank you, God, for sending the welcomed rain. We feel like we can breathe again after days and days of scorching heat.
We decided to skip the Estate Sale Circuit today and do more work inside our home. For as much as I love to junque around I do NOT like hauling things to our SUV while trying not to get wet. Instead we decided to go ahead and move our washer and dryer OUT of it's original wee little laundry space and rip off the old sheet-rock. Except for the cabinets almost everything has now been removed from the far right side of our kitchen. This complete and total makeover has taken on a life of it's own, but we are so thankful to have a new, beautiful kitchen on the horizon.
Slow going process as I shared with you earlier this week but soo exciting at the same time. Here is a shot of what the kitchen area will eventually look like! This photo was taken while standing near the back French Doors in our breakfast room. At some point the door on that far wall will be moved into a different place and will lead to our new downstairs bath and laundry room. See that counter thingy? It's on wheels and we can move it around as need be. The stove is going to be moved to the far right wall, close to where you see the white cabinets.
I've done a lot of hand painting work in my studio this week. Finished this sweet old PINK teapot lamp and I hope to get it uploaded to my website later today. Wish I new more about it...just know it's old. I'm still trying to get use to the new programs on my computer...I'm having a hard time with the pictures for my blog, but I suppose I'll get the hang of it all before long!
Today I'm linking up with Beverly from How Sweet The Sound for PINK SATURDAY! Hope you'll check out all the sweet pinkalicious things when you can find time. Sure to be fun!
Blessings for a wonderful day!
Love to you...

Hi Rebecca. I love it that you are getting a whole new kitchen makeover! How exciting. I will love seeing the finished product....and the pictures all along the way too!
It is nice that your husband can do that kind of thing.
I love your french doors. They ad such character and interest!
You sure do a beautiful job of painting things...the teapot lamp is sweet. That is amazing that you are a self-taught artist! Wow! that is amazing.
We got a teeny bit of rain today....but it was nice. right now at 3;30 it is only 80 degrees! I'm loving it!
Happy Saturday my friend!
Love, Linda
Wow- I just can't believe all the work you have done to your house...especially since I know your hubby is in school AND working full time. It is going to be SOOO wonderful when it is done, though.
LOVE that pink teapot- it is just darling- xo Diana
Everything looks just beautiful Rebecca... I LOVE French doors... wish we would get some of your rain... it is hot hot here... enjoy your day inside... xoxo Julie Marie
I know I have said this before... you are so lucky to have such a talented Hubby:) All of that work and done by him! WOW! It is really looking great, I know you are SUPER Excited to get it finished! Have a blessed rest of the weekend, HUGS!
House projects are such a catch 22. The end product is amazing, but the hard work to get there can be tiring. Beautiful so far.
Oh I so know how you must be feeling about the rain! This morning I woe up to clouds and a light misting of rain and I have been in such a good mood all day. It is starting to warm a little now..but just that little break made me feel so refreshed! This week we are suppose to have some days under 80--yay!
Your kitchen is going to be great. Love your french doors too! Also that teapot lamp is simply adorable!
What a blessing your husband has so much talent and so incredibly skilled.
The teapot is just beautful.
Your painting is so dainty and lovely. How do two such talented folks come to marry?
God sure knows how to be a match maker . . .
Oh how wonderful for you my sweet friend, your going to have a new beautiful kitchen....soooo exciting in deedy....
love the tea pot lamp.....
Big Smiles
Hi Rebecca! Oh, I'm so excited for you about your kitchen. It will look wonderful and will be so big! :)
I love your pretty French doors and those pretty door knobs! We have one set of French doors on the sun porch going out into our tiny little back yard!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
the installed doors are so wonderful. Such a pretty sight to see every day. Great work by your hubby. I know what you mean about hankering for rain. A couple of years ago a great flood ended about 8 yrs of serious drought. Our main dam was down to less than 10% and most of that was mud. Many towns ran out of water. For the last 2 yrs we've had more rainfall than normal. Who knows what the next summer will bring? They say we're going back into El Nino...not good! Anyhow enjoy your rain and I hope your terrible hot weather has passed for this year.
That's quite the remodeling job. Gonna look awesome and be so roomy afterwards.
I wish we had rain - it's been around us all day - I think we're still in the 60% chance - come on rain - need to close up the cracks in the ground. We skipped watering today (our water day) and are just hoping/praying for rain.
Cute lamp!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Dearest Rebecca,
Just read your post... I'm chatting with my foster daughter from Indonesia. She just got home from the hospital and now learned with her Mom, brother and sister that her Dad's brain tumor is inoperable and he also has lung cancer... Today (yesterday) it is too much for all of us. We lost Pieter's brother and now our foster daughter is suffering... Only God can give us the strength to live through this.
Sorry, I love your French doors, as we love ours... but my mind is not with it.
Hugs to you,
I love the French doors, they are beautiful. Can't wait to see your finished kitchen. So glad you had some rain too. Rain truly is a blessing from God.
Drooling is automatic every time I see french doors! I would love to incorporate some someway in my house.
This is coming along so nicely!! You guys are amazing with all the stuff you get done in your house!
bee blessed
gosh you both have been busy while I have been working ... looks fab all that new space and those doors are lovely .... think I need you to come over to the mouse house and do mine heheh
hope you are well and not over doing it :) love mouse xxxxx
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