are ripping across Oklahoma. We are now in our 15th -16th straight day of over 100 degree temps and the ground in much of our state is parched...bone dry down to a foot or more. Yesterday the temps climbed up to 112 plus and today we hit a record of 113.
Please pray for our city and county workers, those tending to the fires and of course the home owners who fear losing everything. Many of the homes are in rural areas and so many are Mobil Homes. The weather is brutal and currently both voluntary and mandatory evacuation of the affected areas are in place... Homes have been destroyed and more are destined to follow. The fires are ZERO contained so this is a frightening time for the
Your thoughts and prayers for our beautiful, sweeping planes, her people and even her animals are appreciated.
Thank you sooo much!
Love to you...

I will keep Oklahoma in our prayers.Please stay safe too!
I'm so sorry your state is going through this. We here in Colorado just went through a horrendous time with the Waldo Canyon fire among others. My sister even lost her home in the fire! My prayers are with you!
I was just going to send you an email that I am praying for your state and neighbors. It just happened so fast within 20 minutes.
Rebecca I have been watching it on the news ~ It is so sad and scary to see the fires and the heat is brutal ~
I am praying !
Rebecca I will keep you and oklahoma in my heart and prayers, my heart is aching for all of those who have lost it all due to the fire.....
Blessing to you sweet friend,
My prayers are with you and all those effected by these fires.
It's been the same here, but, our fires have been contained. They are one of the most frightening things of nature. I really did quit complaining about being hot when I thought of our firefighters and service people wearing their protective gear. Amen, to the prayers.♥♫
And I complain about humidity. So sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with your people.
Hi Rebecca, My heart and prayers go out to you and the state of Oklahoma. Are they close to you? I keep watching the news because we use to come to Tulsa for ice-skating competitions when our daughter was younger. It is so devasting for those who lose their homes. Our yard is so dry and brittle. We have been having the triple digits, but have had a little relief not as much as we would like. Take Care. Hugs from Your Missouri friend.
Prayers said for everyone! This summer has been so bad for so many people! Stay safe dear lady. I hope they can get this under control soon!
Oh, how terrible Rebecca! Prayers are coming your way for everyone! My husband is the fire chief of our town, and I know how dangerous these fires are. Be safe sweetie!
Debbie xxoo
Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear the distress that the State of Oklahoma is in. I will keep her people, animals, and well being in my prayers.
I can't even begin to imagine what the people closest to the fires must be going through. Utterly heartbreaking.
There ws a fire behind out house the other day. I watched the firefighters from the deck and took a few pictures. It's amazing what fire can do. It seems so alive and vicious. But it's also very cleansing. It cleans up debre and things and in this case - it's burned some of the coverage by the creek so I am having more deer sightings. I love seeing the deer go for their daily walks down the creekline and they were covered by dry brush before. Now that coverage had burned away and I can see them quite often.
I am so sorry to read that Oklahoma is suffering so. I hope all will turn out well
I'm so sorry OK is having another record drought, and those dreadful fires!
We have been blessed this year and have had enough rain to keep us out of the drought like last summer.
Please keep us posted.
When i saw on Good Morning America this morning about the fires, i immediately thought of you and Ginger. I pray that everyone will remain safe and that they will get those fires under control. One of my Sister's sons is a professional firefighter in Maryland so I always pray for those who put their lives on the line to protect others and their property.
Stay safe, my friend!
My son and family live in Shawnee and he has said the fire is getting closer to the out skirts of town.
Prayers for Oklahoma! Hopefully much needed rain will come soon.
Praying for all affected by these fires including your beautiful countryside:( HUGS and PRAYERS!
My heart's with ya, hon! We just went through that here in Colorado with The High Park fire. Our house in the mountains...my SO's childhood home....was inaccessible to us for over 3 weeks. We were one of the lucky ones who didn't lose anything, but many of our friends and neighbors lost their homes. Prayers going out for all in your area!
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