Some of you may remember my post last year when my son, Brandon, was involved in an accident with his SUV. He was driving when his SUV flipped over and it ended up being totaled. We were so thankful he escaped serious injury...
Well on his way home from work on Wednesday another FREAKISH accident happened. He was driving 70MPH down I35 in Oklahoma City when something, no idea what, smashed into his windshield/hood. The entire passenger side of his SUV is full of shards of powdered glass. Thankfully he was alone. If the object had hit the driver's side chances are he'd have been seriously messed up or possibly dead. He was in the left lane and swerved left...had he swerved right it could have caused a massive wreck in the middle of rush hour.
Thanking God his life was spared for the second time in about 15 months!
I'm continuing to enjoy my Miss K while squeezing in a few hours of studio work at the same time. More to share soon. Thanks for your patience while I enjoy some of the last pangs of this sizzling HOT summer with my favorite LITTLE girl!! Will try and visit you this weekend...
Love to you...

Thank God! What an awful thing to happen and so close together. Someone is really looking out for him! How scarey! Hopwfully all the "thrills" will calm down for him now!
Oh my goodness, you must have been so scared when you heard the word accident. Your son has an amazing guardian angel. My sons are all grown up, the oldest one is 30 today, but I worry about what might happen to them every single day. Mums, eh?
Woke up and can't sleep.
I'd say the mummy of the house prays a lot for her kids, sugar. I know I pray for my kids, grandkids, great granddaughter and us every single morning for safety and no harm shall come to us. So far, so good!
Yes, thank God his life is okay.
Bless God for his protection and Angels that guard over us...
Rebecca, your posts are such a testement of faith. Have fun with your girl!
How frightening for your son! It looks like a big rock/bolder hit the windshield..I had that happen to me and my windshield looked just like that but I knew what it was because of landslides in the area. The Lord has His had of protection on your son.
Enjoy the time with your sweet Miss K. xo
So glad he is alright...and what in the world hit that window...could it have been a bird? Wow....
Oh my goodness, that is amazing that your son didn't get hurt! I can't imagine how scary that must have been! God was watching out for him:)
Praying for EXTRA protection on him! Thankful he is ok.
I'd say there were guardian angels there!!♥♫
I am so thankful he is alright.His angel was with him at his side.
Praise God that he wasn't hurt! Oh MY Goodness, that was scary! So thankful! Have a blessed day, HUGS!!!!
Seeing that windsheild made my stomach hurt...your son has a guardian angel. Enjoy the last few days of no daughter goes back tomorrow. (teacher) Then the kids go back Monday. xo, Susie
I know you must have been horrified to hear what happened, and if you saw the windshield you
knew GOD was there with Brandon! I am so thankful he was not hurt. Mothers never quit worrying about their matter how old they are!
Enjoy the rest of your time with Miss K and send her home all ready
to "ACE" the fourth grade!!
Enjoy your weekend, sweetie...
Sending hugs and love, Francy
Dearest Rebecca,
Thanks so much for Guardian Angels!
Hugs and love to you,
I'm so glad your son is okay and know God was protecting him. I know that is so scary because the same thing happened to us last New Year's Eve. Someone threw a rock and smashed the passenger window where I was sitting. We were all okay and I am so thankful for God's traveling mercies.
Thanking the Lord for His angels around your son. How totally scary! Have a great weekend my friend. Hugs, Noreen
Wow! He's still here for a reason. So glad he's ok.
That's crazy! Thank goodness he's okay but talk about scary. My window was hit by a rock from a county mower cutting weeds along the highway, just a small rock hit the window behind me. My window was open, had it hit a wee bit sooner it would have hit me in the head.
Thankful for God's protection arm-it is never to short to save!
Love our chats, my friend.
Been reading some of you olders posts-you are such a great writer. You are truly an artist in all counts.
I've very thankful your son wasn't injured or anyone else.
We were on I-20 through Shreveport one night several years ago, and some kids threw bricks off the side of the steep incline next to an overpass. One hit my side of the car, but luckily, the frame around the windshield caught the worst of it.
I was covered in small tidbits of glass, and needless to say, the culprits got away. Just glad it wasn't worse!
Oh my goodness--thank God all turned out as it did. Hoping no more things like this happen. Too stressful for Moms!
Wow..... that is so scarey!!! Thank God he's okay!!!
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