Today I stopped off at one of my favorite Thrift Stores and I found this delightfully sweet smock for $2.99! I just love the shabby cottage pink cabbage roses on the top half and the soft blueish-green ground coloring of the fabric! Wish I could find yardage like this!!! Anyway...couldn't resist bringing it home with me...I might just wear it some day~ For now I love how it looks on one of my girly girl dress forms!
I worked most of the day in my studio today and finished up another batch of vintage lace Christmas Stockings! I know...I know! Some of you are most certainly freaking out over this...but since I'm not sure when my hand/wrist surgery is going to be (or how long it will keep this high-maintenance energy gal down!) I've opted to start creating and listing some of my Holiday offerings early this year.
I'm so excited about being able to use the French Netting (Netted Lace) I found last June at an antique mall in Dickson, Tennessee! It is just gorgeous....LOVE IT! Incredibly I snagged 11 yards of it for $50. That is such a GREAT PRICE!!!!
Did I ever tell you that I LOVE to sew???
:) :) :)
I'm not sure how I'm able to even concentrate on anything related to the Holidays given the 114 temps parts of Oklahoma have experienced of late, but I think staying inside my super-cool house is least in part. We are on water restrictions (mandatory water rationing) and my flowers are almost all dead. Everything looks so sad....
I visited Hobby Lobby yesterday and all their Christmas aisles are stocked and in place. No doubt to assist all the crafters out there who depend on the store's products to help produce their own Christmas and Holiday offerings.
You know...I love summer. I do. I love spending time with my Miss K and watching her frolic about in the sprinkler and pool. But...for the second or third year in a row now it's been miserable! The heat further enforces my belief that FALL is the best time of the year. I hope by October the heat will have subsided and we can enjoy a cook-out or two.
Love to you...

Nice post. I love this blog. Sorry about your flowers. You are honourably invited to follow me back.
Oh, how I love that smock Rebecca! It's gorgeous.
Jan ♥
Dearest Rebecca,
You are speeding towards the Christmas season! Sorry about the flowers, here our window boxes also show some dead plants... But the time is going very fast so soon there will be relief.
Love to you,
Oh such sweet stockings. I will have to have one or two for my pink room. Will be shopping soon.
This evening it in the low 70's. Can not believe how nice it is!
Your many talents amaze me:)
Rebecca-I LOVE that smock. I wish I could find some yardage of that fabric, too. It is just gorgeous! agree with you about the hot miserable summer. I hate to wish my life away but I wish we could hurry through these hot days for some cooler ones.
Loving your Christmas creations! xo Diana
I have been having some success in finding cabbage rose yardage on ebay and at the local thrift store. Good luck!
I love the smock you found and the cabbage roses in the fabric, and also the stockings you make.
Keep cool! It is in the 70s here, should I even tell you that? Sorry your flowers are in dire need of water. Will it rain soon?
The smock fabric is beautiful and it looks lovely where you have it displayed!
Your Christmas stockings are spectacular!!
I have no idea how you are surviving those temps. in the
100's! I can not even take temps in the 90's!
My Father in law lives in Oklahoma and when I complained it is suppose to be 95 degrees this weekend he just laughed at me. I can't even imagine the heat you are having--but thank goodness for air conditioning.
Good for you getting a jump on Christmas things. They are so beautiful.
Oh my goodness are you still experiencing that terrible heat? I hope it tapers off very soon. I know it's so hard to concentrate or do anything fun when it's so hot! It's as cold as anything here still and actually where I live was the coldest spot in Queensland today at minus 5 celcius! I love your sewn items. I too love to sew but have not for about 18 months since my back got so bad. that's why I changed over to papercraft, I have to make stuff, I'm sure you know what it's like? Actually I went into hospital last night and was scheduled for a huge back operation today but it was cancelled due to me having an infection so home I came! SO disappointing! I was mentally prepared and had organised the household for my husband as I'd be away for one month.....oh well. Anyhow thanks for showing your chrissy stockings they are delightful!
Your stockings are gorgeous, Rebecca! Love them and I could just see a row hanging from a mantel. Great find in the smock! It has such a pretty fabric. I like it on the mannequin so this way you can enjoy seeing it.
OK. You win. You are hotter than Colorado's eastern plains. My pasture grass is crispy but I've hauled the hose around enough to keep the space around the house green. Need to go water my plants as I was gone a day longer than I thought I'd be--having fun with my kids!
The stockings are lovely!! Staying inside sewing sounds like a good plan.♥♫
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