Some personal thoughts today...
I've shared with you in several blog posts over the past year and a half that in May of 2011 my Mr. AGPMan returned to school to complete a course of study. This November he will finish his accelerated degree program and in December he will finally graduate from SNU. If you'd like to read more of the story you can go here, here and here.
I've watched the husband of my youth work towards earning a degree in Computer Science for sixteen months while working a full time job as well keeping up with his day to day responsibilities. It's been more grueling for him to balance everything in his life sometimes, but his steely determination to finish what he began so many years ago has kept him focused on his goal.
About three weeks ago, after an extremely busy, hectic week at work, my guy logged onto his computer to take the Final for his history course (the only outside credit he was missing). To his horror he realized he'd confused the test dates and missed the last test completely. He ended up passing the course with a "C" only because he had made "A's" on all the previous exams. He knew the material backwards and forwards and would most certainly have made a 100% on the test had he taken it.
Yesterday we found out that because of the mess-up with that History Final he's going to miss out graduating Magna Cum Laude (with honors) by four one-hundredths of a point...
He's sick and I'm sick for him.
Neither one of us could sleep last night and at 2AM we were both wide-eyed and chatty. Our best talks have always been in the wee hours of the morning and I've always loved being able to share our moments of quiet despair with one another. Even when our life's sorrows don't include tragedy, I'm still grateful that God understands our hearts as well as our disappointments. The super-big, big, small or even tiny stuff...
When nobody else 'gets it',
God does.
Today my guy woke up happy and focused on his great life. It never ceases to amaze me that even when he stumbles, the pathway narrows or the road ahead is unclear, he still fully understands all he has and all he's been given.
(Oh to be more like him!!!)
May your Thursday be blessed.
Love to you...

My heart breaks over this but I am so in awe of your husband's strength. I think we would all do well to be as focused on the positive as he is. Thank you for sharing this.
I'm so sorry to hear about his test. I can certainly understand how disappointed he is after working so hard to achieve his goal.
He still did so well so I hope he will focus on the positive.
Oh Rebecca, tell your husband I'm so sorry. This was the kind of goof that any of us could have made and in fact I did the same thing my freshman year of college. I was never in the running for Magna Cum Laude though. Is there any way that can be changed if he talks with someone? will all be just fine of course but I'm sure it bugs him.
Oh Rebecca... I know how disappointed you and your Mr. AGP man must be, but he does not NEED this to be the great guy that he is!... You can bestow him with honors and so will I... I know through your posts and emails how hard he has worked towards this, and how much time has been spent working toward it... all the while working his job, remodeling your home, and handling all of the other things life throws his way... I want you to re~read the last paragraph you just wrote... that he "woke up happy and focused on his great life"... now THAT is honor worthy!... you have one great guy there lady!... xoxo Julie Marie
Awww sweetie, I'm sooooo sorry for your hubby, but I do believe God in his great wisdom has a plan ;) boy look at me saying this, I would have been on the floor screaming and crying all month long :/
Much love to you sweetie,
Dear R:
I'm so sorry that you are both so sick. I can't even imagine. But there is a wonderful lesson here. You AGM's thankfulness for all he has is a lesson for us all. Bless both of you. Your stories of real life and faith always bring a tear to my eye and leave me with "food for thought".
I know you and your hubby are so disappointed. I always told my daughter who always had to have A's on everything that it wasn't worth the stress of worrying over grades. I know your hubby and you are just glad he is graduating!! It will be okay :) He should be proud!!
Sounds like a wonderful man you've got there Rebecca! So sorry the mix up happened...but it sounds like he is handling it with grace!
Love, Linda
This would be very disappointing and I think with his good intentions, reputation, and grades he should talk to someone. I would hope that they would be reasonable, but one never knows in higher education.
Best of luck!♥♫
Oh Rebecca, I honestly shed a tear for your husband when I read this as I am MCL myself. How HORRIBLE that this should happen in the very last class. Is there any way to come up against this? I would contact the teacher as well as the dean. Either way, tell him from one MCL to another, I know he is a member and he is HONORED!
Oh POOP! Well, there is nothing you can do, as disappointing as it is! Good for him for keeping on! But still POOP!
That is truly a terrible disapointment after such a long wait to fulfill the dream in the first place... I know God hears our hurts as well.... and that is truly a comfort.You would think they could make an exception for such and outstanding student.
Amy Jo
Dearest Rebecca,
Well, you both are still ALIVE! Things could be a lot worse. Of course graduating Magna Cum Laude would have been the crowning on all his efforts.
When I look at it and think about what our foster-daughter just lived through by loosing her Dad because of such an unexpected and grueling disease. He was only married for a good 34 years. You love your husband no less, so life goes on!
Hugs to you from another blogger that lived through a double funeral today. And that over a distance of 11 hours in time change and 6 hours in time change. But in our hearts there was no distance...
You have a very wonderful man there Rebecca. What a huge disappointment, but he has earned a degree in integrity and honor. I know you are both glad that this time is over, and as hard as it feels right now, I pray you will both have peace about this in your hearts.
Rebecca, So very sorry about this mix up. It is disappointing now....In the long run something good is going to come from this.
God bless,
Oh- That is just heartbreaking. I suppose there is no recourse at all? I am glad that he has "sprung back" but how very, very disappointing!! Blessings- xo Diana
I am so sorry!
Oh I am so sorry for you both. My hubby and I went through a disappointment involving his work once. I thought he would have a stroke...but, he pulled through it and later, joy returned!!
Something like this happened to me in Grad School. Papers were due at 8am and I overslept (because I was up until 3am finishing the paper) and handed my paper in at 9am. I was dinged from an A to a B because of a 1hr miss. This kind of stuff makes one crazy at first then we let go. Made me realize what is important and what is not. We have great expectations but because of the rigor of working and going to school, the accomplishment is that one finishes and beats all odds under those circumstances.
Be of good cheer, focus on all that you do have.
You both are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing.
Awww Rebecca, bummer,and disappointing for sure but at least he knows in his heart that is was a job well done with or without all the class honors. Bless his heart, he is a big winner for sure, Hugs sweet pea, Marilou
That kind of disappointment bites hard! At least he has arisen today looking at everything afresh. My daughter always told me that it didn't matter what marks you got, as long as you had the degree in your hand that was all that mattered to an employer (in Australia anyhow). So all the best with everything, it's all in GOD's hands anyhow. Your hubby sounds like mine, he moves on and doesn't let things weigh him down, I'm pretty much the opposite most of the time. Big picture people and little details people, I'm the latter.
Oh my precious friend, God sure does understand our dissapointmets. So glad he comforts us in our moments of disappointmens. You both exhibit an incredible faith in our incredible God. I'm glad you both can share this. That's a gift that not all have.
Praying for you both. Who knows, it may be made right. I've seen it happen!
Listening to your soundtrack to Give Me Jesus. Simply beautiful. When it's all said and done, that's all that matters>
What a story, Rebecca! It's times like that, that our faith helps us get through and to know that nothing takes God by surprise! You have raised a fine young man!
Many Blessings!
Good grief. It sounds like one of those recurring dreams where we haven't graduated....hoping his graduation will be restored to the blessing it's meant to be!!!
WOW! What a disappointment! But I know he and you are so proud of what he has accomplished! He is a great example of making the best of a disappointment. This is what makes him the man that you married years ago. I remember you posting about how he put his schooling on hold to give you a good life. Still determined to do the best he can. For you and him! Your hubby is an inspiration. Congratuations to him on doing so well!
Ох, как жаль! Ребекка, пусть всё решится с Божьей помощью!!!
In God's eyes he has graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.
Clearly your husband has a Godly spirit with handling his disappointment. He is a man of great honor !
I am so sorry that this happened but in life's big scheme of things, even though it is important right now, it will not be in years from now.
I graduated Nursing School as Number 3 in my class, recieved all kinds of awards and the moment I left school and stepped out into the real world of Nursing, none of that mattered. What mattered was Was I a good nurse?
What will matter will be how good your sweet hubby will be doing his job and I know he will be fantastic at it and that is what is truly important!! And what he will be remembered for!
Many Hugs to both of you and congrats to your sweet hubby!!
Oh my goodness, that is so sad but I am happy that he will be at the top of his class in our hearts!
Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
The things in life that take your breath away and leave you feeling like you are free falling from some high point with no parachute. Nothing you can do to change it, it is just there. My heart breaks for both of you. God has a reason, it wasn't a mistake. That is my mantra. My prayers are with you.
My heart goes out to you- it just took my breath away when I read what happened to you husband- BIG HURTS, MED SIZE OR SMALL HURTS ARE real just the same. I hv whined to God over much less important things sayin: "God this really stinks" I hv learned He can handle the little [to other ppl] hurts too. LIKE MY HUSBAND YESTERDAY-we went for first chemo treatment.. life goes on He reminds me God is the one in control. Amazing Men!
Dear Rebecca and Steven,
As far as I am concerned, you have both received a Magna Cum Laude for sharing with us such wonderful, wise, beautiful and inspirational examples of your everyday life. Congratulations!!
Love and hugs, Laura
Oh, Rebecca...I am so sorry to hear this happened to Steve. I know how hard he has worked and how
disappointed he must be. But your guy is a WINNER big time, no matter what a piece of paper says.
He is a living example of a good man....and his faith is never wavering. In my books he is an A+#1
The two of you are such loving examples of faith, love and trust.
Have a good weekend, sweetie, and give Steve an extra hug from me.
Love, Francy
I know you and your sweetheart are disappointed, sweetpea, but in times like these, I realize my blessings from God and don't fret because of insignificant things that will not matter in the scheme of things. My motto has always, ALWAYS been: Be happy with what you've got and be happy you've got it. It puts my heart at ease greatly to realize this.
But then, I'm truly sorry he forgot his test. Perhaps there is a lesson here? I don't know; only you and he can. But I know that you know God loves you and him and that's the most important thing TO remember.
Kisses and hugs for th' man, sugar. :-)
Oh Rebecca,
I am so sorry to hear this! I agree with the others. Your hubby is a winner in honor and integrity. He has worked so hard. Maybe he could talk to someone though. congrats to him!
Love to you!
Dear Rebecca and Steve, Life can seem so unfair at times but I am a great believer that we do not always know God's greater plan for us all.
I know that Steve will rise up and continue to be the great guy that he is. I think his greatest accomplishment in life is being a child of God, a wonderful father and a wonderful husband. These are the things he will remember and also be remembered for, blessings always, Maureen.
Auguri per tuo figlio che Dio vi benedica baci lu...
Sorry for what happened, but CONGRATULATIONS on your husband!!
I wish mynpartner were a 10th of yours
Enjoy each other for many many years
I'm so sad and disappointed with you all, ..... but congratulations to your husband for all his many accomplishments and for your love, support and faithfulness to him.
First off I want to tell you that this last year I have read every post you have written.Long story but your post were comforting for me while I went through so much trauma. I do know your disappointments and sounds like you DH has a happy attitude like my DH even missing that test. I think it is awful the dont let you make it up and not be docked for missing it....My dh spent almost 3mon in ICU and total 7 months in the Veterans hospital. All from a gall is a miracle he is alive and his happy attitude has been amazing to me like your dhs. I spent the whole time with him in our tiny motor home..we were 4 hrs away from home. But I logged into your blog everyday. So know just this last friday had the last app and no more traveling..It has been almost a year.
So want to thankyou for your inspiration when I was so down...hugs to you Rebecca..
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