Thoughts today on
Can we have a
I have a PINTEREST account and I have a few things on there.
I'm just curious what
I've read so many pros and cons regarding the unauthorized use of images out there that it makes my head spin. Honestly it makes me more than a little scared as well. I'm particularly interested in comments from those of you who are online sellers and/or bloggers and have had your pictures and/or images used without your consent.
How do you feel about it?
Are you liking PINTEREST?
Do you care if your photos are used without your permission?
Do you feel PINTEREST is a marketing tool that drives buyers to your site?
Have you had ANYONE ask PERMISSION to use your pictures?
Do you feel your "DO NOT COPY" statement is honored?
Before I get any deeper into PINTEREST I'd love to have some feedback from you!!!
Love to you...

I doubt anyone would want to pin any of my images but, if they did, it wouldn't bother me at all. The pins do link back to the blogs in most cases.
Pinterest provides a code you can use that will make your photo's "Unpinnable"...I've encountered a few blogs using it now but, in my experience, a lot of bloggers like being pinned:)
I have mixed feelings.I do like that is brings people and followers to my blog.I am just starting out so I need that.And yes things are copied I am sure.But are there really any original ideas? Somethings I have been doing for years.I thought I made it up myself.I open a magazine and there it is someone else is doing the same thing.
I do think we inspire each other.But when we are putting our photos out there I guess there is nothing we can really do about it.What I DON'T like is finding photos of my blog on a page that sells products.I don't think you should be able to do that.But how can you stop it.
Also if you photos are in magazines people read it and they could copy and sell items that are like yours.I don't know how you can stop it.Pinterest is just a bigger picture of that.
I love Pinterest; it gives me lots of decorating, cooking and cross stitching ideas. When you go on there you know that anyone can "pin" your pictures so if you don't want that to happen then don't put personal pictures on your site. My only complaint is I tend to spend too much time on pinterest and less on
Hugs, Shar
Hello Rebecca, I use Pinterest myself and do not mind anyone pinning an image from my blog or Etsy. That said though I am not sure it drives any extra business. I do go and check out a site if there is something that I like but I have not followed any of the sites and I am more interested in the recipes or decorating tips. So as to how it would benefit a business. The jury is still out on that one, blessings, Maureen
I have a Pinterest account but haven't used it in a long time! It is just not my cup of tea:) I don't mind people using my pictures if they ask! Of course, most of my pictures are of either Family, Friends or Flowers:) Hope you get your answer! HUGS!
Hi Rebecca,
I delete my original post because I didn't want anyone to take it wrong. I LOVE all my blogging friends...
Big Hugs,
I am interested in this discussion since I am not on Pinterest, but know many folks love it.
If it is on pinterest I will pin it to my board, but I would never use someone elses' photos on my blog. My blog is just pictures I've taken (or some old family photos).
I did see a pillow on pinterest and clicked back to the person who made it and the pattern and am thinking I'll buy the pattern from her.
I make things on my own or from patterns i would never think of copying someone elses' idea and putting it out there as my own.
I do enjoy Pinterest...but I cannot worry about that copyright thing...but that is just me...I don't have a business, so maybe that would change if I did...but people can copy anything, anywhere anymore. So when I see people that get so upset, I personally don't quite get it....
I get a lot of hits on my blog because of Pinterest. I think it is awesome. Of course, at this point I don't sell anything so I am fine with people "stealing" my ideas. I think that pinning is great! I don't go looking for things to pin...I just pin things that I find on blogs and want to remember.
Hi Sweetie,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE pinterest !!! Almost better then anything else !! Sooo much talent, inspiration, and wonderful SHARED ideas !! I'm not a seller of any kind, BUT, have lots of friends who sale and have a pinterest account !! Believe me, you KNOW people can take and use sooo much information on any web-site !! EVEN when you think something is private .. it's not !! Everyone I know that uses it, takes it as a compliment when others pin pictures !! It's ALL for FUN !! Great advetising as well .. they should link back to you, but, some forget or don't think anything of it !! I say go for it, and enjoy ALL the FUN !! It's like a magazine, with wonderful links to amazingly talented women !!
There is wonderful recipes, decorating, and party ideas !! Sooo sooo much out there !! I say give it a try, and see what you think !! You would have FUN, I just KNOW it !! If you do not enjoy, or have a prblem with it, just delete your board !! Not a BIG deal !!
Okay sweets, talk to you soon, and hoping everything is going well with you, and your kitchen re-do !! Ooohhh ... check out ALL the kitchens on there too, it will make your ever creating mind spin !! hahaha ...
Love to you ~Tanza~ xo
I too, have an account.. I enjoy looking and re-posting ideas and recipes, but I often wonder why I'm spending time doing this. I haven't made one recipe or used any design ideas, but I do it anyway. Oh well.
I too, have an account.. I enjoy looking and re-posting ideas and recipes, but I often wonder why I'm spending time doing this. I haven't made one recipe or used any design ideas, but I do it anyway. Oh well.
I find it can go both ways with Pinterest. It seems to drive a lot of traffic to my blog and Etsy that's a good thing. I do get asked permission for the use of my photos...but how can anyone really know if photos are being used out there in the world wide web without us knowing......
I try not to worry too much about it.
As an artist, exposure is the #1 priority....and with that there are some risks to putting yourself out there.
I'm off to read the other comments now...this is an interesting question you've posed.
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
I have pintest because I can't remember where I saw something that I like or a recipe I want to try. I'm not interested in using someone else's pictures, but have used images from google for a post or two. I am a teacher and teacher's share, so if it is on the web, I can use the idea. Those that do not want to share can do so by some sort of computer magic. I don't have that book of magic, so that's my bit to share. And most anything I pin goes back to the blog where I found it anyway.
I love Pinterest! It is the second highest driver of people to my blog and website. I am flattered when people take my pictures or copy my ideas, thats why I share everything and don't water mark my pictures! Getting sued.... I guess I will worry about it when and if it happens, there is always someone out there to wreck all things fun!
Rebecca, I wouldn't mind at all, sweetpea, if someone took any of my photos. When you're in the public domain, this is always going to happen. Either accept it or you'll drive yourself nutsy over this issue. I absolutely mean no offense at all. It's good advertising! I go to places when I see a photo I like and can click to it.
Now, in answer to each person who has claimed a family member has put in code to stop people from grabbing their photos. I just went to a couple who stated that and have their photos on my desktop at this very moment. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you can stop this. I am really good with computers, have 2 family members who graduated UC Berkeley with computer science degrees and can confirm it! This is not said to be nasty at all. I'm a really nice old lady but there is nothing you can do to stop it. Well, at least not yet.
I have had 2 people contact me to either remove a photo I got from Pinterest or to give them credit. Nothing nasty from them and I was happy to oblige since I had no idea where they came from anyway.
Now, you can drive yourself nutty over it or just accept the fact that some people love you and your photos so much they like to share. :-) And you are well loved, sugar!
No animosity in anything I've said at all, truly. Just trying to put some myths to rest and offer positive advice.
I am on pintrest all the time. If I am creating a pin I make sure it links back to the orgianl blog. If someone stole my photo I would have to laugh at them. I take the worst pictures.
I do have an acocunt but never use it. I do not have enough time in 24 hours to get involved in Pinterest and blogging and work full time and every thing else.
I have had pics from my blog pinned that people have told me about and I have had traffic to my blog because of it. I don't care if someone pins a pic of mine as long as they link back to my blog therefore giving me the credit.
I do not advertise on my blog or use my blog to promote a business so copying things or anything along those lines don't matter to me.
I most likely would like looking at all the pics for ideas but as i said before, there is not enough time in the day for me to do that. maybe when I can finally, stop working...
I use Pinterest all the time and yes I definately go back to the source of the picture if it will let me. I try to link all picuters borrowed from the internet if they have an original source. I definitely have made a DIY from something I found. I have made recipes and even bought from etsy and other venues due to Pinterest. The only pictures I have found that can not be copied are copyrighted. Connie from above is right, there is not too much you can't take from the intranet if you really want it.
I have a Pinterest account and the way I see it is if some1 re-pins my pin they are at perfect liberty to do so. I do NOT get any traffic from my blog through Pinterest. I do not sell anything. I do get quite a large number of re-pins and that is flattering. If I did not want people to re-pin I would not be on Pinterest. I do read a lot of blogs that use all Pinterest photos for certain posts and that puzzles me a little because I would not do that on my blog. I take all my own photos or at least own them as they are in my family 'domain'. When I re-pin it's because I like the photo or the idea and it's there on my board for when I want to look at something pretty or inspiring.
Hi, Rebecca.
I was wondering today about what images of mine may have been added to Pinterest without my permission, so I followed the how-to instructions I found at this url for looking up who has pinned what of your images. I thought I would share it with you so you could see who all is pinning your photos.
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