A few weeks ago I found this darling wooden cubby at some tag sale. These days it seems I go to so many places looking for good junque I can't remember just where I find them all! Thrift stores begin to all look alike after awhile and so do estate sales. If I pass on something hoping to return later on I might as well forget it.
I do believe this is only my third such piece to ever find in my ten years of selling online. Now that I have two places to stock (my website and my booth space) it's hard to know sometimes just where some things fit best. This is truly a sweet find! It's been painted with a soft pink paint and accented with hand painted pink roses so onto my website it goes. I'll be uploading it later this morning (it is now SOLD) in case you want to see more pics! I have no idea who manufactured it...I just know I love it! The two sold in the past were offered via eBay, but that was a long, long time ago! I tried to find a few pics for you, but sadly they've been archived and I'm too lazy to dig them out. I'm pretty certain the last one I had was offered for sale in 2004. Wow!
Haven't had much time to shop around lately! My Miss K and I have been busy just hanging out and truthfully she's worn me out! :) It's a good wear-out tho! I've managed to get a wee bit of studio work in and it's been fun to get back to painting. I love it so much!
My hands and wrists are much better after having the cortisone shots. Still looks like surgery is in my future, but until I decide to go in that direction I'm going to do everything I can to find a better path to wellness!
(Whimpy Whimpy Whimpy)
I'm linking up with Miss Beverly from
Hope you can find time to pop on over to her fabulous place and check out all the pinkilicious offerings for this week!
Hope your day is wonderful!
Love to you...

This is a beautiful piece of furniture I love the shade of pink and all the detail adds character, such a sweet post I hope your wrist gets better it must be frustrating for you. Have a beautiful weekend Rebecca. Tracy :)
I think it is wonderful that you are spending so much time with Miss K , making wonderful memories!
I am overjoyed to hear that your son was not hurt in that freak accident. I can only imagine your belief!
And what a great piece that you have transformed into an incredibly stunning piece!
I pray that you will find relief from pain and find the right treatment for you for your problems with you hands. I am starting to form the Arthritic nodules on the joints of my fingers and that is a frightening thing for me to think that someday, I will not be able to craft or type on this computer or do much of anything with these hands of mine....
Hi Rebecca,
Beautiful cubby! I know what you mean, I have a booth and I sell online too...it started getting very hard to find vintage "smalls" and vintage furniture to supply both my venues, not to mention the time, seems like prices are a bit higher and gas (but it's still loads of fun searching!). Have you tried auctions, I've managed to snag WONDERFUL items for $1 & $2 each, box lots of vintage laces and fabrics etc. This Sunday is auction day and I'm so excited, it becomes addicting!
You do such beautiful work!
Oh, I love your cubby!!! Made sure I used a "C" and not an "H", my morning is hazy!! Our 3 grandkids are now back at home, the time went so quickly, but I am exhausted. They are all so priceless.
I have lots of catching up to do, but my right hand needs attention too, chiro has helped me lots, but think I overdid it with my little visitors. Might have to try the shot. Thanks for the idea!!
Have a great weekend.
Beautiful piece, Rebecca! I love the pink and the roses are so pretty. Glad you are feeling better!
Cute! It looks like it would make a nice mail box for a larger family or a boarding house.
What a gorgeous piece! The flowers are just beautiful, I know this won't last long! Sounds like you have carpal tunnel? My husband had the surgery on both hands several years ago, and he's not had any problems since! Enjoy your weekend!
LOVE this sweet cubby Rebecca!! Pretty in pink & roses!! Sounds like you've been having a wonderful time with your Miss K :) My Gson is 11 months old today!! Gosh, he is just growing like a weed! They are such a blessing :)
Have a lovely weekend my friend!
Warmest hugs, Brenda
What an absolutely gorgeous piece- I have never seen one like it. It is so pretty! I am glad you are having fun with your sweet little MissK. It is off to school here with our girls all too soon, too. xo Diana
Hi Most Beautiful Rebecca! I'm so glad the shots are helping your wrists.
Now that is a darling piece and of course your touch of painted roses just makes it sing! How pretty it would be in a girly office space.
Glad you've been able to enjoy your little Miss K!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
OK, forgetful and wimpy in the same post? I think not! Our brains are just overloaded with too much information and our retrieval system malfunctions. Thought that would work as well for you as for me! And anybody who can paint roses like you do (or sew pretties) can not be wimpy, even with painful hands and wrists-because getting a shot of cortisone involves a needle, right? And needles give me pain.
Take care, my friend, and am truly glad the cortisone is helping.♥♫
Dearest Rebecca,
That indeed was a pretty cubby you snatched up. The painting job turned out marvelous as well.
So glad you manage with your hands and wrists.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend.
Hugs and love to you,
Hello sweet Rebecca! I can imagine that my heaven will be full of your handpainted roses!
Reading the word CUBBY brought me back to my kindergarten years. I do hope that you feel better and that God blesses you with healing. Happy Saturday to you!
Oh, so cute, when I decided if I should sell something online or in my booth, I go by how heavy it is and how hard to pack and ship. I am with you, don't jump to surgery until you absolutely have to! Oh, saw your previous post, yes I remember your sons roll over last year, goodness this could have happened to anyone! I am so glad all is well
So beautiful! Visiting from Pink Saturday.
Wedding Anniversary Pink, your comment will mean so much!
I have a plain-wood finish something-like-that which I saw in the garage the other day. Oh boy. Inspiration again! That's a cute piece and well done. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hope you don't have to go the surgery route - take care in the meantime!
It is great you can do something you love..and are so talented at! Your pieces are beautiful:)
This is such a lovely piece - so sweet and I love roses. I hope things go well with your hands and wrists-
What a splendid shelf you found. It sure didn't last long did it! I opened a booth at a local little shop a few weeks ago - hopefully my new venture will go well.
Beautiful! Everything you make turns to SOLD:) Have a blessed day dear friend, hope that you get better without surgery! HUGS!
A beautiful and useful piece of furniture and you did your magic in making it absolutely gorgeous!!!
Oh yes, this is a lovely piece and the roses you painted are exquisite. I always admire your work. Hugs, Lu
Love your new cubby..no wonder it was sold in a "heart-beat"..a really neat piece of little furniture"....good for so many things. Your signature roses are the special topping on the cake!!
I have a neat little counter top cabinet I got from you several years ago that holds my spices. Not only is it pretty, it is just the perfect size to store all those little tins and jars together
A piece like you just offered would be a wonderful place to sort out all of my papers and a sweet "eye-candy" instead of the clutter I now live with! Lucky "you who bought it"~~~~
BE SURE to rest those wrists. You do not strike me as someone who has the patience to do this AFTER a surgery so take care of yourself.
I am sure Miss K and you are feeling kind of DOWN now that her visit must come to an end, but I know you have crammed into it all sorts of memories she can always have, and loves her Nana all the more for the quality time you have given her.
Have a lovely next two days and a good week to come.
Love and hugs to one of my favorite around, Francy
Hi Rebecca, and thank you so much for stopping by today... I love this pretty piece!... but then, I love all of your beautiful pieces... hope your wrist is getting better, and you do not need surgery... I am still somewhat blue over the losses we recently suffered, but trying to get back into things... also loved the post about Miss K (I left you a comment on that the other day)... tell her hello for me please, much love, xoxo Julie Marie
Lovely designs.. Nice cubby..
Visiting from Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..
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