The summer fun with my Miss K continues...
Yesterday she gave me this impish grin and convinced me that
from a kit given to her by her Great-Grammy (my momma!) was a good idea!
Now...given the fact I know NOTHING about candle making we were in for quite a ride!
We followed the directions for making votive candles and boy am I glad one of the added tips was to use Freezer Paper for easy clean up!
This girl is MORE than excited!
Me, her Nana, well...I was KINDA excited!
We got everything in place...
We melted the paraffin...coloring (which was SUPPOSE to be a light pink!) and the scent (vanilla came with the kid-friendly kit so we used that!)
And off we went!!!!
I held the pan while my Miss K dipped away...
Setting the wicks in place...
And SCORE! Real live burnable CANDLES!
When we woke up this morning we were VERY surprised to find our pink candles looking a bit on the dark side!
But once out of their metal molds they didn't look too bad for our first ever try at candle-making!
Here's the final result! A sweet little
watermelon-colored-vanilla scented votive
that is perfectly wonderful for her gift-giving!
One for her Momma. Check.
One for her Daddy. Check.
One for her Auntie Adrienne. Check.
One for her new 4th Grade Teacher. Check.
One for Nanny (Great Grammy). Check.
One for Grandma #2. Check.
One for Nana (Moi). Check.
Can you think of a better way to spend a ridiculously HOT summer evening???
(I can't!)
Memory making at it's best!
Love to you...

These are adorable great idea I bet you both had fun making these.
I suppose you don't want to know we almost burned the house down melting wax one time?;>)
Looks like yours turned out perfect. Is this going to be a new venture to add to your shop?;>) xo Diana
Hi Rebecca~
I love the pic of your beautiful miss K giving the thumbs up, her gorgeous smile melts my heart, you gals must had have tons of fun, ohhhh and I totally love her new purple bike ;) she must look soooo pretty when she is riding it....
Big hugs for your Beautiful miss K....
Big smiles~
What a fun time making candles and memories with your little one! She is adorable and she looks so cute on her new bike! Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and have a delightful day.
Blessings and hugs,
I have a candle making kit sitting in my rafty things box in the upstairs closet. I haven't even attempted it because when my daughter was little, we did it and it was a big mess. Maybe when Gracie is older we can try it. Or maybe with the freezer paper trick it won't be as messy. Anyway, your turned out awfully cute. But then - you have talent!
Your so right Rebecca, wonderful way to make great memories. Your granddaughter is so cute!
Hugs~~~ Daphne
You're just having too much fun with that little girl, Nana. When my Treasues (4 grandchildren) were young we had Camp Nana all the time. The most fun was making Ragg quilts when they were 5, 7, 9 & 10 - the oldest a boy. Ask me how well I slept those
They look great!
That looks like so much fun--now I want to do it with my kids! I have always wanted to make soap too:)
Dearest Rebecca,
Miss K is a happy girl; love her face as she's gained more expression. This was a great thing to do together and the end result is fabulous.
Have a great remainder of the week.
Love to all of you,
I think it's a wonderful way to spend a hot summer afternoon. Just precious! Love that sweet smile from spending time with Nana. I know you're smiling big too! Good to have a little fun while you work. The bags look wonderful. I think you should sell some!
Well you and Miss K did a fine job! Very pretty. Sweet memories in the making!!
Debbie xxoo
Oh How know that we were poor college students when we first got married. We used to make candles for "something to do" I still remember it.....but I think Miss K has it down better than we did!
Fourth Grade??!! This little cutie is getting up there! Glad she had fun, but on a hot summer's evening, melting wax would just add more heat! She needs to make home made ice-cream--more cooling to my way of thinking! But that happy little grin-so worth it!!♥♫
It is so lovely that the two of you get to make things together, so important. And the candles turned out great!
Miss K is adorable making the candles. I know it was hot melting wax but spending time with her is priceless!
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