Just a little reminder to all your pink lovin' peeps who love pink roses and shabby cottage chic Sachets...
The DRAWING for the romantic Sachet Hanger shown at the right is this Sunday evening! If you follow my Bloggie you are automatically entered in the Drawing once! For every comment you leave you are entered again and so and and so on...
The DRAWING for the romantic Sachet Hanger shown at the right is this Sunday evening! If you follow my Bloggie you are automatically entered in the Drawing once! For every comment you leave you are entered again and so and and so on...

Now...get to typing! Do you hear me???? I'm going to draw for a SECRET Second Prize, too! You know you want to...sooooo GO FOR IT!

Blessings to you as you tap and you tap and you tap your little fingers to the bone...Rebecca
Oh please please please let it be me! I so want to have this pretty sachet!! What must I do other than type to you? Chocolate, tea, pretty little things???? :)
Here's Ceekay....tap, tap, tapping fingers to the bone...nope, they are still chubby! Have a wonderful weekend!!
I just have to get my name in that drawing. I truly enjoy reading your blog. I enjoy the beauty and the thoughtful sweet inspiration in each of your posts. Your post on the man with the cardboard sign touched my heart. I am often so torn and like you suggested, we should just follow our heart, after that, it is not up to us. Now, I am hope I am the lucky one! Blessings to you Rebecca.
Can I "stuff" the ballot box in my favor?????
Just kidding....
Love Ya',
Oh, thank you for offering so many sweet freebies for your followers! You must have the most followers of any blog! Cool!
You are the best and the sweetest.'s my second entry...Fingers crossed!! Thanks Rebecca for your generous offer.
Well I think you muct know how much I want (I REALLY want) another of your pretties, so here's another entry! Love your little girl & the verse is beautiful...
Have a lovely day my friend
Lyn xxx
You are just too funny Rebecca :) I'm a typin', I'm a typin', LOL!!!
Oh How fun this is!It would be wonderful to win your pretty sachet or the surprise!
Thanks so much...
Ooohhh ~r~,
Add me again my lil' sweet friend.. Me.. me .. mee .. I LoVe it all, and you know I don't have 1 sweet sachet from you !! Just everything else..hahaha..
to the mooners ~tea~
Rebecca ~
You are so dear and sweet. There is no other like you. I'm sorry to have been a stranger but the girls are out of school and life will be crazy for the next couple of months. Thanks for offering such a beautiful give-a-way.
If I don't win, Rebecca, your friendship & precious words are a prize that I can enjoy every day ... so I'll be happy either way.
May you all have a wonderful weekend.
TTFN & TYSM ~ Marydon
It is indeed so beautiful! And, again, you are full of kindness. A woman with a real servant's heart and one with amazing talent!
May God give you and your husband a blessed weekend as your minister.
With Christ's Love,
Count me in again Rebecca!! are so generous!
This pink lovin' peep is typing away for the chance at that gorgeous sachet!!! (oooh, I gotta stop doing that rhyming thing, It's not on purpose, really it's not) LOL!!! I can't outdo Tammy's bribe. lol!!! So just hugs from me!! ♥ Teresa
Oh have just realised that we are ahead of you guys in time so I get to make another comment before everyone else...this does count huh... told you I REALLY REALLY want to win. fingers & toes crossed
Love yah Darlin'
Lyn xxx
Oh no a second prize too! Please put my name in. Pleezzz!
You are so funny!
xxoo, Susan
P.S. Thank you for your visit yesterday.
Oh my gosh heavenly!
Beautiful..Happy Pink Day!
You've got me a typin'. I guess I better quit lurking & leave a comment. As I would love to win your pretty sachet.
Hi Rebecca
I sure hope I win!!! I would love to have one of your gorgeous pretties!!!
Hi Rebecca! Guess what we just picked up today a Tell City Bench.Only it is a rocker. But has springs. So guess what I diffently have to make a huge cushion for it. And of course paint it white. I would rather paint roses. You know- your roses are really good looking. Sally
follow your blog all the time. you probably don't know how many "secret" followers you have, do you? lol. please add me to your drawing for your lovely sachet. would love to own it!
One more for luck......
Lyn xxx
Hi Rebecca...
No, I'm not too proud to beg! :-)
I saw a LOVE IS plaque the other day at the thrift store and thought of you....It surely didn't go with your decor, so I passed on it...but it did make me smile!
When I was in Jr. High, I received a gift bag with the image of that little girl on it. I loved it so much I kept it for years, at least 15, before I decided to part with it. This is the first time I've seen it since, it brings back wonderful memories. Your sachet is beautiful too. I would love to hang it from my dresser knob!
you are just so sweet, i'm glad I happened upon your blog...I can feel a friendship comin' on..;p
I am a total addict for your creations and admit it freely! :)
I hope to win, but if I don't I will happy for winner! No! Honest! I will! :)
Goodmorning! I am so happy you stopped by .I love the picture of the tea cup, my friends and I have tea all the time. I just think it is so nice to take time for a little tea pary, and of corse the diserts! hehe Pleas enter me in the contest too. Have a great weekend. Kathy
Oh my I am so glad I came across your blog! I saw your comment on Sandras Romantique Inspirations blog and had to come over and say hi!! Looks like I made it in just in time for the drawing! and I will definately be following your blog now that I have found this treasure!!
Hi Rebecca~~Would love to win one of your beautiful, fragrant and hugs, Mary H.
Think of you often...
Oooh Rebecca~~Well we are just about to leave for Father's Day dinner at my daughter's, but wanted to get in one more little chance..hee hee!!
I will be happy for whoever wins! Love to you on this glorious, beautiful Sunday.
-Mary H.
How is Greg doing on this Father's Day? I can't remember if he has kids. I hope and pray that God will watch over your family during this tough time.
I'm a neewbie and just love your blog. I found your blog (of all ways) from a picture you posted on Home Goods. I hunted and hunted for you and am so happy I took the time to do it. I love your style! I even like the first generation items you did think were as nice. Thank you for your positive words and example of loving your DH.
Blessings to you,
I have not been blogging long and I am not sure what I do , but I would love the chance (if UK peeps are allowed)to win that absolutely delightful pillow. A little treasure from the US would help make this christmas special. Oh I love the feminine and pink gorgeousness of your blog. Just become a follower.God Bless Barb
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