I'm so excited to offer to my sweet, wonderful, faithful followers another FREE DRAWING and/or GIVE-A-WAY from A GATHERING PLACE! It's easy to enter...very easy!
Just leave a comment :) :) (or two or three!) and you will be automatically entered in a FREE DRAWING for the ROMANTIC HANGING SACHET shown above! Enter as often as you like until 5:00pm on the date of the Drawing (below).
The Sachet is filled to the brim with 100% pure lavender buds and smells divine! Made with both new and vintage finds...lots of new and old millinery flowers, vintage ribbon, vintage laces and even some pretty silver charms. The Sachet is just waiting for a new home...maybe it will be yours? It's value is about $50!
If you are a follower of my Blog you will automatically be entered ONCE. Leave as many comments as you'd like as each little note you send my way will count as one new entry! Comments made on this post and all those made through Sunday(6/21) by 6:00pm will be counted. The Drawing will take place thiscoming Sunday evening at 7:00 pm (June 21, 2009)! GO FOR IT...YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! :)
Have fun...and thank you for stopping by~
Blessings to you as you enjoy the delights of handmade treasures...Rebecca
Just leave a comment :) :) (or two or three!) and you will be automatically entered in a FREE DRAWING for the ROMANTIC HANGING SACHET shown above! Enter as often as you like until 5:00pm on the date of the Drawing (below).
The Sachet is filled to the brim with 100% pure lavender buds and smells divine! Made with both new and vintage finds...lots of new and old millinery flowers, vintage ribbon, vintage laces and even some pretty silver charms. The Sachet is just waiting for a new home...maybe it will be yours? It's value is about $50!
If you are a follower of my Blog you will automatically be entered ONCE. Leave as many comments as you'd like as each little note you send my way will count as one new entry! Comments made on this post and all those made through Sunday(6/21) by 6:00pm will be counted. The Drawing will take place thiscoming Sunday evening at 7:00 pm (June 21, 2009)! GO FOR IT...YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! :)
Have fun...and thank you for stopping by~
Blessings to you as you enjoy the delights of handmade treasures...Rebecca
~Hi Rebecca~ This is a lovely sachet. You are very generous to offer up another give away. So beautiful for the lucky winner!! Hugs to you, Mary H.
How exciting! It's so beautiful! And it's so thoughtful of you!
I agree with Mary. You are very generous. A true jewel of our heavenly Father's.
God bless.
Please count me in for sure Rebecca...so pretty!
oh please please please pick me, just love your sachets they truly are stunning. So Sweet Miss Rebecca how is your brother in-law doing, I have been thinking of you you know & am hoping he is getting better.
Lyn xxx
the combination of words... free and drawing... always call me in... I love the lavendar sachet... beautiful... thanks for such a sweet offering...
Oooh maybe this time!!
How is your BIL doing? I hope he doing well. Also your family as i'm sure this is a stressful time. Take care and know prayers have been and will be said for him.
Hi sweet Rebecca. I'm trying to think of ways to butter you up, but I know it would do no good because you are too nice to cheat for me anyway. Darn. So I guess I will have to do it the honest way and leave you lots of messages. I hope all is well with your family. I can't stop thinking about you.
Please count me in on this wonderful giveaway! I would love to have this little piece of fluff for my own! I hope your brother-in-law is hanging in there.
Oh my gosh! OH MY YES!! You BETCHA....please enter me sweet Rebecca....LOVE THIS...but, it's like everything else you make....soooooooo lovely!
I'm praying for your BIL....
Oh so pretty! Makes me feel more like a girl just looking at it! ♥ Thanks Rebecca!
You are most generous, and so funny that you're hosting a giveaway for your beautiful sachet I was just on your store site yesterday adoring them and all your pretties. How is your brother in law doing? Big Hugs, ♥ Teresa
Hi Rebecca! Oh, how lovely! Please please enter my tiny name in your drawing! I love this little piece.
Oh, how is your brother in law doing? You have all been in my prayers.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hey Reb am going to show you just how much I want to win your beautiful sachet, so am leaving another comment for you, think you will get very sick of me...
Lyn xxx
Please add my name to your free drawing. I love Lavender. Thanx.
Prayers for your Brother-In-Law as well as others that are in need and ill.
Rebecca, I enjoy your blog daily with my morning cup of coffee! Please enter my name in your drawing. Debbie (Maine)
Will a big HUG work?!?!? Chuckle! Please let us know how your brother-in-law Greg is doing, Rebecca ... we lift prayers for you all .. TTFN ~ Marydon
You can definitely count me in, sugar! I'd love to have another froufrou thing to hang around the house. Love Bunny, however, thinks we have enough. Hah, little does he know, chick!
Hi Sweet ~r~,
I of course have to try to win a drawing..ME ME ME...It's beautiful..But, would it be anything but...xxoo hugs ~tea~
How exciting!!! Count me in!!
Glad for update on your BIL.... My prayers go up for the family.. Prayers for their strength!!
Please keep us posted on his progress...
What a fun giveaway... I've bought a few of these from you on ebay and given them as gifts and they are always adored and displayed in lovely rooms. However, I've never gotten one for myself. So, I would love to enter your giveaway. Thanks so much!
Rebecca, you are dear.
Praying for Greg.
Hugs, Barb
Beautiful work Rebecca...as always..
What a lovely giveaway! So delicately pink and scrumptious!! As your site is of course! May your week be full of roses! Love,Lori
Oh my, the sachet is lovely! Please count me in. Hoping to hear good news on your brother-in-law. God bless!!
What a wonderful offering. I have two of your pillows and they are both so very lovely. I know the sachet would be just as lovely.
If you can find time to respond would you be so kind as to tell me what shade of "sugar pink" you use and also the shade of "sottage white"? I love the cottage white on the basket I purchased and would love to paint some companion pieces of my own.
Blessings to you, my dear. We are keeping you and your loved ones in prayer.
A give-away! What a great way to start the week. I just sent up a prayer for your BIL. I hope you get good news.
Your sachets are so beautiful. I can tell there
is so much work (and love) put into them.
xxoo, Susan
This is my first time to your beautiful blog and I am so so impressed. It is so unusual and different from all the others. Just beautiful!!
I wanted to say that I sew on a Singer much like your photo..my mother used it all the time I was growing up and when she passed away, I brought it home with me. I don;t like sewing much because I never really learned to do it. She could do so much better, I just didn't try to learn. But, I do love her old machine.
I wanted to follow but I can't get the FOLLOW ME thingy to work..
xo bj
Hi Rebecca,
It is very pretty, but if I win...please draw again for someone else to win. I already won your first giveaway so that would only be fair. I hope that your brother in law is doing better.
Lee Laurie
Beautiful! Throw my name into the hat, too, please. I love this!
Hugs ~ Angie
p.s. sending prayers for your family...
Count me in. I LOVE the combination of Beauty and Lavender! Thank for giving us the opportunity to winn this little beauty! : )
Your writing is such an inspiration to me. You are not only very talented in your sewing and painting, but also in you writing. God has given so many talents - thank you for using them and sharing with so many.
Hi my fellow rose painter........we haven't talked in a long time, we sure do go back a ways don't we.
You know Rebecca, I am not a blogger but I do check yours from time to time, it is always very lovely and grand.
Wishing you and your family blessings today and everyday.
Ellen Kelly
Hi Rebecca,
That is one beautiful sachet, and I would love for you to enter my name in your drawing. Lavender is one of my favorite scents. Thank you for making this for us!
I hope your brother in law and sister are dong well,I will continue to pray.
Ooohhh ~r~,
WHAT !! 32 names, add me again my friend.. Are we all sick or WHAT !!! hahaha.. I LoVe my sweet friend..You'ld think I'ld be happy and content with ALL my pretties from you..BUT, Ooohhh Nooo, still not satisfied !! hahaha..Just kidding, that's a BIG Sin !! I will chat with you soon..huggers ~tea~xo
Oh Girl I would just love to have something from you...toss my name in the bonnet...Thanks for coming by and seeing me today...I do you would like the shoes I found...May you have a great week...I also just vote for you for best blog thing...Good luck...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
as a follower of your sweet blog...and also I winner of a previous giveaway..I will still put my name in..but promise..only THIS post to be more fair...I think I might feel bad, IF I were to win again...or at least feel bad for a MINUTE or 2...but sure treasure the things you create...all done with such love and such quality workmanship
Hello Rebecca :) OMGoodness, how lovely is this Sachet! I purchased 1 of these lovies on Ebay from you a couple of years ago, and it is still very fragrant today (just need to give it a little squeeze now & then to help release that yummy smell) Thank you so much for offering your wonderful items to all us "Rose luvin' gals" :)
Rebecca, I am not a blogger,but I enjoy reading your blog often,always receiving inspiration and blessings.You are such a talented and beautiful lady.I would be so honored to own this beauty! May God be with your sister and family and lay His healing hands on your brother-in-law.Blessings to you and your family,Linda @ lebeaudesigns@aol.com
Thanks for offering this giveaway that I would be blessed to win, but more importantly, God Bless your brother-in-law and his entire family as they go through this struggle. Remember to find joy in the process!!!
Hi Rebecca......
Just stopping by to be a "lil piggy"....I WANT TO WIN....I NEED to WIN.... I LOVE to win.
I guess I am also a lil pig! Would so love to win.I am currently the highest bidder on one of your beautiful pillows on ebay.Hope I win this treasure.Also your home is breath taking!
Linda @ lebeaudesigns@aol.com
Your sachet is so pretty, Rebecca! such a great opportunity - thank you for your generosity!
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