(Circa 1912)

While reorganizing some things in my home this week (that's what I do when my Mr. AGPMan is away...clean and organize things!) I ran across this fabulous "The People's Home Journal" from 1912. Several years ago while on our way to Texas my girl and I visited a charming Antique Mall in Ardmore, Oklahoma. It was during that buying trip I was to find, nestled safely within a vintage display case, the lovely, but aging magazine.
I was so taken with the beautiful girl on the cover and just couldn't take my eyes off of her...
But the asking price...it was $75!!!
I continued to look around the shoppe and even moseyed next door to see if the neighboring store had anything of interest. I recall it being a fabulous day and I came away with lots of treasures~ vintage ribbons in soft pink and mint, old millinery roses, vintage hats and a charming slated picnic basket (that I later learned was actually a "pie basket"). A great haul for one store!
But the asking price...it was $75!!!
I continued to look around the shoppe and even moseyed next door to see if the neighboring store had anything of interest. I recall it being a fabulous day and I came away with lots of treasures~ vintage ribbons in soft pink and mint, old millinery roses, vintage hats and a charming slated picnic basket (that I later learned was actually a "pie basket"). A great haul for one store!
I met back up with my daughter at the check-out counter who then noticed the magazine behind the glass...
"Mom! Look at this MAGAZINE!" she squealed! "You just have to have her!" she continued...
I smiled back and agreed the lady staring back at us from the Journal's cover was beautiful and the magazine looked truly inviting...and~ THAT ROSE-FILLED-HAT! But $75? How could I spend that much money on something like that?
Even so I had the girl behind the counter pull out the rare periodical so I could get a better look. It was indeed timeless and forever lovely. I slowly turned page after page, quickly scanning the beautiful images and how they related to life almost a century ago...
"Breathtaking" I thought.
After a long sigh I closed the magazine and carefully pushed it toward the sales lady saying a quick "thank you!"
My girl's eyes focused on me in disbelief! "Mom!" she continued! "You're not going to buy it? The cover would be wonderful framed!"
I agreed but she couldn't change my mind about letting go of that much cash on just one thing. After all, the trip was suppose to be a high-school graduation get-a-way for my girl and we had a new dress to buy...
I smiled back and agreed the lady staring back at us from the Journal's cover was beautiful and the magazine looked truly inviting...and~ THAT ROSE-FILLED-HAT! But $75? How could I spend that much money on something like that?
Even so I had the girl behind the counter pull out the rare periodical so I could get a better look. It was indeed timeless and forever lovely. I slowly turned page after page, quickly scanning the beautiful images and how they related to life almost a century ago...
"Breathtaking" I thought.
After a long sigh I closed the magazine and carefully pushed it toward the sales lady saying a quick "thank you!"
My girl's eyes focused on me in disbelief! "Mom!" she continued! "You're not going to buy it? The cover would be wonderful framed!"
I agreed but she couldn't change my mind about letting go of that much cash on just one thing. After all, the trip was suppose to be a high-school graduation get-a-way for my girl and we had a new dress to buy...
I paid for my collectibles and charming old finds choosing to leave the magazine safely tucked away in the display case. As much as I loved her and wanted to bring her home I just couldn't allow myself such extravagance...
I called back to my girl as she was writing a check for some vintage jewelry she was purchasing (she makes GORGEOUS things from it by the way!) saying I was going to start the car and cool it down...so, off I went.
I called back to my girl as she was writing a check for some vintage jewelry she was purchasing (she makes GORGEOUS things from it by the way!) saying I was going to start the car and cool it down...so, off I went.
We headed back to the highway that would take us southbound to Texas. We made several more stops and even grabbed some great Tex-Mex food before finally making it to our Dallas hotel room later that evening.

I waited for my daughter to emerge from her shower and began unpacking my luggage for the three day visit to one of my favorite Texas towns. We had a great deal of shopping to do and lots of mother-daughter time to enjoy!
As I flipped open the lid to my suitcase, there laying neatly on top was the coveted magazine I'd passed up earlier in the day...
I was speechless. My girl had spent her own money on the Journal as a gift to me... To this day I'm not over the generous purchase of a young girl of only 17. That's just like my Adrienne. Giving and loving to a fault and just as beautiful as the girl staring back at me from the magazine's cover. My girl is 24 now and that single trip road trip remains one of the most precious of times we've ever spent together...
The original Journal is nearing her 100th birthday and so I have her safely tucked away in archival plastic and will one day return her to my daughter to pass down to the other women in our family. Since my guy works as an Analyst for the largest document company in the USA he has made me several fabulous copies of the cover and I lovingly display one of those in my little office.
Today I scanned the cover and plan on offering some pretty pillows showcasing the artwork of this amazingly talented artist (I'm having trouble making out the name...it is NOT Fisher!). Sometime before Christmas I plan on offering some of the prints on my website.
Blessings to you as you learn it is better to give than to receive...Rebecca
What a kind generous & very thoughtful daughter, Rebecca. The magazine is wonderful. I love looking through old magazines, the ads & articles of the times.
This made your trip so worthwhile & forever memorable.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Ooohhh ~r~,
Very sweet of your sweet Adrie.. It makes the magazine even more precious.. When something is a total surprise and given soo from the heart.. It is then it becomes more cherished and endeared..Truly beautiful I must say, but, oohh the story even more soo.. You've raised your beautiful children right, and given back to you are the undeserving,graceful gifts you recieve in return.. God is good my friend..What a touching sniffling story you shared..xxoo hugs ~tea~xo
The cover of the magazine is beautiful! I wish magazines were such quality now. Most of them are mainly ads.... :-(
Have a wonderful day!
Rebecca, your story is so beautiful! The magazine is so lovely, and your daughter's thoughtful, tender love for you is priceless. Your heart will be forever changed by her gift and selflessness. How blessed you are!
I hope your weekend is wonderful! May God pour blessings upon you and your ministry and give you a special touch as you serve Him.
In His Love,
What a beautiful magazine. What a beautiful daughter to do something so special for her Mom. I agree it is a rare gem of a 17 year old girl that would be so thoughtful. She must be special indeed.
What an amazingly wonderful story about a mother and I daughter.
You should have it published!
Your blog looks beautiful.
Rebecca, that magazine cover IS beautiful, but no where near as beautiful as the story behind it and your sweet sweet daughter. Thank you very much, because once again I am all misty eyed after reading your blog. ;)
I think from now on, I'll just grab the tissue before I visit so I'll be prepared!!!
I hope all is well with you now with whatever incident that happened while Mr. AGP Man was away. Have a sweet sweet afternoon my dear bloggy friend!!!
♥ Teresa
Oh Girl that was truly a beautiful story and gift...as it was a gift from your daughter heart...Now these are the things that mean so much to me in my life...special moments with my daughters now...thanks for sharing...May you have a Blessed and great weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a beautiful magazine and such a touching story behind how she came to be with you. Absolutely precious.
Often I feel as though I was born in the wrong time...it seems I should have been around in those days as it fits my life so much more perfect. But, I guess through folks like us, those days of yesteryear will live on and that makes me so very happy!
Lots of love,
Rebecca... sending you a loving hello.
When things like that happen...we realize what a precious gift God has bestowed upon us...
It makes the little bumps in the road seem non existant and simply nothing in comparison to the love they give back to us. She certainly showed you how much she loves and treasures you and who you are in that one action! What a thoughtful and sweet thing to do!
Yes, I did get your message. I am so anxious to showcase your pillows in a post..all three of my beautiful purchases! One of them is on my bed..and my lovely card and little gift of beautifully wrapped tea, will be all together...I am such a proud owner and can't wair for them to arrive! I only hope I do them justice! Al of the one's I have bought from you are exquiste! I know these will only add to my delight!
~smiles and love~
Oh, Rebecca! I have tears in my eyes! What a precious thing for your then very young daughter to do! She loves her mother!
Can't wait to see your projects you make from this pretty lady on the mag cover!
You're a sweetie,
shelia ;)
The greatest blessings and lessons come in the most unexpected times of our lives. Here you were off on a trip for her and it ended up being a lifetime memory for you. A memory for a lifetime.
What a treasure your daughter is and what a treasure she chose to honor her mother with. It must have been a lovely trip! Blessings..;p
Rebecca, what a wonderful story. It sounds to me that you have raised a daughter as thoughtful and lovely as you.
Very touching story...I got a tear or two. I know you and your daughter have a special closeness, that is beautiful. I'm blessed to have the same. God is wonderfully great to have even sent such special angels to us....xxoo-Mary H.
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