Over the past few weeks I've received at least twenty emails regarding the use of vintage graphics and just how they are transferred onto fabrics and made into note cards, hang tags and computer images for Backgrounds, Blog Mastheads (Headers), Banners, etc.
This Post won't be a tutorial because I don't know enough about what I am doing yet to tell you step by step what I've PAINSTAKINGLY figured out! But, I will share with you some ideas that will hopefully inspire you to dig deep into information out there on the world-wide-web! If my technically-challenged mind can figure things out then so can yours! Besides, I can't explain things nearly as well as the Instructive Tutorials on the Internet can.
Printing on fabric is not complicated. If you have only a basic home printer then it might be more of a challenge for you to get your colors clear and your images sharp. My Mr. AGPMan is a Computer Analyst for a MAJOR Copier Company so I fortunately have access to a premium printer if I need one. Still, I print MOST of my fabric images at home on my Color Printer and I've been VERY happy with the results.
I love vintage graphics and as I've shared with you before I've collected them for many years. I've spent the months since Christmas learning several different computer programs which in turn have helped me manipulate my favorite graphics. It seems once I learn how to do something in Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro then a newer (and better) version comes out! I'm always yelling out for my guy to come and help me...if he's not around I call my son (he's a Programmer!).
I scanned in a single image of this beautiful vintage lady from an old picture book and I've already used her in LOTS of creative ways for both business and pleasure!

The Pillow at the top showcases this same lovely painting which I printed directed onto pure white cotton. Above you can see the front of a chocolate candy bar wrapper I made as Thank You gifts for my non-summer customers. Below is the same graphic (re-colored and made a bit softer) used for the new LINK BANNER to my website.

I learn something new everyday and it's been so much fun and the possibilities to create works of art are endless! I especially love using vintage graphics of Victorian women because many of the copyrights have expired!

If I rework this graphic just a bit I can make regular note cards, hang tags, greeting cards, birth and wedding announcements, etc. Not to mention special pillows, fragrant sachets and more...
I hope you are inspired to learn more about your computer and the many programs and tutorials you can find FREE by just clicking away! Also...my son bought me one of those yellow and black books "Photo Shop for DUMMIES" and it really helped me learn some faster and easier ways of doing things!
Blessings to you as you get your creative juices flowing...Rebecca
I adore your graphics, they're so soft and sweet, I've been wanting to try to copy graphics to fabric, just very intimidated by it.
Have a beautiful day!
♥ Teresa
Hi Rebecca, Hey thanks so much for sharing this. I really appreciate you giving us some ideas on how to do it. Sometimes I rely on my husband to show me how to do a few things on the computer, but that could take a long time, so I have to figure things out for myself. This is really going to help me out with other things I had in mind as well. Thanks a million Girl- You are a delight!!
Thank you for the helpful hints. I am computer challenged...however I have gotten over my "button phobia" to a certain degree. LOL
I bought a printer-scanner months ago and still haven't hooked it up yet. Maybe I need to try to do that. LOL
Lee Laurie
Good Morning Rebecca, I love this post. I have been using victorian graphics for sometime now with my painting with roses. Figuring a way to incorporate these on objects was so fun. I love your pillows. You are an amazing talent. I have a CD with so many wonderful old graphics and the lady with mirror has been a favorite that I have also used for many projects. Love all the accessories you have made with this one too. Lately I have been learning some new effects with pics and it has been fun. Like you, I call my son when I need help. His degree is in computers and it has been a blessing to have his knowledge to lean on.
Thank you for sharing your graphic learnings.
Have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Thanks Rebecca for sharing. I love these vintage pictures. I can't seem to get enough of them. Also, thanks for pointing out Photoshop for Dummies. I am going to order it today from BN. Photoshop confounds me.
Happy treasure hunting this weekend! As I like to say, I hope the tag sale fairies are with you!
Hugs and blessings, Susan
I LOVE this graphic, Rebecca. The pillow is exquisite! as are all your creations.
You simply amaze me with your diverse talents. It makes my day to pop in first thing in the morn just to get a 'boost' from your posts & creations. TY
My talent lies within my checkbook.
BTW I bought the Zinsser primer you suggested & it is really great ... TYSM for posting this brand.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Rebecca. I am very glad that I stumbled upon your blog. I love the vintage pink look to it. I love love anything that has to do with romance, roses, days that have gone by, etc. :) If you don't mind i'll keep following your pretty blog. Have a nice day!
So who taught you all those initial skills that blossomed into this talent? =)
Good morning Rebecca!
Bless your heart for the help! Whew, and how fortunate you are to have a husband and son who can offer help in the printing/programming departments! My DH's isn't able to help me....he's just not into techie stuff. But, whew....can he COOK! Good thing, because I'm lousy at it. :-)
Isn't that just the sweetest love story? I'm soooo grateful. Bobby was married. She did NOT treat him nicely. It was no fun spending time with them. You know the kind of guy....easy going and eager to please??....add in a "let me change everything about you kind of gal"....and it was just too sad to be with them as a couple, so I'm thrilled he's found Susan....she is such a special gal. God is soooo good. It seems a lot of gals think that in their late 50's they'll never find the right guy....but God is the GREAT MATCHMAKER.... :-)
Hugs dear gal....
You AMAZE me with your endless talent. I know exactly where I'd be without all your help...
I'd be OUT taking classes that would no doubt LEAVE ME IN THE DUST. I just gotta have that ONE ON ONE attention that you have ALWAYS blessed me with. I KNOW I make you crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy....:)
I tip my hat to you..."OH TALENTED ONE!"
More and more you remind me of your gracious, loving, talented Daddy...
I do love your vintage graphics! Thanks so much for sharing!
Muffin Man ~ Is he share-able? Chuckle!
TTFN ~ Marydon
Beautiful pillows Rebecca! I love all your creations and your decorating ideas.
Oh Rebecca, you are certainly welcome to come with us to Maine..but..we are flying. I can pack you in one of my tiny suitcases and take you on board. I am sure no one would notice? What do you think! :) We could chat, drink tea, and have a most wonderful time! I am looking forward to our trip..but this last airplane crash into the sea has unnerved me a bit! We go every year...I am still trying to be enthusiastic about it all. Lots to see and do.
MY PILLOW IS JUST ADORABLE. I think I told you it had arrived and I am looking forward to doing a post...I love it! But I told you that!
I need to learn more..but I am at a time in my life that I seem to enjoy it more when I leave it to others. :)
I...have gotten a wee lazy I think!
Hugs...and much love~
I have often wondered where your beautiful graphics came from thanks for sharing your limitless knowledge with us..... I have been trying to make up business cards using my header but up till now it seems to be beating me... you have once again given me the push to try (yet) again... Oh & thanks for the lovely comment you left me my sweet friend...
Lyn xxx
To the Muffin Man
OK, but who taught you to walk, talk, (sometimes regretably, "I Talking"),brush your teeth, wash behind your ears, sit up straight, (well she tried), be nice to ladies and on and on and on. :-) He! He! Nice to see your mom admit the one on one attention thing, now I know where you got it from. HAAA!
As for you Baber, Your many, many, many, many..........talents never cease to amaze me. One is putting up with me for over 32 years. (counting dating) I do not think there is anything you cannot create and do it beautifully.
And, for those of you out there reading, she is every bit as beautiful as the things she creates. One day she was out with "The Muffin Man", and someone thought she was his date. He had a coranary, "Sheeeesssss my MOOOOOOOMMMMM. Eww! Ha! You gotta love it!
And yes she is serinading me on her new guitar with all the lovely songs she used to sing to me on the college campus. We went to the nursing home and she played and sang to her dear daddy and brought tears to his eyes. As she played and sang, her beautiful voice drifted down the hallway and before long a crowd had gathered at my father-in-law's doorway. As we were leaving, the activities director for the nursing home chased us down and wanted to know if she would come and sing for them if they paid her. Right, like she would ever charge them. That is where she honed her skills, going to the nursing homes as a child with her daddy. He ministered to them, then she would sing and play for them. I know it had to be a very special treat for them as I have always noticed 2 things that seem to delight nursing home residents, young people and dogs. Sometimes we will take the "Mollinator" with us and oh what a fuss they all make over her. She just hates the attention you know.
Baby, never stop creating and bringing joy to other people's lives. You are the best!!!
This comment is to Mr AGP.... What beautiful words you write about your gorgeous wife... I think you are BOTH very blessed to have found each other..... you have made me smile today thank you...
Oh & Rebecca my sweet friend.... cherish this man & hows about letting him do a few posts for you huh?????
Lyn xxxx
Hope you both have a great weekend
To My AGPMAN...(AKA BaberII)
I'm too overcome with emotion to even speak. You have been MY LOVE for sooo long now and know I'm rarely at a loss for words~ I try to tell everyone how wonderful you are but I always seem to fall short. For those who read your loving words, well...they will see for themselves the very reason you stole my heart away... Thinking of you...~BaberI
To Lynn...
I'd love for my guy to do a Blog Post...maybe several. He can give you all so many tips on things that I can PROMISE YOU are over my head!
Oh Rebecca, your post is lovely but reading that comment from your dearest brought tears to my eyes!!! You are a most talented and loved lady...
Love, Martha
Hi Sweet Friend, Thank you for stopping by today. You inspire and encourage me more then you know.
If some day I could be just a fourth as talented as you, I would be thankful.
Have a nice weekend.
Love you, Celestina Marie
Oh Rebecca, you are such a sweet heart. I was just praying for you earlier after reading one of your posts that really spoke to me. The one about the vintage lace and a dear old lady. I was thanking our Heavenly Father for sisters like you who live out their faith and share it so openly with others. I was asking Him to enable me to be more open with others about Him and not to separate my creative side and Him. You have inspired me no end. Thank you so much for your words of kindness and for living in a way that others can see our Saviour through you. May you be blessed as you continue to allow yourself to be His chosen vessel. Much love and blessings, Ali ox
Enjoyed reading your blog today. I am still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.
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