Saturday, May 22, 2010

~PINK SATURDAY - Shabby Cottage Chic Pinkalicious Stuff~

~My Favorite 'Huldah" Print~
Dressed All in Pink

OK Peeps!  It's time again for a quick PINK-ME-UP!  This is now my third week to take part in PINK SATURDAY which is hosted by the ever lovely BEVERLY at How Sweet The Sound!  I hope you'll take a few minutes out of your schedule and visit as many of the participants as possible!

Now...I've loved PINK for as long as I can remember!  The picture you see below  is of my most precious daughter, Adrienne, when she was two.  This charming little frock she has on was made out of pastel pink broadcloth and trimmed out with matching eyelet lace.  I routinely sold her clothes after she outgrew them and this is ONE I wish I had kept.  :....(  I loved it so much that I made her another one almost exactly like it when she was five.  I kept that one!
~My Baby Girl - Age 2~
Our Pink Princess in 1986
~Vintage Pink Rose Box~
Creamy White, Gold & Pink

After my Mr. AGPMan and I married in 1978 we were broker than broke.  We stopped at a road-side sale in East Texas one day and picked up this darling little beauty for fifty cents.  I've had it for 30 years now...
~A Precious Pink Book~
Filled with Scriptures & Love~

A few years ago my niece, April, sent me this beautiful keepsake book!  It is filled with passages from the Bible and timeless words of love.  One of my most favorite pink gifts ever!
~Cottage Chic Compote~
Filled with Pink Roses & Pink Glass Grapes

This sweet little ensemble can be found just inside the door of my china cabinet.  I just love it for some reason.  It makes me SMILE!
~Open Hands~
Lefton Pink Roses

This is one of my favorite little shabby pieces.  Whenever I see these beautiful 'open hands' I'm reminded to keep my palms up so I can receive all of the good things God has for me...

~PIN Money Bank~

You know...I really think this sweet little bank should say 'PINK MONEY'!  It is, after all, where nearly ALL my mad money goes...
~Vintage Nippon Pink Rose China~
Family Keepsakes

This beautiful two handle soup bowl and saucer are part of a set of fifty pieces lovingly given to my hubby by an aging family friend.  She had no children of her own and gifted my Mr. AGPMan with a choice of this beautiful vintage Nippon China or vintage Fiesta Ware.  My 19 year old self said "PICK THE CHINA!"  We found out years later it was worth less than half of the Fiestaware....but, I still don't care.  Loved the PINK ROSE CHINA then.  Love it now!

~Pink Rose Teacup Pillow~
Lovely Needlepoint

My last offering for PINK SATURDAY is this feather-filled Pillow!  I found the newer needlepoint in a dusty old shop framed in a dark green plaid.  Well...I couldn't have that so I remade into something I could use.  One of my favorite Pillows ever...and I kept it! :) 

Thank you soooo much for stopping by again!  Soooo nice to have you!  You are welcomed to come back again and again!

Love to you~


Rose said...

I'm doing a late night and checked your blog. Love all of the items esp. dau. dress. Have a good weekend

*Maristella* said...

Hi Rebecca! I viewed this post, the picture is pretty small!!
Your blog is very nice! ;o)
A dear greeting, *Maristella*.

Linda M said...

Happy Pink. I love all your pink treasures. The dress is cute but the cutest one of all is your daughter.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...


Goodness! What a bevy of beauties you have shared with us here today!!

That precious dress is to die for and you made it!! Wow! I am so glad that you made another one and kept it!
I used to sew all the time but because of a lack of space and working full time, it fell by the wayside. I hope to return to it soon!

All of the other pinkies you shared with us today just made my heart go pitter patter!!

HPS!! and have a great weekend!!


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Rebecca ~
I love your daughter's dress ~ Oh my gosh it is so sweet and gorgeous !!

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Rebecca, Happy PS!! Love all the pretty pinks you have for us today, but really love the sweet dress your daughter is cute!! Have a lovely day my friend!! Warmest always, Brenda

PeggyR said...

I love all your pinks! Happy Pink Saturday!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your daughter is adorable in her little pink dress. I have two favs (although all your pinks are great), the little dish and your pillow. Fabulous! Connie

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love it all, Rebecca, but that needlepoint and your little girl are my two favorites!

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)

Jonny said...

Everything is so beautiful! I love the photo of your daughter! what a pretty dress! Your forget-me-not book is so precious I love how you display your treasures. Sincerely Jonny

Ginger said...

Beautiful lovelies for Pink Saturday. Your little darling dress you made is so beautiful, you always do such a wonderful job. The folding hands are special, my Grandmother had the one hand open, I remember it so well and she had the Pin Money bank also. Thanks for the memories. (Aren't we thankful for the nice weather now?)

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Rebecca, I am swooning over the pink lovliness in your post. I had not seen that particular 'Hulda' before, but now It is my favorite, too! Have a nice weekend! Twyla

Miss Gracie's House said...

Such sweet pink treasures...the little box is a precious memory! I enjoyed reading about your bathroom re-do...can't wait to see it finished!
Have a great weekend...

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Rebecca,
What gorgeous pinks today! Your little daughter is just precious in her pink dress trimmed with eyelet! Love the little trinket box and well, there are so many precious pinks here! Wishing you a gorgeous Pink Saturday weekend.


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rebecca, Love your pink treasures. Your daughter is precious in that gorgeous dress.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Love, Celestina Marie

Paula said...

Dear Rebecca,

I enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful and meaningful pretty pink things! Your daughter looks so sweet in that pink dress! A pink princess indeed! The rose box is a treasure! How wonderful you have had it for so many years~ sweet memories! The book is just wonderful and so are all of the pretties you shared. What a generous gift those gorgeous dishes were! I love the pillow you made, it is so beautiful! Have a lovely weekend! Love, Paula

Tristan Robin said...

what lovely stuff you have posted today ... I"m loving that needlepoint pillow!

HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy!

(oh! if you haven't already, stop by and enter the giveaway!)

Susie Jefferson said...

What a lovely post! That little dress is adorable - I'm so glad you kept the second one. And the needlepoint - you were obviously meant to have it. The pillow is wonderful.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Victorian1885 said...

Happy Pink Saturday Rebecca!
I am participating today as well for my first time..
I adore the sweet dress you made with Love for your daughter! The pillow is TDF and I don't blame you for keeping that one..
Have a great rest of the day my friend.


Dolores said...

Woo/hoo, so many beautiful pink pieces, but my very favorite is the picture of your precious daughter in the gorgeous pink dress....!!!!

Carol said...

Yes, little Miss Adrie girl just stole my heart away. Her little pink dress is beyond beautiful. What a ~special~ photo. You always have so much to share & the stories behind your Pink finds make your pictures extra special. I have never seen the pin money sweet is that. I am glad you chose the Nippon--that seems to fit in better with your scheme of things because of the rose lover you are.

Wishing you a Blessed weekend
Carol from Good "Ol Texas"

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rebecca!

Love the darling Pin Money bank - they are so adorable and hard to find. And of course the pillow is delicious - I love the pillow I won from your giveaway and treasure it!!

Hugs, Sherry

Unknown said...

Another absolutely stunning presentation, Rebecca ... the dress for Adrienne is over the moon gorgeous. Your other treasures are lovely, also.

Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Stella said...

The dress and your daughter are beautiful. But the hands captured my heart. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness.....My Grandma had open hands like that. I can remember them in her china cabinet. I don't have a clue as to what happened to them???? I have most of her glass but alas....not them!!
Have a Wonderful Weeekend!

Unknown said...

Love Love Love your pinks! Happy Pink Saturday!

Char said...

Hello sweet friend, I have to say your post for this week is filled with lots of love and romance. Your daughter is just precious. Don't they grow up so fast. I love the pillow you decided to keep. The teacup is perfect, I don't blame you. I am always amazed at the things people throw out, but it's a good thing they do, or where would the rest of us be. Happy Pink Saturday Rebecca, Char

Lynn said...

I've seen a couple of these "pin money" banks and they are just so cute, I'd love to find one! Also like the compote, but love the crocheted flowers over it!

Cathi said...

Love your Pink book. That is a precious memory indeed!
Happy Pink Saturday!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing all of those beautiful things! I especially love the pin money bank!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Suzie Button said...

What lovely beauties you shared today! Thank you also for stopping by and visiting me this Pink Saturday! Suzie

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Rebecca, I love all your pinkness today, especially those lovely hands! Very prettyu!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Charo said...

Pretty pinks.
Happy Pink Saturday!


Patricia said...

What a beautiful post. All your pinks are so delicate and lovely. I love the hands. Happy Pink Saturday to you and I hope you have a wonderful new week.

Caleen said...

Oh.. I love all your pinks! They are definitely a "Pick me up"! I love the Huldah Print.. I have 3 Huldah prints and I just love them.. Remind me of some art I had as a child.. Thank you for the Beauty.. :)

Charmingdesigns said...

YOur pinks are lovely, I love those hands.
If you could, I would love to know what number is on your Ebson, there are a lot of printers that say stylis.
Thanks bunches

Dogmom Diva said...

Hi Rebecca what a beautiful post today, your daughter is the lovliest pink of the bunch..I also love the hands and the pin money..I have not seen anything like those in a very long time.
Blessings and have a wonderful weekend..

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Rebecca, I love all of your beautiful pink treasures. Each one has such sweet and precious memories attached to them, so they are truly priceless. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my post. I am so glad you were blessed. I will remember you in prayer and I do know the Lord is always in control, regardless of our circumstances. Believing that with all your heart is the hard part, but just keep praising Him. Some days that was all I could do. I couldn't pray anymore, so I just tried to praise. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

Tara said...

So many pretty pinks to see! What a beautiful little print. I can see why you wish you had kept Adrienne's dress, it's frilly perfection. Don't you wish we could wear dresses like that and twirl and twirl and twirl...
Happy PS Rebecca!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca! Oh, I would know you'd lave lots of pinkness! Your little daughter was so adorable and what a sweet little dress! You were and are such a wonderful seamstress!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I smiled when you talked about the trinket box from when you were broker than broke. I KNOW those days...and I have some things my husband gave me during that time. I wish I had kept more of the Christmas ornies I made our first Christmas....funny how those things mean more with the passing years.

Jacalyn @ said...

Oh what lovely pinks! Your daughter's dress is really beautiful!

Happy PS,

June said...

You my dear, knows how to do pink so well. I love it ALL, but especially that darling pink baby. The dress is beautiful!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Rebecca: I love when you visit me. You are a sweet spirit that makes me think all is well with the world. Your pretty pinks are stunning this PS. Thank you for praying for me. I am still in great need. Blessings to you my dear friend. Martha

Shirl said...

Hi, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits! Love your pink post this week. So many beautiful things to look at here!
BLessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, I am so happy you stopped by my blog so I could find you too. Your blog is so soft and pretty and your Pink Saturday holds some precious pinks. I am glad you chose the pretty china over the Fiesta wear too. :) Hope you day is beautiful and you have a wonderful week ahead. ~ Lynn @thevintagenest

Mari said...


Deanna said...

Everything looks so sweet, but I think the little dress is especially darling.

God bless,

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