Saturday, August 14, 2010


Good Morning, Peeps...

If you are a follower of my blog then no doubt you read about me shuttering my booth space a couple of weeks ago.  I continue to be VERY happy about my choice and feel more clear-headed than ever about what I'm doing with my life!  Since that time I've finished up a slew of special orders and it feels GREAT to finally get caught up!  After a week of caring for my Miss K (while her Momma and Daddy moved/closed on their very first home...yeah!) it's time to refocus my attention on my WEBSITE and ready myself for Fall and (don't faint) Christmas business.

I'll be taking the next few days off but I promise to be back soon , hopefully with some fresh ideas and inspiration

I'll be missing you for sure...

Love to you~


Mari said...



Susie Jefferson said...

Doesn't it feel great to catch up, and finally feel ON TOP of things! What a stress reliever.

Have a great break, relax, regroup and REVIVE. You'll be back, better than ever!

Unknown said...

Love all your Pinks Rebecca, we all need to take blogging breaks, or our creations never get the full attention of creating! I understand and I'm about ready for one also! XOXO

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi Rebecca,
First...thank you for taking time out of your busy day to drop by and leave your sweet comment. I wish you well in your future plans. From what I read you have the foundation for success..letting the Lord lead your path. I hope to see you back blogging soon. I so enjoy reading and learning from your inspirational posts. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

hello Sweet Rebecca
Aren't you glad to get that decision behind you? Can't wait to
see your Christmas goodies!!!

Theresa said...

I am missing you:) Enjoy your break! HUGS!

Mosaic Magpie said...

We will be missing you as well. I am glad you have peace about your decisions. How nice to be caught up on your special orders. I feel as though such a weight is on me when I have things to do for others. I love that someone else admires my work and wants to buy it, but somehow that takes the fun out of creating for me. It is like they are hitting the "on demand" button and I am in the
"I do what I want" zone.

Dolores said...

Isn't it a great feeling to be pleased and happy with a decision made......I'm happy for you!

Congratulations to your family on their first home, that's exciting.

You'll be missed, but enjoy your time of creativity and work.


Anonymous said...

No fainting here! It's never too early to think about Christmas!

I've been busy with my grands but now i'm here to catch up! ♥

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Will miss you but understand completely!!


Grace said...

Will Miss you but good luck and enjoy! Grace xoxo

Karen said...

Looking forward to your next posting. A change of pace is so healing for the soul.
Enjoy your weekend.
Ladybug Creek

Patti said...

We'll be missing you too. Your lovely posts and your sweet spirit are always a joy to be around.

Hope you get lots accomplished and return feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Victorian1885 said...

Dearest Rebecca
We will miss you ..please take some time for yourself too!


Linda said...

We will miss you too Rebecca...but will be looking forward to your return. (:>) You inspire us all.

Oklahoma Granny said...

You'll be missed. See you soon.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

I miss you already but I understand how important it is to get focused and organized.
Tina xo

Blondie's Journal said...

Have a productive AND relaxing time away from Blogland. You will be missed!


Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Rebecca, hurry back, I will miss your great posts! Enjoy your time away and did you say Fall and Christmas in same sentence? Yikes! Time does fly by way too fast these days!


Sherry from Alabama said...

Oh my, but you ARE the busy one! I'm glad it's a happy~busy for you.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Privet and Holly said...

Hi Rebecca!
Believe it or not,
this is the time
of year when my
own thoughts start
to turn towards
Christmas, and I
don't even have
a shop! It's just
that I like to make
as much as I can and
that is just not
something you can
wait until the last
moment to do. Plus,
my whole family does
a stocking exchange;
everyone buys everyone
else a small stocking
gift and then we all
get to open a stocking
filled with seven special
gifts : ) Bet you had
so much fun with Miss K
and hope your weekend
will be bright and lovely,
just like YOU!
xx Suzanne

Anonymous said...

You'll be missed, Most Beautiful Rebecca, but I'm glad you'll be doing what you need to do. I'm also glad you're where you need to be with your little shop and your projects! You are so good!! :)
Have a wonderful weekend and also you're a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Rita said...

Get lots done and we'll miss you!

Carol said...

Wishing you a restful respite from the Business. I am encouraged that you realize your Pink Energizer Bunny days are a thing of the past. Doesn't it feel good to take a deep breath and have some "Rebecca Time?"

Hoping to see some more of those dreamy cream, vintage lace Sachet Hangers on your Christmas to do list. They are beyond beautiful.

Carol from Good 'Ol Texas

Tara said...

Art is right. It is definitely an artform you have created. I bet you had lots of fun with Miss K! Have a great rest before you jump in the Christmas weeds!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

You will be missed but I hope you get alot accomplished the break will do you good!


June said...

Rebecca, have a wonderful break and enjoy your precious time with Miss K.
hugs to you from here...

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Happy PiNk, Rebecca...

I'm so glad you've caught up...oh what a feeling that is..I wish I could remember..LOL One day I'm gonna get everything in our home in order...I'm telling you making a major move at this time in my life hasn't been easy. I'm not the ball of energy I used to be.

We have done so much in such a short time since Thomas retired {again} in February. Prior to that he was only home 6 days a month so anything that required some man power didn't get done.

I've pulled out my crochet hooks and the journal of all of my own patterns. Miss Morgan just got a new crocheted sweater today.

I hope to get a lot more done by Christmas. Anyhow, I just wanted to say hello and see what you were up to. :0)

I enjoy chatting with you.♥

Happy Day,
Stephanie ♥

Anne Lorys said...

Sometimes we all need a little break, and it certainly sounds like you enough "real life" projects to keep you busy.

Your creations are simply stunning! :-)

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy your few days of "me" deserve it! But I bet you are going to be helping Sarah get their new house in order and decorated!! That is so much fun, it won't feel like working!!
Anyway, whatever you choose to do, enjoy, and get some rest from
always have a time schedule to meet.
I will be looking forward to your return...I love to read your inspirational blogs and see all of the new creations!! As I have told you amaze and inspire me!!
Take care, my sweet friend,
xxxxxxxxxx Francy

Lovey said...

See yah soon Rebecca! Thinking of you...

Rose said...

glad to hear that you are happy with your decision to close your boothe. can't wait to see what's up for xmas. rose

Rose said...

glad to hear that you are happy with your decision to close your boothe. can't wait to see what's up for xmas. rose

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Rebecca,
I'm looking forward to seeing all your new creations!. Your little white chair and slip cover are just as lovely as can be! I know the slip covers are a lot of work! but worth it in the end. You did a great job, I just love how it turned out...
Get some rest and have fun with your new adventure.
Big hugs, Elizabeth

Jocelyn said...

Don't be too long Rebecca, you know we will miss you.


Julie Marie said...

Hello my sweet friend... trying to get caught up on my favorite blogs... hope you are enjoying your crafting, I know you love it and I am happy you are more relaxed now... thank you so much for your visits and checking in on me and for your prayers... how sweet Little Miss K was thinking of me too! I love her, and you too! xoxo Julie Marie

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Sweet friend, were things not so hectic here I would miss you so much more...but..don't get around much anymore. Like you, I will be back. I just wanted to drop in and give you my love and best wishes in all you do...
Love and big hugs,

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi dear Rebecca! It is so very easy to get caught up trying to maintain a household, a job, a blog, and everything else that life can take a bite out of. Everyone needs some time away to regroup, refocus, and to take a deep breath. Enjoy your time, my friend....and know that you will be missed. (I just might pop back in to hear your beautiful music, though, ok? *wink*)

Blessings ~

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Caroline said...

Enjoy your time off Rebecca you deserve it. We'll all be waiting for you!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

How can it be possible to love someone so dearly never having met them? Sometimes there is just an invisible golden thread that connects people...
We are so fortunate, Rebecca, to have this wonderful, caring and sharing outlet to meet other women, get to know them and gather them close to our hearts. I gathered you close in my thoughts years ago when I was blessed to meet you. (Even the name of your blog is dear to me..)

Thank you for that precious comment. You ALWAYS touch my heart!



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Rebecca, those things you made are so pretty! You are one talented lady. :-)

I hope you have a good break and that your presents have safely arrived. Let me know when you have a chance, okay? Thanks! XO

I am checking in from my break and hope to be back blogging the first of September. Lots and lots going on here, too.

Miss you...


Sheila :-)

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