Saturday, August 28, 2010


For the past several weeks I've taken part in PINK SATURDAY hosted by the ever lovely Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.  It's been a joy for me to link up with so many special ladies as they each share with you their love of all things PINK.

This week-end Miss Beverly and Miss Sherry from Country Wings In Phoenix (our PS Girlie) have joined with Charlotte and Ginger over at Spiritual Sundays for a simply lovely event.  These gifted, talented women have in turn linked up with Miss Kelee at the Katillac Shack for a beautiful two day event to honor Colette Gauthier, a very special lady recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Kelee headed up a team from Guideposts Magazine with a goal in mind to create a HEALING ROOM for Colette to recover in.

I hope you'll take a few minutes out of your busy life to visit Miss Kelee's lovely blog and read this amazing story for yourself.  There is also a video that shows the journey several incredibly giving people traveled as they worked to transform a plain, simple room into a place of peace and healing for Colette.

Thanks to Kelee we've each been given a chance to personally share in Colette's Miracle by GIVING BACK.  For every comment left on Kelee's Post (and I understand the others sites as well) $1 dollar will be donated in order to help someone else receive a Miracle Makeover!  How fabulous is that?  There are some fabulous GIVEAWAYS, too, so take a minute or two to check these out!

Additionally, our Pink Saturday Host, Miss Beverly, gave us Pink Lovin' Gals the option of sharing our own short story of inspiration, a poem or even a photo in hopes of inspiring others who may be facing their own life challenge this very day~

  After much thought I decide to share this...

Because I'm the daughter of a Preacher-Man you surely can imagine how many of my childhood days were spent warming a church pew.  Whenever the doors of the church were open for services I was there with my three siblings.  Together with our parents we rarely missed a Sunday or Wednesday Night Service and trust me when I say we were on our death bed if we did!

During my growing up years we'd often have groups of Missionaries visit our local congregation and part of their presentation was to show slides of their lives in far away countries.  I was often taken back by the sacrificial giving of these Godly men and women and wondered how it was even possible for them to move away from everyone they loved in order to minister to an unknown people using an unknown language while living in an unknown land ...

Secretly there were times when I feared God would call me to a funny sounding place like Mozambique or maybe even to serve in a Haitian village. the time I was fifteen I was fairly certain God had something different for me and my life.  I didn't know yet what that would be, but I knew it wouldn't be anything that remotely resembled living in a place that seemed to be a world away.  Boy did that make me happy...

What I know today is that God calls us all to be a missionary or servant in one way or another.  I heard it said once that "God doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called" and I believe it to be true. Each of us possess our own unique and special gifts than can be used to minister and bless and often we don't even have to leave the safety of our own homeland to seek out and then care for people in need.  How thankful I am for those who willingly give of themselves and unselfishly care for the downtrodden, the forgotten, the sick, the homeless, the lost and the suffering. 

"So send I you to bind the bruised and broken,
O'er wand'ring souls to work, to weep, to wake,
To bear the burdens of a world a weary,
So send I you to suffer for My sake."

Thanks again to Beverly, Sherry, Charlotte and Ginger and especially to Kelee and GUIDEPOSTS for showing us in the flesh exactly what it means to become the hands and feet of the Most High...

(And Colette~You will continue to be in my personal prayers...~xo)

Happy Pink Saturday.  Love to you all...


Natasha in Oz said...

I just loved hearing your story! Thanks so much for sharing it for this very special Pink and miracle-filled weekend.

Blessings and best wishes,

Mosaic Magpie said...

There are times we are given the opportunity to see a need in others and be there to help. While helping those in need, we are most often the ones who receive
the blessing.

Dolores said...

Your post always inspire me sweet friend.....
Hoping you have a wonderful weekend!

VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,my beautiful,beautiful lady and fabulous friend Rebecca!-)*

Your Heart is adorable...
I can spending a LOT of time behind you posts,that's true!!!
Wish you calming,lovely and pretty last summer days weekend,


NanaDiana said...

Rebecca-What a beautiful tribute to those you love. You are a lovely person (inside and out) and I feel blessed to have found your Blog. I will pop over to the Guideposts site and write a comment.

ps...I, personally, am glad your are not blogging from Xanadu!:>) Diana

Patty C. said...

God Bless
Need I say More :)

Ann said...

What a wonderful retelling of your childhood. I too spent every Sunday and Monday on a church pew. My Dad was a deacon--but not a pastor. You have certainly been given beautiful gifts---they are so evident in your blog. God uses you in a wonderful way. I'ts so great to have friends who are like-minded. Have a wonderful Miracle Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this R! This is truly a wonderful act of kindness.

I have always been touched by the acts of missionaries. Such brave young people to go out into the world based solely on faith & promise.


Char said...

Rebecca, do you ever sleep? I couldn't help but notice the time you restless soul. HA.
You did it again didn't you? You said the words that touched my heart with your magic hands and thoughts. It's all so true and we are all so very blessed just to be here. We should be reaching out our hearts and our hands to one another in love and peace. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday and Happy Miracle Party, Char

Roberta said...

Happy Pink Saturday Rebecca and such a wonderful post. So happy to read that you have found your place/calling in God's wonderful world. Just love being part of the PS and the Miracle Makeover. I've also added a giveaway for my PS post today so please stop by and leave a comment and let me know if you'd like to be in the giveaway. Fondly, Roberta

Jacalyn @ said...

Lovely post Rebecca. Thank you for sharing!


Lemon Lane Studio said...

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Absolutely, life changing thinking. How many of us don't feel qualified to do anything remotely to be Missionary work. But missionary work happens everyday, wherever we are and God qualifies to do it. Thank you for sharing, Patty

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Beautiful words that warmed my heart today Rebecca!
Love the gorgeous artwork also, you have such a wonderful sense of the delicate and feminine and it always makes me smile!
Tina xo

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

A lovely post that brought a smile imaging your "hinny" warming the church pew! Look at all the wisdom and insight it brought you!
HPS and Happy Miracle Weekend, too!

Annesphamily said...

My goodness what a wonderful story. I am always so grateful to come by and see your smiling face. You are another lady I am so glad I know. It is an honor to be part of your story. Thank you for sharing today and always. Anne

fannipauline said...

Hi Rebecca - I so enjoyed your post this morning. I too, grew up in church - attending Sunday, morning and evening, Tues was Singspiration and I rarely missed. I was raised by grandparents that were loving and giving and felt my salvation was all important and it was and is. My prayer everyday is that God would take me and mold me into that person He wants me to be - not - who I think I need to be. I truly love the Lord with all my heart and try to live my daily life in such a way that people will see God's light shinning thru me.

I believe that all of us that have been called by our precious Lord are missionariess of sorts...some travel - and some are aable to be home. I had a Gift Shop for many years and it was called Glory Originals as I owe all of my talents and creativity to the Lord and I honor Him in all that I create.....I will be 80 in November and still create to glorify my precious, precious Lord.

Blessings ..... Pauline

Unknown said...

What a lovely post Rebecca, You are truly a beautiful person and an amazing lady, I hope one of these days I actually get some creating completed but I'm always working my way around blog land to learn a new tool, you have so many gifts, I hope you will stop by my blog and see my happy shared posts as I don't usually say to much about my personal life but it took me what seem forever to just create this post for the Miracle Makeover as I'm not from a computer generation and still have so much to learn. I need another lifetime to do it in. So meanwhile I just keep at it along with my other personal things to handle. I would love to purchase one of your pillows but need to create, not spend, at least you know the thought and admiration is there. You are loved, even through through cyber space.I always visit your post for inspiration and dreams. Heartful Hugs, Marilou

Kelee Katillac said...

I love your story and you are right! God calls us in different ways. I never thought when I was a kid that becoming an interior designer would be of service to God.

Now I know that God can use us wherever we are planted.

Thank-you for your lovely post and for being on the Miracle Team!

love, kelee

Laura's Rose Garden said...

Dear Rebecca!
Another wonderful post my friend!! You are reaching hundreds of people by sharing with this online ministry!! You are wonderful!
Many blessings and warm hugs, Laura

Deanna said...

Dear Rebecca, Thank you for sharing. I enjoy hearing what we have been through and how we grow.

Sweet post and may God bless you,

Marilyn said...

When I read your post title the first thing I thought of was a hymn we have with the same title! I'll have to look it up to see which hymn book it's in because I have collected quite a few. The words and music minister to me in a way the songs of today don't. For me the traditional hymns are the best!! Thanks for sharing. ♥♫

Charo said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely story Rebecca!

Happy Miracle Party!

Sherry from Alabama said...

What a special post. Growing up as a deacon's daughter, I can understand a little bit about what you mean about always having to be in church if the doors were opened.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

myletterstoemily said...


thank you for sharing your inspiring
stories and encouraging words. i
used to be just like that, "oh Lord,
please not africa!"

none of us really knew all that He
planned for us, did we?

i commented on colette's site and
pray all goes well for this sweet


Laura said...

Dearest Rebecca-
This was a lovely post.
I am never surprised however because your kind spirit always comes through your writing.

Thank you for being you.

White Spray Paint

Kim B said...

Thank you for sharing a part of you with that lovely story.

Lisa said...

I did not know that you are a PK! I'm so glad that God did not call you to Haiti! He knew we would need you right here to encourage and uplift us. You are a blessing, Friend.:)

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Rebecca, as the wife of a preacher man, I know what is expected of his family and not necessarily by him either. I also know the burden which is put upon the children by others because they're Preacher's Kids! But we are all 'called' as you said and He can use us wherever we are. As the saying goes, 'Bloom where you are planted.' Thank you for your lovely post and we're happy you are who you are! Happy Pink Saturday weekend.


A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Dearest Rebecca, I can honestly say that I love reading your posts. You have been a personal inspiration to me and helped me to be a better believer and follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am by nature a sceptic and this can be my downfall on many occasions. When I read your blog you help place my feet firmly back where they should be. I truly think that is one of your purposes in life from God. You help minister to me and for that I am honestly grateful.

Your very grateful friend, Maureen.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Love this sweet post, Rebecca. Isn't Colette and her new room amazing? And Kelee, well, she and her team have certainly earned another jewel in their heavenly crowns, haven't they!?!

BTW, I also LOVE the new muted Fall/Halloween pillows you are creating!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Rebecca,

I loved reading the story of your childhood and can just see you sitting there thinking, "What if?, God sends me to another land? ♥

You were a blessed child and now a blessed woman. I do not move an inch without my hand in His..the gift of meeting Jesus didn't happen for me until I was 38 years old. Not from disbelief though...I knew that God had watched over me my whole life..that He knew the day would arrive and I would be led to meet His son...because he knew I would not be presented by my parent's for this most important occasion.

My Baptism wasn't only my new life in Jesus but it soon became my whole new life. I finally had the courage to make some major life changing decisions for myself so I could find the life of happiness that God wanted for me. ♥

I have a good life now and I owe it all to God. He never gave up on me.♥

Happy {Pink} Day,
Stephanie ♥

Anonymous said...

What lovely words, generous offer and nice way to help someone.

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Hi Rebecca, I loved reading your beautiful post! Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings~~~ Daphne

D. Jean Quarles said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Hope your weekend is great.

Unknown said...

Hey Sweets!
Thanks ever so much for words to live by! I believe God calls us to minister wherever we land. Sometimes he just takes some farther away than others. But to be available and willing is the best thing of all.

To him be the Glory!
Lorena sure to stop by and read about our job news!


Hi Rebecca,
Yes, God calls us in our own homes and neighborhoods to work/witness for Him!
LOVE your fall pillow. Darling little girl on it.
deb :)

Lisa said...

What a lovely post! I think this party has helped us all to share our ups and downs and blessings. It is so great to stop and share these!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Unknown said...

Your words bring confirmation to my week. It is hard at times to be called to what we do-wether it be in a far away country or for people in our own community. I struggle and wrestle at times with all we do for our sweet Brenna and those that will follow her, but I am comforted by your words.
Thank you for these today.

Theresa said...

What a sweet peek into your heart! Beautiful Colette... inside and out!


My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

Hi Sweet Lady.... beautiful words from a beautiful Lady. I too read about Colette's battle & just know in my heart this gorgeous Lady is going to beat the big C & come out the other end even stronger than before.
Hope you are having a great weekend Sweet....

Lyn xxxx

Heaven's Walk said...

Hello sweet Rebecca! What a beautiful post today. Have you ever considered becoming a pastor yourself? You certainly have been blessed with the gift of ministering, encouraging, and spreading God's word. Bless you for that, dear friend. I,too, grew up very active in the church since my father was a deacon. It was Saturday morning choir rehearsals, Wednesday night catechism, and Sunday morning services. I treasure every minute I spent there and thank God for my parents planting my hinney in that pew! :) I feel blessed to this day because of the circle of Christian sisters I now have surrounding me with love and support.

Blessings to you, friend!

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Rebecca. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.

There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.

Thank you for sharing these memories with us. I do believe that people are placed in certain situations because of their special gifts.

I'm still hoping to reach my goal of 200 comments by midnight tonight.

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