Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Florence, Alabama

I truly missed being home over the past ten days or so but it was so good to get away for a little personal time.  Although it was hard to break free from my business and my connection with you via this little bloggie of mine, I realize more than ever that even the things we love can sometimes press in hard on our lives and wear us down.  While away I cleared my head of some lingering fog and was able to quiet down my restless spirit as well.  Spent many, many lovely hours with the keeper of my heart while focusing solely on the three things most important to me in my life.  My love for God, love for family and friends and the gratefulness for a life blessed by the Most High.  My cup is full and overflowing.
 BUILT IN 1915

I'm excited to share with you a little of what I breathed in while driving through and visiting four states east of Oklahoma...

The two photos you see above were taken of the B&B my Mr. AGPMan and I stayed in while visiting Northern Alabama.  He planned a two day visit to this lovely vintage home nestled in the heart of a beautiful aging town a few miles south of the Tennessee border.  We were the only guests at the time and we enjoyed our stay.  We rested well and slept in late!  We dined on great food and even watched a football game from beginning to end without interruption (a treat for my guy).  No phone.  No knocks.  No nothing.  Just peace and quiet.
(This home is both old and new)

We walked along the streets of Florence, Alabama, a pretty town named for Florence, Italy.  The stately turn-of-the-century homes were breathtaking and what I wouldn't have given for a chance to peak inside just one!
(It's Lovely!)

We also drove to the town of Tuscumbia and walked her streets as well.  The homes there were just as lovely as the ones we saw in Florence.  Especially one.  But...I'll be sharing about that one tomorrow.
(Love That!)

(Of Course!)

Before I scoot for the day I'll leave you with a picture taken of me standing outside the gate of the childhood home of Helen Keller.  It was built back in 1820 and seeing it in person fulfilled a lifelong dream I've carried in my heart for nearly 40 years...
Helen Keller's Childhood Home

Tomorrow I'll be sharing with you pictures of our visit to IVY GREEN and something I found interesting along the way...

Blessings to each of you today.  I missed you more than I can say~

Love to you...


Carolyn said...

Such beautiful homes, Rebecca! Looks like you had a wonderful time ....and you look very happy and serene! God is certainly good!

Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Rebecca :) Sounds like you two had a wonderful time, and the photos of those homes are incredible....oh to be able to see how they are decorated inside! :) Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your vacation together!

Have a lovely day, warmest hugs, Brenda

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home!! I love the yellow & white house. Just gorgeous! I know when we went down to Kentucky, the architecture there was amazing. Not at all like our own home town, which by the by, has it's own style. But it was extraordinary to say the least. A lot of gothic and gingerbread which was a strange blend but it is what it is. Beautiful pics Ms. R. hugs. Tammy

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Looks like a lovely area!!

Oklahoma Granny said...

So glad to have you back in Oklahoma! Your trip looks magnificient. Those grand, lovely homes just take my breath away.

VM Creation Atelier said...

Oh,my dearest Rebecca:-)*

You post with those houses are beyond adorable!!!
What a beauty,what anamazing,so diffrent fabulously nice houses...

I can imagine how much do you missing you bloghous,my dearest Friend!


VM Creation Atelier said...

Oh,my dearest Rebecca:-)*

You post with those houses are beyond adorable!!!
What a beauty,what anamazing,so diffrent fabulously nice houses...

I can imagine how much do you missing you bloghous,my dearest Friend!


Charlene said...

Those houses are amazing!!!! I can't wait to see Ivy Green. I so admire Helen Keller. Thanks for sharing. Charlene

Cora said...

My beautiful home sweet home of Alabama!! Love all these homes. Can't wait for tomorrow's post! Helen is to be admired...o yeah!

NanaNor's said...

Hi Rebecca, I love these photos and love all old homes-haven't been to this area but have been through Miss. and Tennessee and some in the east. I'm glad you got to stay in one and came home again. You are such a blessing!
Hugs to you today.

Rita said...

What a wonderful time you must have had. I have been to Helen Keller's home and it was a wonderful trip. I know that you thoroughly enjoyed it, especially knowing the history behind it. I love the old homes with the wrap around porches. That has always been my dream to own one.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Rebecca! So glad you had a refreshing time. The older I get,the more I enjoy those special trips. Love the old homes!

Lisa B.

Dolores said...

All of the homes are so gorgeous!!!! I don't want to live in an old house, but I LOVE looking at them and dreaming of times gone by.
You look so pretty standing my Helen Keller's home...
Welcome home!

fannipauline said...

What beautiful homes and a serene look to them. You do not see any of that in this beautiful desert community in which I live. We use to visit Missouri often and they would have beautiful, stately homes there and I just loved to drive and look at them. Mostly all that is left of a bygone era when ut was a different world.
Hugs, Pauline

Rose said...

love the photos of the older homes. i'm partial to older homes. looks like a gret trip for you. looking forward to see more photos. take care rose

Tanza said...

Hi Sweet ~r~,
Ooohhh how wonderful that you were able to get away !! And, to such a beautiful place !! I just LoVe looking at old homes, and just soo wished, the walls could talk !! There is just something so wonderful, sweet, and charming with these beauties !! Soo enjoyed my tour !!
I've been soo busy, and not blogging much lately, BUT, I will return soon ..
Hoping you feel rested, and hopefully brought something beautiful to makeover for lil' ole' mee .. I'm thinking I NEED something about now !! heehee
We will chat soon my friend ~
Big HuGS to you ~tea~ xo

June said...

Oh these are all so gorgeous Rebecca! Oh to have a home like that here in my own little Idaho. I adore the B&B you stayed in...what a lovely place to have stayed.
Your vaca sounds like a really lovely time and something you probably really needed. You work so hard!

Shirley said...

Hi Rebecca, I love the vintage homes and would love to have one with the wrap around porch. They look so inviting as though they are asking you to come in and stay a while. Thanks for sharing your pictures and trip with us. Your Missouri Friend.

Char said...

Don't we live in the most beautiful country of all? So much rich history to see and stories to be told.
So many of us seek solice outside our boundries never knowing the magic that waits inside our borders. You saw a piece of it and it's gorgeous. Something you will take with you in your heart forever. I am happy to see and hear that your heart is full and you are happy. That is the best part of life and our liberty.
I wish I could walk the streets and see our proud flag flying high above so many homes.
The south holds a special place in my heart. I was born and raised in the great state of CA, but fortunate enough to have lived in beautiful GA for three wonderful years. I fell in love with the south and the southern hospitality of the southern people. There is no greater place on earth than home. Welcome back Rebecca, Char

Unknown said...

What a lovely trip, Rebecca!
Can you even imagine what the insides of those gorgeous homes are like???? I would love to stroll some of those streets. And your B&B sounds like a slice of heaven!!!
And to be at the birth place of Helen Keller?? Amazing.

Anonymous said...

so glad you had a relaxing get-a-way!! In Florence, you were only 45 minutes from me!!!

Linda said...

So nice that you got to get away and take a little trip Rebecca. The pictures were amazing. What lovely homes you saw.

Glad you had some quiet time with God...and relaxing time with your hubby. We all need that from time to time.

Glad you got home safely.

God Bless!

Linda @ Lruthful Tidbits

NanaDiana said...

Rebecca- I am still on the road myself. Your pictures are beautiful...just like you! I am glad that you were able to get some time away and came home feeling rested and renewed. Sometimes we just need to step back a bit and review WHO and WHAT is important in our lives. I am glad that your focus was on the inner you...much more important than the outer you, isn't it? In the long run, all we have to keep is that which is beautiful inside of our hearts. Hugs my dear sweet friend- Diana

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