Friday, December 3, 2010

~DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS at My La Chaumière de Briarwood~

(How Lovely You Are In Pink)

Every single year when the Christmas gets close without fail my heart skips a beat or two!  I love not only the planning of the festivities, but I'm one of those weird people who love the hustle and bustle, the shopping, the caroling, the baking, the cleaning decorating, the gift buying and the gift giving.  I love visiting my longtime neighbors and friends, and most of all I love December worship at my church and celebrating the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Just A Little Bitty Peek)

It is never lost on me when another Christmas is ushered in how blessed I am to experience it in a fresh, new way.  I am so grateful to God for His goodness and for allowing me to continue another year doing exactly what I love.

The picture at the top is of our pretty Christmas Tree this year.  It's been a long time since I placed our glittery girl in the corner of our family room and I had forgotten how much I actually love her there.  With the addition of the vintage sideboard on the right (picture above), you can see her old place was taken making it impossible to place her in front of the window.
 (Lovely Soft Berry Fabric Must Go!)

My Mr. AGPMan and I finished up many projects this year! One huge goal for me was to have our big, comfy chairs and our sofa re-upholstered in a softer color palette with more cottage style flair. big, comfy chairs were finished a few weeks ago but I drug my feet getting my sofa taken in and...well...DRATS!  I have this lovely creamy white, slightly nubby fabric just waiting to be cut into, but I just couldn't get the fog out of my brain in time to get things together...baahhhhhh!
(I believe in JESUS)
(A Sweet Gift From 'Da-Man')

Many years ago I saw a couple sets of hand cut letters at a high-end Christmas Store in Dallas.  One said "Merry Christmas" and the other one simply said "NOEL".  They were far out of our reach financially at the time so my "he-can-do-anything-man" made me as set of each and today I love them more than ever (literally cost him pennies to make...but loads and loads of time!).  When my girl married I gifted her with the larger set opting to keep the smaller NOEL set for myself.  Once berry-red, I repainted the letters last year using my favorite cottage white paint!  

Can you say YUMMO?
(Little Bitty Trees Rule)

I have a weakness for "Little Christmas Trees".  I love decorating with them and finding new ways to display them.  The one above (on the left) was made using vintage millinery flowers married together with newer florals, old laces and tiny glass bulbs.  She sits inside one of the garden urns once used for our girl's wedding day centerpieces!

I'm totally excited today as my Miss K is spending the weekend here at Nana's house.  S he will be helping me decorate our front Christmas Tree as well as BB&J (Bake, Bag and Jar) our Christmas Treats this year.  Tomorrow I'll be back with more pictures of our home for Christmas 2010 and some fabulous graphics you can use in your own holiday and Christmas gift giving projects.

If you'd like to see what my home looked like last Christmas just click here!
Thanks for stopping in for a peek today!  Don't forget the GIVEAWAY DRAWING for my FOLLOWERS ends tonight!

Love to you...


Laura's Rose Garden said...

Hello Rebecca,
I am just taking a very quick break from painting to check on your 2010 Christmas decorating and Honey, I lurve it!!! Just lurve it!!! Your new chairs are exquisite and I know that the sofa will turn out loverly when you get the time to get that done, too.
Something funny, we moved out tv from one wall to in front of the big window in our family room, so we will have to move our tree position as well this year. Hubby and son will have to move a large wardrobe to the garage for a month to make room for the tree!!
Gads!!! Gotta throw some tatters and chicken boobs in the oven and get back to painting.
Have a great weekend with Miss K.
Love and hugs, Laura

Anonymous said...

Just finished enjoying your BLOG of today....I spent a LOT of time clicking the photos larger and studying each can do magic with your objects, my sweet friend!! I loved the look...sooo soft and delicate and dreamy!! sigh!!
Enjoy every single moment your Miss K is at your home this weekend
Memories in the making!! She must be thrilled to be helping her very much loved Nana get the "goodies" ready to deliver to neighbors and friends,and to be allowed to help with decorating a tree with you...little girls do so love to be in on such exciting, beautiful
activities!! AND...little girls grow up quickly and their interest shifts to other areas...part of growing up...but all the more reason to cherish her now...
If you would happen to pull MY name
tonight for the GIVE-AWAY I would not mind one bit!LOL Anything YOU make is always fabulous!!
Have the most fun this weekend..
Warm hugs and love, Francy

PinkGranny said...

Way to go...simply stunning. I know you will enjoy this fresh Christmas Season in your home with your lovely tree and softly hued decorations.

I wish you much joy with Miss K

Mari said...




Julie Marie said...

So beautiful Rebecca... I love your chairs all flowery and pretty in there too... and your trees are just stunning... please tell Miss K hello from me... xoxo Julie Marie

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Rebecca, Your home is just so beautifully decorated for Christmas...the trees, both big and small are spectacular! And I too love your newly reupholstered chairs :) Have a wonderful time with your Miss K this weekend.

Warmest hugs, Brenda

Trisha said...

Dreamy is the first word that comes to my mind when I see pictures of your beautiful home and Christmas decorations! It looks so pretty and perfect! Can't wait to see the rest!


Theresa said...

Ditto to what Trisha says... DREAMY! I believe your decorations are in my dreams:) Have a blessed evening my friend, can't wait to see more pictures! HUGS!

NanaDiana said...

Rebecca-That is just a GORGEOUS tree...I look at your picture and I see pretty and then I look at what you do and see pretty too! And, the best part are as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside. Your home is lovely..and I love the recovered chairs. I can't wait to see your sofa done.

Hugs-have fun with your little MissK. I have our little SweetCheeks here for the night Mom can clean for her girls' night party tomorrow. Hugsxxoo Diana

Jan's Blog said...

SO SO beautiful! Your trees are so lovely they melt my heart. Every room, every angle, every direction, is perfection. Thanks for sharing. I always get lots of great ideas!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rebecca,
Oh I love your Christmas home. Your trees are gorgeous and I love your tiny trees too. All magazine ready my friend.
Your talent and love for the beautiful is in everything you touch.
I'm inspired now to redo my whole house. LOL

Love to you and Merry Christmas
Celestina Marie

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh your house is so wonderful! Those chairs are to die for! You'll get to the couch, that will be some work, are you going to upholster or slip cover? I vote slip cover, that is what I did with mine and it is so easy to pull off and wash, especially with the little miss around! I can't wait to see more!


Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Rebecca,
I love December. It is so special to me too. Remembering why we truly should celebrate this holiday. I make a birthday cake every year for Jesus and we sing happy birthday to HIM.
Those chairs are just gorgeous. I could just see myself sitting there and enjoying a cup of tea and a good book, nodding off to sleep. This room is just breathtaking. You should be so proud of your gifts that God has blessed you with, girl. I'm admire your talent.
Enjoy your precious weekend with Miss K.
Blessings to you this Christmas,

Debby said...

Everything looks totally amazing.

Kit said...

Oh so pretty! All of it. I love the daintyness of the room and so feminine. I especially love your trees. Happy Holidays! Kit

pattym61 said...

It looks beautiful Rebecca. The trees are so full and yes, YUMMO! I've been slow getting started this year but the bug has finally bit and I'm elbow deep in hot glue, paper and rhinestones...I have your lovely blog music on in the background. God is so good! Blessings, Patty

ShabbyESP said...

Your decorating is lovely!!!
I am so jealous!!!

Happy Holidays!!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Every photo I see of your home is like something out of a dream..but isn't really real! What is so fascinating is that it IS real. Somewhere out there...beneath the pale moonlight....*sigh*

Barbara Jean said...

Oh everything is so lovely!

Love both the trees.

Your top tree in the soft pinks, sweet!

Barbara Jean

PS I have a tiny silver tree with little mittens trimmed in pink.

Tete said...

Hi Rebecca!
I love this room. I could live in there forever...
I love your new chairs. I love everything in here.
Your tree is very pretty and you have such a touch with putting it all together!
Hugs- Tete

Anonymous said...

I have to catch my breath.....your home is Christmas beautiful. Thanks for sharing. You inspire so many of us with your thoughts and creations. Blessings of this season to you and your precious loved ones

Gypsea Nurse said...

Rebecca~ Stunning.. your home..your tree.. absolutely gorgeous!! Are you taking in anyone for the Holidays? Have a wonderful weekend!

Leave a Legacy said...

Rebecca, just beautiful! I have several little tree, too. I love having a tree in almost every room. Your pictures and ideas are so inspiring.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Rebecca,

Your trees are fabulous as is your home. It's a soul soothing place. ♥

I, too, enjoy the hustle bustle of the season even though I'm not out in it a lot. I just like the flurry of activity. I view it all as "progress"...people busily going about their merry way prospering and enriching the lives of the shoppe owners....and these days that statement really has a new meaning with this dreadful recession.

I guess that's just one more reason why I love living in these mountains where people come from all over the world to visit..there is always a flurry of activity.

I'm preparing for snow and temps in the low teens over the next 3 to 4 days..brrr!!!

Gotta load in a bunch of wood for the wood stove..Thomas is gone out of state to work a short term job. {Yes, a blessing after being laid off for 9 months} I'm being the mountain woman hauling wood..LOL

Thanks so much for visiting with's always a joy to see your smiling face.

Have a perfect PINK day,
Stephanie ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, I can see this on the cover of romantic homes!! It is stunning.


NickiLee said...

Hi Rebecca,

What a stunningly beautiful home you have - every detail is simply elegant. Best wishes for a beautiful Christmas.

Rita said...

Ah Rebecca, your home is lovely for the holidays! You will definitely enjoy being there. Have fun with all the decorations and enjoy being with Miss K!

Marilyn said...

So, did you leave any room on your calendar to come decorate for me? It seems that I'd love anything you put out! I'd bake & bag treats with your sweet little one while you worked here! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Seeing all your lovlies just makes my heart happy. ♥♫

Dolores said...

Hi Rebecca...... EVERYTHING is absolutely fabulous/gorgeous/breath taking..... So soft/soothing and beautiful!

Sure wish I had those 2 chairs.... they're so beautiful and look comfortable too.

I know you're having fun with your sweet granddaughter.

karen said...

So pretty. I love little trees too. Have fun with Miss K.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Your home is just goreous!
Your trees are to die for!!
Can't wait to see more!!

Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Everything looks priceless Rebecca! The tree is beyond words in loveliness. Have a really happy Sunday!
Tina xo

Anonymous said...

Perfect! What a nice life you live. Enjoy it to the fullness God has given to you.


Carol said...

Every year decorating gets more beautiful at the Nelson's. The color scheme is so soothing, Oh.... and the lovely chairs so inviting.

I was thinking of you and Miss "K" yesterday, smiling as I thought of you two doing the "BB&J" project. Your granddaughter's eyes probably got as big as saucers when she walked into your Christmas Fairyland.

Well maybe today I will get busy & motived to start putting up some Christmas things. Yesterday while shopping I found the stores were sold out of Xmas decorations, and readying themselves for Spring. My last resort is a trip to off I go.

Take care sweet friend.

Carol from
Good 'Ol Texas

Barb said...

Just charming, Rebecca. So calming and lovely.

Thanks for the information about the Yorkies. Ron and I are praying about it. I certainly don't trust my emotions these days. Ha. :-) But, your words comforted me.

Love and blessings,

June said...

Your trees are beuatiful girl! Your livingroom is so pretty Rebecca. I can hear you fa la la la-ing clear over here!
big hugs

Lovey said...

Once again so beautiful!

Sandra said...

Hi Rebecca, thank you for the kind words you left me on my post about my father in law. The dr told us that he thinks father in law has just a year to a year and a half of life. :( We haven't told our little ones. So hard. We're just going to take it day by day.
I love what you did with your trees. You have such a gift, my friend. Everything looks beautiful.

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