Now that ALL our family's college graduations (and parties!) are over my and my new AGP Booth is up and functioning as a business my Mr. AGP Man and I have been able to concentrate on working on the MANY projects around our home. Our La Chaumière de Briarwood turns forty-three years old this year and her ongoing updates and makeovers have been trying sometimes. Still...we are hoping by the end of the year most of her kitchen transformation will be done. This remodel is NOT to be confused with just getting new cabinets and flooring...we are talking about ripping everything out down to the studs, tearing up concrete, running new drain lines, updating to a larger capacity electrical box, etc. New bathroom and laundry room, too! Lots of work I can assure you! I'm anxious to show you everything... 

Sweet Vintage Baby Bed
~*Let Her Transformation Begin*~
When my guy decided to return to school that took precedence over anything cosmetic in our home, thus delaying the completion of our kitchen remodel for a LONG TIME! I'm sparing you pictures of the mess we've lived in for at least eighteen months now and will just say we are happy to be back on track. Too bad we can't just hire it all done...that would be wonderful I guess. But, it would also price our home right out of our neighborhood as remodels like this cost more than big bucks! Best to do what we've always done...a little at a time and pay as we go.
This year we've already put in a new backyard and have also been working on our ever changing and growing landscaping projects and gardens. I do NOT have a green thumb and my guy doesn't either! So...yard work and planning shrub-work/layout designs is difficult for us! But...we try!
(So..this idea what NOT so silly after all!)
Of all the things on our 2013 BUCKET LIST the most important from the outdoor perspective was to get my Mr. AGP Man's fabulous Workshop in shape...walking into the house from muddy earth causes a huge mes! With the new grass laid out he was finally able to get back to laying the new decking (sidewalk) that leads to the front door of his workshop. I thought you'd like to see for yourself where my guy does all of his fabulous work...
A couple of weeks ago our neighbors were moving and had an incredible yard sale and you KNOW I was there!!! I picked up the sweet old vintage iron baby bed for $10 because I had big plans for her in the landscaping of a new flowerbed (get it...Flower-BED??? I knew you would!) in the backyard. My entire family rolled their eyes over my plans (so what do THEY KNOW????), but I'm pressing on. Deep cedar boxes will be placed into the baby bed's decking and after sinking the bed partially into the ground she'll be filled up and overflowing with incredible plants, small shrubs, flowering vines, etc.
The bed itself wasn't too hard to paint. It had been already painted a dark, dark hunter green and so I just sprayed over it with Rustoleum's Rust Colored Primer Paint. After that dried I strip painted/mottled it with a mixture of black, cream and white exterior enamel paint. This gave it a great old rusty and weathered look. Before placing her back outside she was completely sealed with several coats of protection. Her legs will be placed in rocks to help keep them from rusting away...good drainage will be needed. I'm hoping by later this summer she will be dressed to the nines! Promise to show you more when I can!
Hope your holiday was wonderful. Much to be thankful for today.
Love to you...
That workshop is gorgeous!! I could live in that! The landscaping ties in so good also. Everything looks so fresh and clean. I don't think I have ever seen decking as a sidewalk. Looks great. The baby crib is a great idea. Are you going to put vines on the sides? Maybe you need to plant some babies breath or babies tears. Have a great day Teresa
Oh, yea, I totally 'get' the flowerbed and I can see the eyes rolling, too! I really need a storage building like yours as my garage is so full of junque and gardening stuff that I cannot park the car in it. Of course, I was not the only packrat in the family...I still need to sort through all of Wally's tools in the garage, but have not been inclined to do so yet. Have a great week, my friend. I'm finally planting my flowers in pots. Happy days.♥♫
We are on the 'Pay as you go plan' for our kitchen as well. That works best for us, then I don't get anxious about making payments.
Your yard looks sweet. Enjoy it this summer.
Hello dear Rebecca... you have been so busy with all of your projects!... love love love MR. AGP's workshop... and your flower bed is just delightful!... I can hardly wait to see her all planted and beautifully growing... alot of the older homes around here actually have flower "beds" planted and I love them!... I have not seen a baby bed though... so that makes YOURS even more beautiful!... wish I was there, I would love to help plant things with you... I actually DO think you have a green thumb... you have just been so busy with painting, your booth, crafting, everything else you do, it has had to wait a while to show... I know everything will look stunning!... xoxo Julie Marie Hello Mr. AGP!
Love the flower bed:) I got it right away! Your Hubby's shop is just perfect! Have a blessed week dear Rebecca, HUGS!
Dearest Rebecca,
You always manage to come up with surprising projects!
Your husband's workshop looks very neat with the new wooden walkway and the grass growing.
We do the same; step by step and from mid November on till the end of June we hope we will round things up!
Your husband's workshop is just awesome and fits in so beautifully with your landscaping. The "Flower Bed" is such a neat idea...I love the whimsical look of it! You probably have a greener thumb than you think. I'm a self taught gardener and I relied on gardening book to teach me everything. Not that you have the time. We are in the same position here, one baby step at a time. Best wishes on all of your projects, sweet lady!
I love the "flower bed"
I"m right there with you.
I've seen a few similar ones in my travels and have always loved them.
Goodness, you guys never stop! I love and totally get your flower BED!
What a sweet shed and I LOVE the baby crib...it will make a great flower BED! I am just back to blogging after losing my computer a few weeks back.
I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that Oklahoma was the site of such tragedy in the past few weeks. It is just heartbreaking and I can't begin to imagine what your state is going through. You are all in my prayers- xo Diana
His shop is so cute! I love the baby bed/ flower bed. I have a headboard that has a flower box built on it. I don't think I have ever shared it on my blog...
Amy Jo
Simply beautiful, the workshop is awesome, and your baby bed sure is pretty. Blessings, Trisha
I love the baby bed! It's gonna be precious as a flower bed. Also, your hubby's workshop is awesome. I love how you have it decorated all around the front.
Lee Laurie
I love the workshop. The flower bed is just fantastic. Great idea.
Have a beautiful day.
That baby bed is adorable. I see exactly where you wanted o go with it. The yard is looking so good, too. Can't wait to see the kitchen reveal, and I admire you both more than I can say.
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