Now that my guy has found amazing employment we've had to work pretty hard at returning to a normal schedule. That means no more late night movies (bummer!) and we are once again getting up with the chickens (even bigger bummer). I'm not a morning person in the first place, but considering the fact that for almost seven months we've slept in almost every single day we've got some serious adjusting to do. Our body clocks are completely out of whack!
One unexpected thing that I'm excited about is that for the first time EVAHHHHH my Mr. AGPMan has his very own office. No more traveling out of state (whoot! whoot!) or even from account to account! He has a huge desk and chair, a tall cabinet, a table and two guest chairs. Every single piece of furniture is brand new and the walls are completely bare....
Knowing this has helped set his high maintenance gal's mind to, um...well, you know...wandering THINKING!
And so, for the past week I've worked hard at convincing my Mr. that an
decorating theme MIGHT not be such a wise idea given the fact he is employed at an Oklahoma College, a place of higher learning. I rolled my eyes up into my brain at the very thought of those silly stupid colorful little birdies nesting in his workplace.
:) :) :)
Anyway~after a lot of thought he (truly, it was HIM, not me!) decided he wanted to go with a vintage OKLAHOMA theme for his new place. Today I'm showing you the first piece of decor that will take up residency in his office. I found an old wooden sign and painted it out with Simply White chalk paint (CC Caldwell) and then accented it with subway style lettering/wording depicting several places of interest in our beautiful state.
A couple of coats of wax (one dark and once clear), some gentle distressing/aging and it was done. Not sure what else is going to go in the room, but this is now our INSPIRATION PIECE!
Hope your week was wonderful...I'm just so thrilled our lives are getting back to normal.
Love to you...