The official FIRST DAY of AUTUMN isn't until September 23rd, but who's counting, right? I love the mild weather we've been having and so enjoy having cooler days. I'm also eager to share new thoughts with you...that is, if any of my old readers are still around and care to tag along.
So many changes this year and many more to come.
I still have my Booth at Serendipity Market (Edmond, OK) and loving it more than ever.
I still JUNK with a passion and suppose I always will.
And...when I FEEL like it, I add something new to my REBECCA VINTAGE - A Gathering Place website.
My home continues along a path of metamorphic change.
I'll be sharing more about it soon...especially our never-ending kitchen and downstairs renovation...
(Our Achilles Heel!)

But, our cabinets came in and then were sent back because of damage, poor painting and glazing and missing parts.
(Silent Scream Goes Here!)
At this point we are moving towards Plan B on the cabinets. We found a style we LOVE, but they are so OUT of our BUDGET (like THOUSANDS OVER!!!) that my hubby is going to custom make them. Am I totally on board with this? Ummm...NO! He's already overworked (and underpaid!) and making custom cabinets will take months given his available time. But, convincing a do-it-yourselfer to NOT do-it-himself will take a miracle.
The one thing he's opted NOT TO DO HIMESELF are the cabinets. The company we chose dropped the ball (big time) and the quality was simply terrible. They were expensive too...
(Totally bummed out!)
I'm sure my hubby's returning to school, his job loss in the middle of last year and the death of both of our fathers only eight weeks apart has played a huge part in the delay. Not to mention landing a new job and getting settled into a new career...
It's all been overwhelming.
My guy works a full time job and has done ALL the work alone. That means only a couple of hours a night and Saturdays to work on everything...and little rest. :(
So...the beat (and work) goes on!!! More pics to share with you soon!

So, there you have it...where I am today. Busy as ever and loving life so much. I'm grateful for my health and so much more.
God is good.
All the time.
Becky Sue, Glad to see you on here! Always enjoy your blog. Your treasures are beautiful. You do outstanding work.
AUTUMN is just about here. I poured popcorn around the base of a candle in a glass container and thought I need to get in the mood for Fall.
Your Kitchen will come together! It will....cheering you on. Our's is a slow work in progress. Hubby is doing our work. Cabinets included. It is slowly coming together and as it is...crock pot meals became a hit around here. Kitchen may not be finished, but the stove is now in place and works.
Christmas will be different this year for you as you have suffered a huge loss with the passing of your Dad's. I know you will get through it all. You are in the palm of God's hand.
So good to see your post.
Blessings always,
Hello sweet lady... have thought of you so often... was so happy to see a post from you today... hoping that time has healed some of the heartaches you have been through this past year... Miss K is absolutely stunning!... I can hardly believe she is almost 12 now... sending much love and happy thoughts... xoxo... Julie Marie
Darnit!... I wanted that tattered Autumn pillow but someone bought it already!... is it possible for you to make me one like it???... xoxoxo Moi
Oh- I am SO glad to see you here! I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing! Now I know.
How awful about those cabinets!!!! That is so disappointing and so disheartening. I know that you are "perfectionist" like I am so I can imagine how nuts this is making you! But- you WILL get through it and love it so much when it is done. Hope hubby can find the time to "keep at it" and get it knocked out.
Miss K is getting so big and cute. I think she resembles you quite a bit. She is almost our Lulu's age, too. They grow up way too fast, don't they?
Blessings- I will be around reading your posts- you haven't lost me and I suspect you won't lose anyone once they know you are back. xo Diana
Dearest Rebecca,
I'm so happy that you are blogging again...this post really made my day!
Oh, those cabinets...I'm sure, in the end, it will come together and you will be happy with the finish...I know your frustration first hand...read about Marly's cabinet trials on Samplers and Santas, too!
Enjoy the start of fall this weekend...
Busy Hands...Happy Heart
Beautiful Rebecca
Hello sweet Rebecca, so glad your back you have been missed....your new creations are gorgeous :-) so looking forward to viewing more on your beautiful kitchen ;-)
Hug So~
Wow! I love your new pillow designs and the kitchen is looking good. And you Ms. K is adorable. She is the same age as my son Levi. He turns 12 in November Too.
Amy Jo
REBECCA !!!!!!
Hi Doll, My long lost friend ...... I pop on in now and then, just to see IF I KNOW ANYONE !!!! VERY FEW :(:( BUT, I haven't blogged in a long long time ....... And, so much has gone on, some sad,some happy, and NEVER EVER boring :O
Your home looks beautiful, I laugh about the kitchen, that is why I haven't done ours ..... kitchens are the most work EVER !!! I am sooo picky, we would kill each other ...... someday ...... We're in the middle of getting the outside painted, and you talk about work load, cuz, everyday, we find something else we want re-done and all ...... maybe the middle of next week ... fingers crossed ....
BUT, your friend STILL does pink and roses .... lots of whites, BUT, still my favorites :):)and, of course most by you ...
Miss K is beautiful, and sooo grown up. I remember my nephew and her are same age exactly, and same November birthday ..... soo funny ....
Well my sweets, off to dinner, so happy all is well with you and yours ....Hello to Mr. Steve ....
Blessings and love to you my friend .....
I do have a little compact (old) that I want you to make pretty IF you STILL EVEN do that pink or cream with roses .... lmk .... love you doll face xo
So glad to see your post. Always love reading your posts, and seeing your beautiful things. Will be looking forward to more
Hi Rebecca! I have missed you! I hardly ever read blogs these days unless I hop over from a facebook post. Anyway, it was wonderful to see your post! You look wonderful, and so does your sweet granddaughter! I am so sorry to hear that both you and your hubby have recently lost your fathers. That is so hard. I know it takes time to grieve and to be missing them so very much. I do know first hand that all of the special memories remain in our hearts...and that helps so much! I lost my very dear friend of 34 years on Christmas day, and here it is nearly 9 months later and hardly a day goes by that I don't think of her and mention a happy memory we had together. :) The same for all of the loved ones I have lost. We carry them with us always in our hearts!
Your kitchen will be wonderful when it is all finished...and it will all be worth it! You have made your home so cozy and beautiful, and I am sure the kitchen will be great!
If I ever get down your way to OK, I will check out your booth in the antique mall. You are so talented!
We have our house for sale...(the one we built 7 years ago)as we are trying to move closer to one of our daughters and help her with her four teens that she is raising by herself. Well one of them has lived with us for the past year...but it would be nice for him to be closer to his family...and will save us gas as we drive back and forth a lot now. Anyway...it is all in the Lord's hands, as the house has been listed for nearly 5 months and no offers. It is hard, but we are trying to be patient, and wait on God's perfect timing.
Life is full of surprises...and we must take it as it comes. Everyday His mercies are new!
Love and prayers, Linda Hogeland
Oh Becca, I'm so glad you are back. We've missed you so much. I clicked on your name to make sure you didn't sneak in through the back door without my knowing about it so many times. I'm so glad things are going well with your business. I know that you've had your share of heartache and I pray that you have found healing and solace in your time away.
I do love the pillows you are doing for the Fall. I'll have to check out your website. Good for you!
That Ms. K has grown into such a precious young lady. I know, can you believe how fast they grow. My babies have grown more each time I visit.
My daughter is pregnant and she is almost 21 weeks. We are super excited. I also have a 6 month old new granddaughter.
Take care and hope to see more posts!
Oh my goodness! First of all I can't believe how grown up your Granddaughter has gotten. Time flies. I just love that pillow in the first picture--saw it on Facebook and thought that is my kind of Fall decorating :) Your kitchen sneak peeks are awesome...I know it seems like it is taking forever but sure looks like it will be worth it. I so hate to cook I would use the unfinished kitchen as a perfect excuse to eat out! Enjoyed your post :)
Rebecca, so glad to see you blogging again. Best of luck on the kitchen, can't wait to see the finished project, it's going to be great!
Good Morning Dearest Rebecca, SO thrilled to see you and thank you for stopping by.
Looks like a big project on going with your kitchen but how wonderful it will be when complete. Too bad about the cabinets, but I am sure your talented hubby will make them far better anyway. Looking forward to seeing the finish.
Love the pic of you and dear Miss K. She has really grown up and such a pretty young lady.
So glad you are back to blogging after such a tough year. God is so good and I pray HE continue to bless your life.
Wishing you a great weekend.
Hugs and Blessings and lots of love.
Your friend, Celestina Marie
It's always nice to catch up with you, Rebecca. So nice to know you are doing well, although, you sound busy (which is a good thing)!
The pillow is just gorgeous! The kitchen I'm loving the back splash, it's going to be beautiful. K is a real sweetie!
So good to hear from you....life is good....miss k is growing into a beautiful lady. Grandchildren are even more reason to keep our faith strong and know HE has everything in control. Have a blessed weekend. Please keep in touch on your blog.
How nice to see you back, Rebecca! Miss K is lovely and turning into quite the young lady.
I do understand your distress about the kitchen. Truly. Just march to your own drummer and remember to take time for a walk in the cooler evenings holding hands with that wonderful guy you have.
Hello dearest Rebecca!
So nice to see you back on your blog! I am having trouble with mine. My old blog is showing up, and that is where all my comments are going. I having posted in a long time! Wow, what a project with your kitchen! Bummer about the cabinets. My hubby is slowing down, and can't do stuff like he used to. So, you pretty much have to eat out I'm guessing. That gets expensive too. Lots of luck with it. Wow, I can't believe Miss K is 12 already. She is growing like a weed!
Love to you!
So happy to see you blogging again Rebecca. It looks like you are now on the home stretch on your kitchen reno....don't give up now! lol
Cute, cute picture of you and your girl! She sure looks grown up already.
Have a great weekend!
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