Mr. AGP Man and I had a wonderful day on Saturday. Once a month we
plan on a major garage sale, thrift store or estate sale jaunt around
the Oklahoma City area and Saturday was such a day. We got up early,
forced down a bowl of shredded wheat (or a scrambled egg or two), made
sure our Little-Miss-Mollie is safe and sound for a few hours and then
we headed out the door. We don't really have any specific route in
which we travel. Most times we wing it. Just chase the TAG SALE SIGNS
scattered along the way. During the hot summer months they seem to be
everywhere and I love that.

this particular day our four-hour excursion away from our La Chaumière
de Briarwood felt like a mini retreat in a way. We visited some sweet
tag sales and lunched at a small diner before running into two longtime
friends. We chatted for a little bit, laughing how the years had flown
by since we'd last seen one another. I love old friends...the kind
where you can just pick up a conversation that was left idle years
before and continue on...

wandered around one of the largest antique shoppes, but we each left
with only a free donut in our hands. Still fun. Before heading home we
stopped over at one of our gazillion thrift stores (Good Will) and
found an amazing antique (Victorian Era) linen and lace skirt
(petticoat) at for only $2.00. It had originally been priced at $3.99,
but all red tag items were half off making the already incredible find
full of even more awesomeness!
I know my Mr. AGP Man must grow tired of hearing me squeal with delight when I discover a new, wonderful something-or-other. But he never lets on. I love that about him. He's gentle, always kind and my biggest fan follower devotee.
returned a few hours later with our SUV full of potential treasures. I
say POTENTIAL because I'm really never sure how something is going to
turn out. But I have faith in the process and learned a long time ago
that in order to fill my creative heart to the brim and overflowing I
must allow my finds to speak to me. Sometimes the visions inside my
head take longer to bloom than I would like for them to...but's the practice I've grown accustomed to.
Sunday afternoon I found myself
leaning on the French-style door jamb my Mr. AGP Man installed several
years ago, gazing out into his workshop (like I've done for man moons
now), watching my guy move with ease inside the walls of his own
personal work-haven. My heartstrings
are tugged, I shake my head and only the single word, thankfulness, comes
to mind.
And love.
I'm blessed to have a committed partner who has never left my side. He's also my dearest friend. The bonus is he loves to go junkin' with his wifey and that makes my heart sing.
Love that lace skirt and would have snatched it up as well!!!
You truly are blessed! Your day sounds wonderful. How amazing to find a petticoat for 2 bucks at Goodwill. I never look at the clothes there but I will now! I have a sweet hubby like that too. Our 21st wedding anniversary day just poured non-stop all day so our original plans (the beach) were squashed. He loves thrifting with me too so we did that in the rain and had a blast. I love days like that.
Dearest Rebecca,
Indeed, going it all together makes the difference between true happiness or not.
Happy for your recent finds.
How wonderful that Mr. AGP enjoys shopping with you. DH will not go to any thrift stores with me and can't understand why it is fun for me. I go into a thrift store and I see possibilities and creativity not to mention a few very nice antiques I brought home.
BTW, it is great to know you are better and spending time on your creations. Take care.
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