Thank you to all of you who wrote to me about the flooding here in Oklahoma. Thankfully our home is free from storm damage but some of our neighbors were not as fortunate. Our La Chaumière de Briarwood sits at the crest of a long street and mercifully was spared anything more than a torrential downpour. Our neighbors saw their garage flood and we believe parts of their downstairs living area as well. Also...the house you see above lost it's retaining wall AGAIN! It's about 10 houses away from ours and on a corner lot. This is now the third time it's fallen in 18 years.
Heavy rains caused Oklahoma more loss and damage than I can say. We know for sure of one casualty. :( And...unless you are in a floodplain insurance isn't available. This is not good news for the people who lost nearly everything.
Thank you for your prayers for those who are hurting.
I'll be away from you a couple of days. For the second year I'll be participating in the Where Bloggers Create II Party (see my right sidebar) and the big reveal is on the 19th. Everything in my studio has been rearranged since you saw it last year and I'm excited to show you the changes. Nothing EVER stays the same in my home...nothin'! :)
Thank you again for thinking about Oklahoma and her people.
More soon! Love to you~

Hi Rebecca! Love your sweet blog. I wanted to pop over and pay you a call after the very thoughtful comments that you left on P&H! I am feeling very soothed right now, by your music! So glad that things are okay down there in OK. Hope you are having fun in your studio and I'll check back when you return : )
xx Suzanne
what a mess...I will keep you all in my prayers. See you soon!
i feel sorry for those who lost homes and for the family who lost someone.my prayers are with all of you. will look forward when you return from your event. God Bless. rose
So sorry to hear about the rains in Oklahoma....terrible to lose so much to something you cannot control. I will be praying for the misfortunate people, and thankful you and yours were spared.
Yes, something DOES stay the same in your home, Rebecca!! The love of you and your wonderful Mr.AGP guy!!!!!!
Hopes for a dry summer soon!
Love, Francy
See you Saturday!
Only God will stop the rain so prayers to Him!!
Glad you are safe......
Rebecca I'm so glad you and your home are ok. My friend, Ellen lives in Palo Verde off of Western...right by Washington Irving. Her home is a total loss. It's terrible.
So good to hear that all is well in your house.
Have fun on your few days away!!!
I am so glad to hear theat you are okay. I was wondering about you!. I had to smile this week when I realized how much our bloggie friends mean to us. I was driving down a road near my home. Someone had sat about 8 old wooden chairs out by the side of the road to give away free. They were just the kind that you would have loved to paint and bring back to life. I actually thought to myself that I wished I could have stopped and picked them up for you. Since we live half a country apart, guess that wouldn't work!!
Very glad to hear that your home was spared any damage. I lived through a flood once - and never wish to do so again!
I think, if I were your neighbors, and my wall had come down three times, I'd make the next one concrete. LOL
Looking forward to seeing the new studio look!
So glad you are ok. My heart goes out to those who weren't so fortunate. Have a wonderful time away from the computer.
I'm always sad to hear about damage caused by bad weather - one works so hard to create something beautiful and then it is gone in minutes. The good thing is that walls can always be repaired, and sometimes a new idea can be incorporated - but still, it's hard..........
I wanted to thank you for the input you left on my post about the problems I was experiencing with Blogger this morning. It must simply have been a Blogger glitch, because the toolbar is now back. And the only thing I did to accomplish that was to wait a couple hours.
I'm glad that you weren't affected by the flooding, but my heart goes out to those who were. To lose so much in really the blink of an eye must be heartbreaking.
Blessings on your day,
I am SO thankful you're okay, Rebecca, but I'm sorry for you neighbors and fellow statesmen who have been in peril. Hope things get better very soon!
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for entering my giveaway and it's always nice commenting back and forth with you. Hope things get better in your State, my brother lives in Bartelsville, OK. But haven't heard anything from him. Take care, Carol mae
Hi Sweets!
I too thought of you yesterday and am so glad to come in a read your and yours are fine. But so saddened to learn of so may who lost everything.
That soo for coming buy and for your sweet visit. It so nice to see my life come back to a somewhat normal means.
Blessings to you friends!
Glad you are okay! The floods everywhere are unbelievable! God Bless!
Hi Rebecca and so very glad to hear you and your family are alright!
Your neighbors and everyone there are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tina xo
You have it much worse then we have. We have three rivers flooding right now and it rain some more this evening. It is nothing like our flood in 93 which was horrible. My heart goes out to all of you in Oklahome. I just wish that Mother Nature would give us a break for a while. I love you pink goblets by the way. Have a wonderful day.
You poor Oakies. You are having just the worst weather ever. I hope you have a nice pleasant Summer from here on out.
Your new goblets are mighty pretty. Don't you just love Ross!
That little lady of yours is getting prettier every day. How special she was sent such a sweet and thoughtful gift. Anyone that can make a child feel so special is mighty special themselves!
Rebecca, glad to hear you are all safe and sound.
Blessings 2 U
and Yours!
Dear Rebecca,
Can't wait for your next post!!!
Have to...but it's hair twisting time...grins.
So glad you stopped by and shared with me. Mercy sakes...morning sickness is aweful. I can't even imagine 9 months of it. Terrible. Thankful you survived. The good Lord gets us through things.
Have a sweet week,
Hi Rebecca, You have been on my mind all week. I am so glad you are safe from the flooding, but our prayers for your neighbors that have loss or damage continue.
Love the goblets from Ross. What a great find and price!!
Oh Miss K looks so excited opening her gift from our dear Julie Marie. What a wonderful thing to do, and I'm not surprised at all coming from JM. She is a true gem!!
Hope to see you at the party Saturday for WBC.
Have a great day sweetie,
Love, Celestina Marie
Rebecca, sending prayers for all the dear people in your state.
We had a terrible rainstorm yesterday and a tree fell on a neighbor's home. :-(
Stay safe.
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