When Summer began this year I vowed I would set aside some serious time to work on decluttering some areas of my home. You've never see these places~ They are the ones bulging from closet wall to closet wall and shed wall to shed wall with more things than you can imagine! I have purposefully kept them hidden away from you because I wouldn't want you to stop thinking I have a perfect life or anything....
I hate clutter. Except for my daughter, Adrienne, I do believe I despise piled-up-unpleasantness and disorganization more than anyone else in our family. So when stacks of once treasured things grow tall, wide and spin wildly out of control, it's time to clear out!
I spent nearly every day last week taking pictures of my Miss K's outgrown clothes and listing them on eBay. I've sold a big chunk of them (especially the higher-end dresses) and this week I'm listing even more stuff.
It's just stuff! Lots of stuff! And it all must GO!
Tennis Rackets used once or twice...
Angel Figurines
(from my early days of, um...collecting!)
Wood mounted Rubber Stamps
Scrapbooking Paraphernalia
Old Patterns
and more
and more
and more...
So...I'm going to be popping in and out this week as I try and get on top of the over-stuffing in my home. Last week I sold over $500 worth of decent junque and I'm nowhere near close to what has to go! My goal is to sell off, haul away and clear out anything that is keeping me from safely storing our two cars in our garage.
Feels good great to let some of the stuff go! Honestly it's helping me to breathe!!!!
Air is good!
More soon later this week! I'm finishing up a darling cottage style chest in pink...don't faint...it's got hand painted pink roses!
Have a wonderful Monday!
Love to you...

Ahhhhhhh....de-cluttering! Such an interesting subject. Glad you're feeling great doing it, Rebecca! I try to de-clutter a little every week as I go around the house. I hate having to set aside DAYS to do it.
Have a blessed week!
Jan ♥
Dearest Rebecca,
You are at least honest about it; we all fight this at times. It has helped us though to move several times across the ocean. That way you sort out things real well. Also when Pieter started constructing the apartment downstairs, we again de-clutttered. But it's growing back again... Now my job is to scan all old photos and slides and make it all digital = NEAT and clutter free!
Glad you seem to be doing well.
Love to you,
I just decultured before company came and it felt good. MY dear DIL has decided she likes to go to thrift stores, we had a great time.
I am going through getting rid of things too. It's good to know someone else has 'too' much also..I will follow your good example my friend. xo
I decluttered before company came last week and it felt great. MY DIL was here from TX and she loves going to thrift stores with me.
You're an inspiration!
We're getting serious around here about clean-up, more clean-up and more clean-up.
I am in shock and disbelief at how easily our place has gotten out of control. Heat or no heat our backyard has to be reclaimed. Garage is a jungle and cellar....well what can I say. It's going to have to get attention.....this is a difficult season for us, but have to take charge over these messes.
Lord help,
I'm doing the same sort of cleaning as I want to paint my kitchen cabinets. All the gingerbread kids and hearts may not make it back on the doors. Better get busy!!♥♫
I wish I could bring myself to de clutter all of my junk I just keep thinking I either need it or its too pretty to sell. I will check out your ebay. Grins :)
Oh- I am with you- MyHero and I spent this hot, humid weekend in the garage...cleaning and sorting and dumping. We took a trailer FULL of household goods to Goodwill. We just decided to let it go rather than try to sell it this time. Too much going on and it would have all fallen to me. We do have a couple of large items that are going on Craig's List and I have a few project to paint up for the kids and/or myself. It feels good- really really good. Now if I could just catch a break from this horrible heat- xo Diana
Wow--I need to do that. I hate clutter too! Sounds like you are making some pretty nice extra money. Good luck with the rest of it!
What a wonderful idea. I have not sold items on ebay before but $500 wow!!
I need to de-clutter, also... but I keep cluttering instead. And promising myself that someday, I'll get to it. *LOL* But - I've got grandkids today, so I will just have to do it later. (I have done one closet, though - just this month. One step at a time)
I LOVE to purge.I hate clutter.I need some purging to do soon.My creative room is looking more like a disaster than a creative space.
Like a breath of fresh air to let it go... I need to do the same thing! Enjoy your week dear friend, HUGS!
Dear Rebecca, I know I have been absent a lot lately. Finding life hard at the moment. Had a great time with my brother in England but this was the first time mum did not know who I was, so that was difficult.
One the other side of things I began the big declutter a couple of years ago and I love the feeling of freedom that I have gained from letting so much stuff go. It really does make you feel better and is a great weight off my shoulders. Keep going there will be a light at the end of the tunnerl, blessings Maureen
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