Once upon a time there was a lady named Rebecca who loved to shop for white junque treasures. Whenever she had a free moment she would visit as many second-hand shops as possible in hopes of finding gently loved pretties wonderful new homes...
Her favorite little friends come in all shapes and sizes. Some are new...but not many. Most have been abandoned for one reason or another~ :(
Her little friends speak to her in the faintest of whispers, but Rebecca still hears them!
"Rebecca! We've been so excited about seeing you again!
Here we are! Come get us!
We've been waiting for you to come back for soooo long now! We've been jumping up and down sitting perfectly still just hoping for a chance to come and live at your white house! We've all tried to look as unattractive as possible so no one else would try and take us home! We are counting on you to show us lots of love by giving us a warm bath before shining us up to perfection! We can't wait for you to rescue us from these shabby, dusty, grimy thrift store shelves! They are bulging and overflowing with
Miss Lefton Tureen continued:
I cost only $4.99! I'm a three piece steal of a deal and I know you can't live without me!
Will you please put me in your cart..xoxoxo"
Rebecca just said:
Miss Lefton Tureen should have been joyous but instead she was broken-hearted over the thought of leaving her BFF, Miss Rosy Pot behind! And since Rebecca didn't want her to crack under the disappointment she said:
"Even though you're a sassy little thing you make my heart sing! OK! You can come, too!"
Just then Rebecca noticed Miss Rosy Pot begin to pout! She wanted her latest vintage friend, Miss Vaseola to come, too! She begged for her to be included!
Rebecca thought for a minute and then said:
"I think Miss V is worth ninety-nine cents!!! OK...you can come! But you're going to have to share a room!
As Rebecca rounded the last corner of the store she heard one last tiny voice call out to her...
"Rebecca! OVER HERE! Don't forget me! My name is Miss Tubby and won't take up too much room! You can put pretty soaps inside me and I'll make your bathroom smell wonderful!
Can I come live at your house, too??? I'm cheap! I, too, cost only ninety-nine cents!"
Rebecca smiled big and was sure she could find a place for Miss T! And so she said:
"Um....OK! Sure you can come! Just don't beg to bring your friends!!!"
Rebecca drove home happy and content.
The lost and forgotten had been found.
Hope your day was mah-vah-LESS!
Love to you...

Oh my gosh, I was laughing all the way thru this post! Love your pretty whites you found! I stopped at a couple of GW stores today, and left both empty-handed :( ~ there's always next week :)
Your sweet story has put a smile on my face, thanks!
I hope you are feeling a bit better. I will tell you a secret...I got up in the middle of the night to potty and said a prayer for you, right then and there..It will be our little secret! hehe .- I will continue to say prayers for you any time and any place, my friend. xxoo
Sorry to hear that you are poorly I hope you are feeling better soon and that this blog is helping you find peace and laughter. I loved your little story by the way your blog sounds beautiful I often leave it playing. Get well soon. x
Sherrie B...Well I was up halfway into the night and trust me when I say I FELT YOUR PRAYERS! I DID. I actually slept more last night than I have in weeks.
Love to you...bless you...thank you...Rebecca
I LOVED this story...you made me smile and laugh today, on a day that was a bit blue :o) I hope your feeling a little better today to. Hugs Jennifer
I too have a love for white.And it speaks to me as well.If it is there sitting on a shelf looking at me with those sad eyes ....they come home with me.What a beautiful collection you found!!!Or should I say they found you ;-)
Soooo...You ARE hearing voices, then? Well, you are in good company- I hear them, too....and if I don't I PRETEND I do! My grands are sure I am surrounded by magical "talking" things- xo Diana
Great finds, Rebecca! That tureen is stunning! Cute little bathtub, too. I think that would look lovely holding soaps. Love the little rose lidded pot, too.
Beautiful pieces girl..you did an outstanding job with all your GREAT finds..I pray all is well with you and your family my dear friend..Have a GREAT weekend..Hugs Gl♥ria
Cute story you made of your finds! Gorgeous "pretties" you adopted :)
I love them all and glad to know they have a wonderful home!
You also tell great stories?!! Glad it has a happy ending and they all lived happily ever after.♥♫
Dearest Rebecca,
Loved your porcelain fairy tale, you told it so lovingly as only sweet Rebecca can tell it. It certainly shows that positive thoughts and prayers made your spirit shine. And, if all is in perfect harmony, spirit and body, your healing will go a lot faster!
Hugs and love to you and that sweet tub is so darling...
Le tue porcellane sono così belle!E' vero,certi oggetti sembra che ci chiamino e ci dicono:"dai,portami a casa!Saluti,Rosetta
Hey Becky Sue, You find the neatest things....glad you hear them calling you. Things always are in the need of a happy home.
God bless and may the rest of summer be wonderful,
Rosetta's Translation:
Your porcelain are so beautiful! It 's true, certain things seem to call us and tell us: "Come on, take me home! Greetings, Rosetta
They are so lucky to have found you. Why would they want to sit on a dusty old shelf when they can be spoiled by you. You find the best things!
Love your story and your pretty finds. Goodwill is good to me too..I find such great things. My car can't drive by a Goodwill without stopping--you never know what you might be missing!
Good morning my very talented friend. Well I just love this way to start my day. I was smiling all the way through your darling story. Love your new white friends. I am on a white hunt too and having so much fun.
Yes, doing much better these days. It is now 8 weeks and our Lord continues to give us comfort. It just takes time. I am in Florida with hubs for a business trip. He scooped me up, said I needed a little weekend getaway. It is doing me good. Back on Sunday. See you soon. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love ya, Celestina Marie
Ps I am on my phone, sorry for any mistakes. Left my laptop at home but can't help myself still had to check in. Lol lol
You crack me up! This should be published it is so funny!! :)
Your beautiful finds are so divine!
Ciao Bella
Sensible Sarah
Cutest post ever!
I hope you're feeling better!
Rebecca, just to let you know I am praying for you....actually, I feel a burden to do just that. I think I understand how you feel as it is my feet and the nerve damage I suffered well over a year ago that helps me to be compassionate. It changed my life...truly.
The injections were no day at the beach but I am hopeful.
Sending you good thoughts and lots of love and kindness.
Loved the great story, Rebecca. Your writing voice sounds much more hopeful since the diagnosis and treatment plans announced. Good for you.
Love all the white pieces. I am in the process of decluttering my home. Maybe when I get all done, I will be ready to "rescue" treasures again, esp. for photographs for my blog.
Thank you for sharing your faith.
What unbelievable treasures you found! I'd be happy to find just one of those! Soooo beautiful! You are really lucky.
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