I'm back working in my studio this week with lots sweet projects planned for the next ten days or so! My daughter is coming over to help me categorize, photograph and list some unneeded things on eBay and I'm excited about clearing things OUT! Must make room for my favorite new things! I also hope that reorganizing a wee little bit will help me work smarter and ((FASTER))...
While rummaging through some old files over the weekend I came across this photo taken of me and my friend, Kelly, while we were in high school. It was snapped in 1974 during my sophomore year. I'm hoping it will make all you 1970's era gals SMILE BIG!
My first thought when looking at the old picture was this:
1. No wonder all the boys liked Kelly so much...
2. If my father knew I had hiked my skirt up like that I would have been in serious trouble.
3. We both had dresses on! How strange that would be today! Except for Prom, do girls in HS where a dresses anymore???
Seriously...WHAT WAS I THINKING? My skirt is shorter than my top! UGH..... Thank heaven for change! I wouldn't be caught dead in that skirt today even if I had legs like Kelly!
Hope your day is wonderful. Tomorrow I see the doctor about my aching hands. Hope to find more answers soon to my tendonitis and carpel tunnel issues...
Love to you...

What a hoot! I hate to tell you, but in college I even had white boots to go with some of my short skirts. Thank goodness there are NO pictures! Then by the time I graduated I think those boots were GONE. BTW, I think I rolled up my green wool pep club skirt during high school. I think that is the only piece of clothing I've ever had in that Kelly green color. Happy Days!♥♫
Cute photo Rebecca!... and I am sure you had plenty of admirers yourself!... so fun to look at old photos... hope you get some good news at the doctor tomorrow... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
I remember when they told us we could wear pants. (jeans)! lol. But they had to be in great shape. I remember wearing dresses (too fat for short though),and polyester pant suits! I don't know if I ever wore jeans to school. I graduated in 1974. Fashions sure have changed! Now it is let everything hang out! lol. You were a rebel! lol
Rebecca, Wishing you help for your hands.I feel for anyone with arthritis or stuff like that...cause you usually have pain all the time. Hey your skirt isn't as short as some today. I have seen some that I could swear were cumberbunds. LOL. Smiles, Susie
I remember the days when you couldn't even bend over in your skirts! I was so modest, I always wore tight or fishnets with them, or else bloomers underneath. I was one of the few who never got sent home from school for short skirts!
Love the picture...
Hi Rebecca, I remember those short skirt days!
Good luck at the Dr. I also suffer from the "hand pain" and they told me I have fybromyalgia (a term for "I don't know what's wrong")
lol you are a bold woman lol...
I have a few of those photo's too. And they make me cringe as well. lol
The ones from the 70's had their clothing and hair vibe...and the ones from the 80's are just hideous lol.
And the 90's...well, what can I say? They were better than most of the pics from the 80's
However, I will confess that the body on the pics of me in the 70's were fairly impressive. Slim. Sleek. Long Hair. The Sparkle of YOUTH LOLOL (corny but true).
And now in the year 2012...well let's not talk about cellulite, or spider veins, or the effects too many plates of nacho's & pizza in my Sparkling days of Youth lol...and let's discuss what a cruel task master gravity can be either. lololol.
Anyway, Thanks for sharing the photo.
It got me to thinking, and the thinking got me to chuckling.
Say, Is anybody else hungry for a Pizza right about now??????? lolol
In Him,
We all did that with our skirts!! I was in 12th grade before we could wear "dress" pants! Things have definately changed!
Oh- Yeeah, Baby! What a fun picture of you and your friend. I had dresses like that in the 1970's too....the micro mini...sigh...wish my legs were that good looking now! xo Diana
Dearest Rebecca,
Oh, this is so funny to go back to old photos. Well, 40 years is quite a long time. But this is cute.
Love to you,
So fun to see the old picture of you. My daughter wear dresses all the time in the summer. So much more comfortable than pants/jeans. I wear a lot of skirts--long ones:) I actually need more sundresses.
Happy organizing!
The pic's are a hoot Rebecca, too, too cute you were. Sorry about your hands, painful I know and has alot to do with the fact we use them so much to create. Try some of that Aspercream, they have it you know and it helps. Hugs and love sweetie, nice that you daughter will help you:) Marilou
I love it! Yes, I always wanted skirts instead of dresses so I could roll the band down two or three times and make it shorter.
Had to reverse it before getting home again:)
I remember white lipgloss and blue frosted eye shadow. I put it on in the school restroom. That too had to be undone before walking in the door.
Yes, I had white lace boots to go with the dress and a white fur coat.
Thanks for the memories.
Praying for you tomorrow.
Oh, yeah. I had the long straight hair and I didn't even have to iron it. Some of my friends ironed theirs to get that look!
Oh, I love this photo!!! You are so cool!!!!!
The girls at Brenna's high school wear dresses, because dress code mandates that shorts have to be just above the knee, and no respectable high school girl will be caught dead in Bermuda shorts, so they wear pretty long skirts and the "maxi" dresses.
Times do change..
Your post brought back great memories! You both looked so cute! I remember my lovely Dad calling my skirts 'wide belts'! There was a sense of innocence with the fashion back then though, unlike some of todays fashions. Great post! love from the UK xxxx
I was glad when I stopped wearing mini skirts. Bending over was always a challenge, especially with a new baby in 1974.
So cute! I think you are precious:) Hope you get lots done in your studio today! BIG HUGS!
I look back on my school pics and think the same thing! lol Hope you get good news from the Dr. about your hands, sweetie. Take care.
Debbie xo
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