The last couple of days have been super busy for me! During the month of July for the past twenty years the town I live in has hosted a city-wide shop-till-you-drop day called Krazy Daze. I haven't taken much interest in it over the past few years (I did when my kids were home tho!), but now that I have a booth space in downtown Edmond Antiques I found myself very excited about it once again! Well...we sold to the walls and I'm so excited about how well my little booth space did as well as the entire store!!! Such fun!
Today was clean-up day and since my Miss K is staying with me this week (gosh...4th grade starts for her very soon!) she was volun-told she was going to HELP ME! I sold my big white armoire and just moving out that one thing required major makeover work! Anyway, I promised her I'd make it worth her while and boy oh boy did we stumble on an amazing deal!
After spending a couple hours moving in a new cabinet and then rearranging nearly everything, we left for a quick visit to several local thrifts.
Guess what we found for $25?
Something SUPER SPECIAL for my MISS K!
A brand spanking new 15 speed Huffy Lakota Girl's Bicycle! It's variegated purple and our sweet girl is flipping-out crazy over it!
I didn't KNOW Goodwill stores had great junk like
Tires needed airing up and the breaks needed to be adjusted, too! Tomorrow my Mr. AGPMan is going to make sure the gears are working order! After that....more SUMMER FUN at Nana's and Papa's House! We'd JUST been talking about getting our only grandchild a new bike (maybe for her b-day) when I found this one today!
Now...get this...
I asked my Miss K if she wanted to leave her new bike here or take it back to her house (she outgrew her old bike this year). She said she wanted to take it home and then added....
"Maybe we can go junking tomorrow and find another new-old bike for $25 and then I can leave THAT ONE at your house!"
Love to you...

how perfectly wonderful! I see she has her priorities in order..;j
Hello to you my Sweet ~r~ friend !! I LoVe this !! SHE IS SOOO STINKIN' cute, and all frowed up !! She is !! What a doll baby !! Her bike is PERFECT in purple !! Soooo Miss K !! I would soo take that for a spin, IF she would let me, and AFTER Mr AGP checked it ALL out !! hahaha ...
Just caught up with ALL your other posts as well !! Everything sooo picture PERFECT and wonderful !! I sure hope you are feeling better too !!
We NEED to catch up !! Need to see if you have finished some "little pretties for me" I've been loving all my small pieces !!
Have a happy week with wee one, and we will chat more SOON !!
Love to you as always ~TeA~xo
YeP !! PURPLE bikes rule (after PiNk of course:O )
So fun you found a bike! I so look forward to Grandchildren someday.:)
What a super special find for your little grand daughter. And by the way, she looks like you in that shot. Thanks for sharing.
Dearest Rebecca,
Guess she got some of her 'Nana's genes in her. She knows what she wants.
But you certainly were lucky. Look at Miss K's face! That's worth a lot more than the $ 25.
Great that the sales went well for your booth.
Enjoy the week with your little girl and hugs and love to you.
Their always thinking aren't they! Such a cute kid and story!
Rebecca, Aren't kids the greatest? I think sometimes mine think I have a job:):)They know how to work us. Smiles to you and your little bike rider, Susie
Oh Rebecca, your so right there's nothing better than being a Nana.
Hugs~~~ Daphne
I like her thinking!! Twice as nice. Alex (SIL) has a son that gets to spend the summers with my two favorite people, and Maxx is fun to be around, too. He just turned 13, and I've been his "gramma" for a whole year now that Sarah and Alex celebrated their first anniversary. We are going to Estes Park tomorrow for a fun day trip. There is a thrift shop up there--but I don't think we'll find a new bike! Lucky Miss K!♥♫
Good girl! what a great story. Congratulations on selling, 'to the walls'! I am entering a craft show in October and praying I sell lots and lots.
Sweet Rebecca... What a find for your darling girl. Don'tchajustlove a good thrift store?
Thrilled for you that you sold out in your space. What an accomplishment, but those chickies who bought it all? TICKLED to bits, I'm just sure. Your things are amazing.
Aren't the grands sweet? Good deal on the bike Rebecca and I love its purple colour.
That is ONE SMART kid there, Rebecca! Gotta love that little girl. I am so glad she got a bike. Wow- can you believe she is going into 4th grade already? She is right between our Lulu and Ria then. It is a wonderful age, isn't it?
Blessings to you- xo Diana
What a sweet Nana you are to a sweet little lady! What fun! I only hope that I'll be closer to my grands in the years to come. I hate being so far away.
I'm glad your business is doing so well. I wish I could say the same. It's been a hard 3 months. Maybe that's why I'm looking so forward to Fall. It usually brings more busines.
Hope you are feeling better these days. I know that sweet girl brings much cheer!
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