My long trusted computer crashed and died yesterday. Everything froze up and my hard drive would NOT spin up! Somehow my guy was able to get it working long enough to copy all my files onto an external hard drive!. They are now safe and sound! All this happened one day after my air condition broke down...ACK!
My new Dell Laptop Computer arrived on my doorstep on Wednesday as well! We've known my old computer was on it's last leg for a long time now and it certainly was! Never dreamed it would crash the same day Fed Ex dropped my new computer off!
Just a note...
If you don't have an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE on your computer you need one! If you don't you run the risk of losing everything you've saved!
More to share soon! Working today on loading all my programs to my new laptop!
Hope your day is great!
Love to you...

You are right I need to do that. Thanks for reminding me.
So glad you were able to save everything just in time.
So glad you were able to save everything just in time.
Yes I was advised to do that and have...trouble is ...I am always forgetting to backup my saved stuff! I'm onto it now...thanks! Joan
I have one and had to use it to retrieve my pictures and files:) Happy you were able to pull from the old one! Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!
Yes, the external hard drive is so important. You'll love your new laptop, but what a job setting up and getting accustomed to it...good luck!
Been there! I HAVE an external but do you think I can remember to back up my computer! HA! I will now!!!
Such good advice! Stories like yours pushed us to purchase 'Carbonite' that keeps our computer backed up off site.
Enjoy your new laptop! xo
Rebecca, You were lucky in many ways , even though the computer crashed. I would be crying and dying, if my computer totally konked out. I really would love a new one , but too many irons in the fire right now. Smiles, Susie
Will have to talk to my non-resident experts about this! Somedays I wish we just all lived together-but, I'm sure I'd drive them nutty!♥♫
I'm very computer savvy, sugar, and wouldn't think of NOT having an external HD. I even put one on hubs' computer. For less than $80, we got 1 TB at WM and have no worries now. Have them on both computers. Of course, we're on Macs so not much to worry about. Our 3 regular PCs we don't keep anything on there we'd like to keep. But to anyone out there, you'd better get an HD or you'll be sorry. You've been warned!!
Come over and visit to see Miss Caroline's newest artwork on her mummy's toenails! Laughed our heads off. Great grands are even funner than grands. Trust me on this one. ;-)
A friend of ours has his Ph.D. dissertation on his with no back-up. I chastised him royally!!! He took heed and backed it up on another computer. I can't even imagine not backing something up! Beyond my imagination.
Anyway, enough chastising. Glad it worked out well for ya, sweetpea!
oh dear, i don't even know what that is!
better check into it. thanks for the
head's up and sorry if you lost something
Thanks for the warning - I just bought an external hard drive, but having problems getting all my info onto it - how did you do that?
terriavidreader at yahoo dot com
Been there and done that! I have an external hard drive and some embroidery files stores on the free version of Dropbox.
We were without internet and house phone for almost 5 days. I was nearly insane going round and round with different people everyday. I'm still trying to catch up with my blogs.
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