Saturday, October 2, 2010

~HAPPY PINK SATURDAY...Get Your Mammogram Today~

~MY MISS "K" AT 3~

Happy Pink Saturday my Pink Lovin' Peeps!  I hope today finds you happy and well and thinking about what a good (and smart!) girl you are for scheduling that MAMMOGRAM this month!

Thank you Miss Beverly over at HOW SWEET THE SOUND for hosting our PINK SATURDAY get together each and every week!  I hope you'll pop on over to her place and say a big hello!  We all just LOVE HER!  Check out our newest PINKIES while you're at it!

Now...see my sweet little Miss K at the top?  The picture above was taken when she was 3 years old.  She was such a quiet little thing then...  My how some things change! :)  One of my most favorite pictures of her ever.  She's a hoot!
(fabulous onionskin envelopes!)

Back in 1977 I was a young and poor college student in love with a bearded guy named Steven.
(remember when we use to do that?)

Didn't know it then but I was going to marry that
guy one day!  
(nope! not anymore!)

I'm thinkin' I've loved PINK for a really, really long time...
(oh my gosh...and Steven, too!)

Not long after I married my Mr. AGPMan I started collecting vintage sewing patterns.  I made my sweet girl the outfit on the left.  Ten-cents was a pretty common price to pay for used patterns at the local thrift back when she was tiny...

It isn't often but once in a while I come across a vintage handmade dress or slip that has my name on it!  This lovely old frock was old but new when I purchased it at a tag sale!!!  It is white eyelet with pink thread (can't see the pink...sorry!)
I think I paid $3 for it!  Whoot! Whoot!

My last PINK OFFERING for you this week is a little snapshot of the very first teacup I purchased for my home back in 1978.  I paid only a few dollars for it in Ft. Smith, AK.  Years later I purchased three more on eBay exactly like it...

Now...I have a little news for you...

After a crazy-busy month of September my guy and I have decided to take some time off for some R & R.  The Holidays will be here before we know it and that is always my busiest time.  Also~I haven't been feeling very well and need to get a handle on what's going on with my health...  So~I won't be online for about a week or so except for my Sunday Post (which I did earlier this week!)  See...sometimes I do plan ahead! 

Anyway...I'll be back soon and catch up with you all then.  When I return I'll be sharing with you a sweet new giveaway that's sure to tickle you PINK!

Blessings to you as you enjoy this first week of October.

Love to you~


Megan Chamberlain said...

Enjoy your rest, I hope you are going to really relax and I hope you feel better and find out what is making you ill.

Carol said...

Happy Pink Saturday to you Rebecca,

Here I am admiring your ~PINKS~ in the wee hours of the morning. Everything is wonderful, but Little Miss "K" always steals the show.

Your faithfull followers will be missing you, although I know you need some much deserved REST. Somehow the word REST has never been in your just keep on going.

My globe is showing that you have a pampered day at the spa, no stress, no worries, just a day filled with happy thoughts.

Until then..
Carol from "Good 'Ol Texas"

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, Miss K is so beautiful. I love all your photos.I hope that you feel well soon, and that everything is ok with you.Have a nice weekend....Kathy

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Dear Rebecca;
Love all the pretty photos and great reminiscences. Sorry you are feeling under the weather and I hope during your break you will recharge your batteries and get a big boost.
Already had my mammo for this year, but thanks for the kind reminder, it is a very important thing each woman should schedule. Take it easy and see you soon dear Rebecca!
Tina xo

Mosaic Magpie said...

I had that same pink stationary. Take care of yourself and rest this next week.

Theresa said...

Blessings to you Rebecca! Love that picture of you sweetiepie! I just had my mammogram and all was well!

Enjoy your break and hope you feel better my friend! HUGS!

Laura's Rose Garden said...

Hello Dear Rebecca and Steven,
I hope you have a wonderful R&R week away!!! Enjoy!
Love and hugs, Laura

Unknown said...

Get some sweet cotton candy pink rest and I'll look for your pretty face when you get back...
glenda xoxo

Unknown said...

Get some sweet cotton candy pink rest and I'll look for your pretty face when you get back...
glenda xoxo

Jacoba said...

Do take it calm and easy, look after yourself.
Does Miss K take after you?
I enjoyed your last posts, so we will be looking forward to when you return on here: fit and healthy.
Have a happy time!

Connie said...

Funny, I'm taking a break also starting tomorrow, sweetpea. Hubs and I are battling some "body" issues at the moment. Prayers are always appreciated. Read tomorrow's blog for an explanation.

Miss K is always cute. So is our Miss Caroline who is growing like a weed every week! Love that little chick. Great grands are much more more, trust me on this, sugar!!!!


Patti said...

I will certainly miss you while you're offline, but I hope your time away is refreshing and restorative. I'm praying for you right now.

All your pinks today are so lovely...especially that little 3 year old sweetie.


Abramyan Avenue said...

What a perfect pink post! I am dying over those quilts in the background! Love the tea cups too! I still have a few letters my best friend and I would write back and forth to each other. I remember our hands would hurt and it would sometimes take a day or two to write one letter! And then by that time something else might have happened so you would have to add that too. There were alot of p.s. and p.s.s.... etc. I still today send out hand written thank you notes for dinner parties or some other event we are invited to attend. It just makes it more personal. Ok..I'll stop rambling! Enjoy your R&R!

Unknown said...

Happy P.S. my friend. Hope your day is grand.

Mari said...




Cora said...

Love all your pink goodness! There is nothing like vintage pink goodness!! I pray all is well with you and you get that needed R&R and join us again real soon!

NanaDiana said...

Well, your pink blog is lovely and I enjoyed it but what really jumps out at me is that YOU are not feeling well! I am praying that it is nothing serious! MyHero and I are taking off on Wednesday and will be gone 10 days also. I know that I need some time to refresh and renew myself too.

Love to you, dear Rebecca...and PLEASE keep me posted about your health situation! xxoo Diana

Ann said...

Your pinks are all phenomenol. Love the stationary! The pink slip is adorabe but not as much as that pecious little child. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

If anyone deserves a much needed rest, it is YOU, sweet Rebecca! Enjoy your time off, relax and do some fun things, forget about all of this "creating" stuff, and let your precious family pamper YOU for a and your hubbs have a wonderful week of "R AND R" I will be hoping you come back refreshed and feeling better.
Take care of yourself, my friend, you are much loved...Hugs, Francy

Unknown said...

Your daughter is a darling'. Enjoy your time off. Happy Pink Saturday.

Carolyn said...

Hi Rebecca,

I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather! I pray that you get plenty of rest and are back on your feet feeling wonderful! You know that you will be missed! :)

I love allll of your pinks and your Miss K is so adorable! She makes me think so much of the delightful antics of my granddaughters! You just want to grab them up and squeeze and hug them! :D

I love your vintage patterns...I have some too that my mother gave me. I LOVE the fashion back then!! Soooo feminine and sweet!

Hugs to you, dearie!
Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

Deanna said...

Dear Rebecca,
May you be well. Sorry you're not feeling the best.

You are precious.
God bless,

cottagepinkperfection said...

Rebecca, I'm sorry you are not feeling your usual self. It's important to listen to our body and rest when it says so. I will keep you and hubby both in my prayers. Have a wonderful, relaxing time together. You will be missed!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Enjoy your time off and get better!!

Donnie said...

I just love all your pink things and enjoyed your words. Happy Pink Saturday.

Rebecca said...

Loved your post today with all the pics and the stories!

Ginger said...

Your post is just lovely today. Just now getting around to commenting. Half way watching the OU/TX game. WHOOT WHOOT!!
I got my mammo last week, think I told you that. I check each year since I have a risk in my family.
Rebecca are you ok, you have mentioned a couple of times you're not feeling well. Hope it's nothing serious!! Tell Mr AGP man and little Miss K hi from me.
Have a good R & R.


Marica said...

Ciao Rebacca che bella bambina ! Come stsi?Buon fine settimana.)

Un abbraccio fortissimo...)



Unknown said...

Hey Sweets!
I am so sad to hear you are ailing! I am PRAYING big time for ya!

You Miss just too darling! I find myself wishing for my lil girl to be that age! She had the whitest hair and a lil that girl!

Your pink Tea cup is such a delight! Lovely flowers on it! Roses...hmmm I'm thinkin I love them!

Big gentle hugs!

stefanie said...

you enjoy your r & r, and take super good care of yourself!!!!!

Dolores said...

Hey.... sweet Rebecca... enjoy some time off and enjoy your break....

You are always such an inspiration...
love you!

Jan M said...

So many sweet pink lovlies!
Enjoy your break, and know that many of us are holding you in our thoughts for renewed health.

Olivia said...

Well sweetie, please get to feeling better~ Your blog is just sooooo gorgeous. I mean it from the bottom of my heart you are a true romantic inspiration. Blessings and prayers for rest.

Anonymous said...

hope you have a good rest and recharge yourself. It is just so good to get away from it all sometimes!
Thinking of you and hope all is well

Char said...

Rebecca, my first instinct is to worry, but hopefully what is bothering you is something very small and can be easily fixed. Be safe and most of all, be well. Take your time to heal and get back to us asap. We all need to reload and fill back up after giving so much.
Miss K is a doll and as sweet as can be.
Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Char said...

Rebecca, my first instinct is to worry, but hopefully what is bothering you is something very small and can be easily fixed. Be safe and most of all, be well. Take your time to heal and get back to us asap. We all need to reload and fill back up after giving so much.
Miss K is a doll and as sweet as can be.
Happy Pink Saturday, Char

NanaDiana said...

Rebecca, I was so sure that I posted to this before. You aren't throwing my posts away now are you? lol

How sweet that you have all your old love letters and I LOVE that they are PINK. Now what a surprise there--hahaha

I think that little girl's pattern is the sweetest thing ever.

Another lovely blog, my sweet friend. Hugs-Diana

D. Jean Quarles said...

Lovely pinks. Hope you are feeling better soon. I'll be looking for your Sunday posts.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Dear Rebecca,
I am sorry you are ailing! I pray you get a good rest, my friend. Your pinks are lovely as always and makes one feel good just to be here! Love the sweet teacup! Do take care and come back feeling like your purky self.

Blessings and hugs,

A Romantic Porch said...

Oh My Word! He lived in FORT SMITH when y'all were dating!!!!!?????

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Sweet Rebecca... I pray you'll be feeling super soon.... and that you get the answers you need. Enjoy your respite!


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