While trying to find more vintage baby shoes for new project makeovers I snagged two pairs of antique button-up-the side high-top shoes recently on eBay! These little beauties are getting harder and harder to find and the prices for them are generally out of site! Imagine my delight when I stumbled on two Buy-It-Now offerings for a cra-ra-zeeee low price!!!
I could hardly contain my joy!
Both pairs are in wonderful condition! The shoes are at least 100 years old so I was shocked to find that although they were obviously worn, they were completely damage free!
I feel a transformation coming on!
This afternoon I went out into my hubby's workshop and when I closed the door something flew near my face. I nearly jumped out of my skin before I realized it was a little Wren (?). It had perched itself upon a cross beam on the ceiling and started chirping away at me non-stop...
I honestly felt like I was getting chewed-out or something!!!
I pretty much knew I'd disturbed the little bird and when I looked around I saw a nest had been made inside my hubby's spare garden hoses... What a strange spot! I'm not even sure how the birdy got in!!! Of course I had to run back inside and grab my camera! I wasn't sure any baby eggs were inside because I couldn't see that deep!
So...I angled up camera up high (and from a distance) and sure enough, two little bitty eggs can be seen deep in the center of the nest.
Truthfully, I'm not happy about the nest being made where it was made, but it's there for the long-haul. I don't have the heart to disturb it, nor will my Mr. AGPMan!
I'll keep you posted on the hatching! :)
Hope you've had an awesome day!
Love to you...