(Almost Done)
Oh golly...it's 11AM here in the state of Oklahoma and boy am I already behind! I have lots of studio work to finish up today and since I stayed up late working on our Christmas decorations I can assure you this ol' body of mine is draggin'! Since I don't drink coffee (I'm hearing you all GASP!) and I'm trying desperately to break my addiction to Caffeine (via Diet Coke) my only consistent vice is spiced tea.
And...since I've taken to buying the kind with the good stuff taken out (again that would be caffeine) I'm struggling a bit this morning to stay focused...
And so...I'll be in my little studio today working on lots of fun things and trying to catch up. Truthfully, my neatly kept fabric stash kinda-sorta looks like it threw-up all over the place. I'm thinking about having my girl come over to help me clean it up. She's an organizer extraordinaire (probably comes from working in the lingerie dept at Dillard's during High School) and no doubt she'll whip it back into shape in no time.
(AdrieGirl...if you are reading this your Momma needs to be rescued! Hurry...get over here! XOXO)
(Old Buttons and Ribbons, too!)
Today marks the third anniversary of my Gramma's passing and I'm thinking that might have something to do with my melancholy mood. An amazingly gifted woman, she taught me most of what I know today about sewing. Forever in her debt, I'll always be grateful she allowed me to sew play on her old brown Kenmore Sewing Machine when I was a little girl.
"Love and miss you so very much, Grams. xo Becky"
Mom, Linda (Sister), Adrienne (daughter), Gramma, Me
(Happy Times in 2006)
~Mine and Gramma's Hands~
Hope your day is wonderful. December is almost here! Time for the JOY to begin!
Love to you...