For the longest time I've wanted to show you all something that I believe turned out truly amazing! It is something my hubbs and I did to accent our vintage chandeliers...
A few years ago when our son was in the Air Force, my Mr. AGPM (A Gathering Place Man) and I took a trip up north to Omaha for a visit. On our jaunt from Oklahoma to Nebraska we stopped in some amazing places to shop...one place was Kansas City. I remember coming back home with an SUV full of wonderful treasures for our home! It was during this trip I found two decorative wall thingies (sp?) which I decided would be fabulous as ceiling/chandelier surrounds (or WHATEVER they are calling those things that go on the ceiling that light fixtures hang from)!
To be honest with you I wasn't 100% sure my idea would even work...so, I ALWAYS defer to hubbs on stuff like this. I mean after all, he IS the one that has to do the work. He ABSOLUTELY looked at me as if I was NUTSO! He did...he might deny it now 'cause he loves how everything turned out, but momentarily he did believe I'd lost my mind...
Anyway, after a little work :) :) :) he transformed both the wall pieces and made them into chandelier accents for the ceiling!
Since then we've mounted the surrounds in all the rooms in our home (all different styles and sizes). They are GORGEOUS and much less expensive than the "real ones" sold at a Lighting Store! Think ROSS, TJ MAXX, MARSHALLS, HOMEGOODS, etc. I see them all the time!
Tomorrow is Estate Sale Day! I'm off to dream about the goodies I'm HOPING to snag by being FIRST IN LINE! I'm getting out early! Whooo Hoooo!
Oh Rebecca...simply lovely. I really like it. It looks a little like a wall plaque I've seen maybe at Michael's..???..except beautiful. I like it painted white. Very nice accent...Love it and the new "breakfast room"...you both are quick on the renovations...I'm still limping through..ha!
Love and hugs, Mary
Hi Rebecca....Everything looks so beautiful!
Come say "Hi".
I so love the unconvential usage of any item. BRAVA MAGP!! To stand by and watch your wife's vision come to fruition, what a good man you are! R, I'm always excited to see how you come up with your ideas and what you do with them. Nice job. Now, the wall, this is lovely!! Your hutch is so at home there, no? What is on the other side? Was it a pantry you did this for?
We will soon enough be doing a lot of DIY so i'm always observing. It looks fantastic from this side. GOOD JOB!!
If I ever get a little cottage of my own, I hope to do something just like this. I have seen these lighting surrounds in magazines and have always thought they were gorgeous. I don't know why people don't pay more attention to decorating the ceilings. There's so much one can do! Your chandelier surrounds are gorgeous. I am anxious to hear about your shopping trip and look forward to seeing some of your favorite "finds"! Have a blessed weekend, dear Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca! Goodness, what a beautiful ceiling medallion! Vintage lighting is a weakness of mine & I love your chandelier. Also love that rug peeking out from underneath your kitchen table. Would love to see more of it. I'm looking for a similar one for our kitchen.
Happy PINK Saturday!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hello Rebecca,
That is so beautiful! It almost looks like lace on the ceiling! Your home is very pretty.
Lee Laurie
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