I suppose my infatuation with all things vintage started when I was just a young girl. Still, I can't help but think part of the allure of shopping for old finds, by way of estate and tag sales, is the mere thrill of the hunt. I love it! In fact, I'd rather look through the aging treasures another woman has gathered during her lifetime than do most anything else on a Saturday morning...
I sometimes wonder just what I will do when my home is filled to capacity and there is no longer room for even a snippet of lace in my ever lovely, La Chaumière de Briarwood. I'm sure it will be years before that happens though. For if I was to learn anything about myself during the decade of my 40's it was simply this: I buy only what I love and I pass on everything else!

My Mr.AGPMan was going to be super busy last Saturday working on our new Pantry and so he we decided he we needed to skip our weekly treasure hunt and stay HOME (what?) for the day. Just the THOUGHT of someone stealing purchasing something that belonged to ME made me sick...
So...while my guy was working away installing new drywall... I made my ESCAPE!
I didn't go far. Just out the gate, down the street, up the block, around the corner, through the tunnel, over the bridge and straight to the FRONT DOOR of a sweet little house having a TAG SALE!
And just WHAT did I find, you ask? "...what to my wandering eyes should appear...?????"
This simply amazing, absolutely beautiful, 2die4 wonderful, killer fantabulous, charming little curved glass CABINET...and all for the tidy sum of FIVE BUCKS!
This simply amazing, absolutely beautiful, 2die4 wonderful, killer fantabulous, charming little curved glass CABINET...and all for the tidy sum of FIVE BUCKS!
Before the setting of the sun the following day I had my new found pretty lightly painted, lovingly distressed and ready to hang on the wall! Just in time for my guy to walk in and say...
"Is that what you got yesterday when you went to that Tag Sale?"
:( Fail! I've said it before and I'll say it again! "Sometimes I just can't stand men."
Blessings to you as you remain truthful in all things...Rebecca
Good Morning Rebecca,
What a lovely post, I too love looking through what some sweet lady once owned and always wonder about the stories behind her treasures! My husband always kids me about all of this( stuff) as he calls it, I like to call them treasures. LOL. He also asks me where will I put it, and I say "if you think I have lots of (stuff), you should see my blogging friends homes they have lots of treasures."
I love your cabinet it is so beautiful and so are those two lovely ladies who adorn it's shelves.
As always I enjoy coming by for a visit.
What a deal and what a worthy escape! ☺ ♥
G'morn, Rebecca ~ Well, I want to tell you shamefully so ... I pitched one almost identical to this. I NEVER thought about painting & hanging it. Now that I see yours, it would have been gorgeous ... sniff!
At least your Mr. AGPMan noticed it. My DH would have not even given me a comment ... OR ... there would have been a huge 'groan', & a '... now whatcha' gonna do with it'.
It is beautifully filled with your treasures.
Have a beautiful day ... Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon
Good morning sweet ~r~,
\ I LoVe these sweet cabinets.. I have two similiar to this, but, smaller.. I was at a miniture doll house store that was closing, and these are what they would display the sweet furniture pieces in.. And, guess what, they were both already painted a sweet pink.. See, they were meant just for meee.. Don't you LoVe a wonderful day of treasure hunting !!Consider yourself blessed my friend !! Have a wonderful day doing what you LoVe !! You're soo good at it too !!
to the moon..
Are you ever funny taking off like that Rebecca. You know I could kick myself for not getting the same cabinet at a yard sale a year ago. But the true fact is I'm running out of room on my walls. Please I need a home with more space and high walls. It's so hard to pass something up you like and just knowing how you would want it. See that's the problem by having a vision and not being able to do it, but in your head. Anyways you have it set up so lovely as usual.
oh....they sometimes just don't get it...but that is we enlighten them..and then they love the results...your cabinet is lovely...I too love yard sales..thrift shops...the list is endless...anything old..chippy paint..unique...or PAINTABLE...
I have grounded to my recliner and it is killing I do it browsing Craig's list...lots of cheap finds and treasures there...if you watch for them
Your cabinet is just darlin'! And I can't believe the price.:)
Good Morning Rebecca! What a beautiful find and lovely post. I love your description of how you drove to the sale, down the street, through a tunnel...Just darling. As you have probably read by now, our precious Amy is going to be getting some food today her hyperal in preparation of her upcoming surgery. Her surgery is going to be scheduled Dr.Medina is hoping for 1 week from tomorrow Wednesday, but if no the following Monday. It will be at the Presbytarian hospital. Debbie said this is somewhere by the VA I believe. She loves the hospital there though. When I found out for sure when it will be, I will let you know so you could pop over there for me, and see how everything is going. Debbie will not eat right or take care of herself I am sure. She will be sleeping at the hospital as they will not be able to afford to drive back and forth. It is going to be so hard on her. I worry so. I will feel good knowing you pop in and check up on her for me. I so wish I could be there. Thank you for everything Rebecca. I will be home the last week in Sept. and first week in Oct. and Debbie and I are coming to have lunch with you. I just have to meet you in person. Have a wonderful day honey, Love, Sherry
Good thing you made your escape. How could you have possibly passed that up, it's just too sweet!
I don't go to too many Estate sales. The reason isn't because I don't like them..... The reason is when my Mother passed away in 96' I got all the family heirlooms & "stuff'. It took me days to bring all the "stuff" home. Not only was there "stuff" of Mom's but she also had "stuff" of my GrandMother's & Great Great Aunts.
I got everything from a Rock Maple Diningroom set to zillions (exageration of course) of pieces of depression glass. My Mom was a collector too!!
So-o-o-o all I have to do is unpack some boxes & redo a vignette....
I just love "stuff"...Don't you!!
That was such a cute post-- and a very cute cabinet! I just love hunting for goodies too. My guy just last night handed me the bill money and then the leftover money and told me to spend it on whatever I needed and not to go to garage sales with it!!! :o( Don't they understand these are things I NEED??? lol.
Oh how lovely!!! You really created a treasure!!! It is just simply perfection!!!
Good morning!
Your post made me giggle.:) at what you were expecting your hubby to say:) hee hee
That is a great find my friend. I love how your transformed it with paint. What color did you use?
Hi sweet girl, one of the qualities I like about you is the fact that you are funny. Did you know that? Making others laugh and smile is truly a gift from God.
Now, I hope you can find a vintage rooster and join my party! I will cry if you don't and that will not be a pretty site. Ha.
Blessings this day and big ole hugs,
I love your blog, Rebecca. It does something for and to me that I can't even explain. I'm glad God gave your heart and spiritthe gift of nurturing. You use your gift well!
Hi, Rebecca,
Thank you for visiting me today and for the sweet words. That little cabinet is the cutest, and when you put your finishing touches on it, it is fantastic! I am hoping to hit some estate sales when this Texas weather decides to cool down some. Vicki
Men just dpn't understand us women! That cabinet is an unbelievable find! I swear, I need to go to tag sales with some of you fellow bloggers because I rarely find such fabulous finds! Traci
Hi sweet Rebecca, you make me laugh and that's why I love you so. Your writing always takes me right along with you. I followed you through the tunnel and over the bridge, or was that over the bridge and through the tunnel, well anyway, I just love what we bought.
This shelf is wonderful and I bet your hubs thinks so too.
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!!
Did you get a steal or what???
Fantastic purchase.
By increasing youe personal are actually blessing your estate with increase!!! He he he.
Try this one on your sweetie and see if he changes his thinkin'.
God bless.
Sincerely another one that luvs these bargains,
Oh my friend, how I wish I could have gone on this "escape" with you! Have the lovliest of days,
Love, Martha
Hello, absolutely love your blog, thank you for sharing it !
Hi Rebecca! I've been away way too long from your beautiful blog, so twice today I've visited trying to catch up on all the past posts. This one has to be my favorite. Everything you wrote here speaks to my heart,and if you and I lived closer we would surely be great friends! I so love your pretty cabinet. I have one very similar that I've been wanting to paint & paper for a long time. Maybe this fall I will get it done now that you have inspired me again!!
Angelic Accents
Ok you have got to be kidding right... $5 for that sweet little cabinet.... well I have only one thing to say about that... NOT FAIR... no way would I ever find such a cutie at that price over here in Oz. Love the transformation you have given it... beautiful as ever my sweet friend.
Wishing you many more bargain hunting Saturdays...
Lyn xxxx
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