Tuesday, March 30, 2010

~In The Spotlight - SARA NORRIS - Featured Artisan~


Want to know a secret?

I guess if I tell you it won't be a secret any longer, huh?

That's OK...I'm going to tell you anyway!

I love being part of the Blog World and for lots of different reasons.  I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you face to face and it's been a huge joy to count so many of you amongst my real friends.  Some of you make me smile and some of you make me laugh out loud.  Some of you have the gift of encouragement while some of you have helped take my faith to a new, deeper level.  Some of you inspire me and some of you, well...just listen.  Without a doubt though, all of you bless me...

One of my very favorite things about becoming part of the Blogging Community is when I stumble upon an Artisan with a deep love for what they do.  It is easy to see the passion behind everything they create because it shows in each and every tiny detail.

I'm immediately drawn to artists like this and find myself visiting their sites over and over again.

Because I love quality handwork when I found Sara Norris from Sara Norris, Ltd., I found myself mesmerized from the start.
Sara has mastered the intricacy of SMOCKING and her handwork, simply stated, takes my breath away.  Her custom designs, including her handwork, are like none I have ever seen. I've become a huge fan of both her calling and her gentle spirit.  I mentioned once in a comment to Sara how I would LOVE to learn how to Smock someday.  (I know how to do a lot of things, especially sewing related things, but Smocking is NOT one of them!) 

Anyway, about ten days ago I was wandering around in Blogland when came across one of Sara's latest Posts.   I immediately thought...'Gosh...I'd really LOVE to showcase this beautiful lady's handwork on my Blog!  Instead of acting on the thought that very moment I tucked the little idea in the back of my head, but promised myself to visit it again once my website was back up and running.  I'm always doing that...putting things off until.........................

Well...(I'm not kidding when I tell you this!), two days later I got an email from sweet Sara telling me she wanted to send me something.  Knowing ahead of time how much I've wanted to learn Smocking, she graciously sent me one of the Baby Bonnets she uses in her demonstration classes!  A precious little yellow Bonnet, needles, instructions and even the embroidery floss were in the box! Now how is that for the blessing of the day? Sara...if only you could see how excited I am!!  If ONLY...

Now, is there a lesson to be learned here?  Sometimes I get so preoccupied with what I do and love that I don't pay attention to the Spirit that lives within me and ACT timely upon His quiet instruction...  And, since I don't believe in coincidences, I can only conclude that sharing with you all about Sara is a God-Thing! :)

Now...I so hope you will take the time to visit Sara Norris, Ltd.  Believing children are a gift from God, Sara specializes in beautiful things for a Baby's Layette.  Because the days of infancy are fleeting, she encourages celebrating them with beautiful heirloom quality clothing!

Sara is definitely in the blessing-business!

Thank you, Sara!  Now it's my turn to 'Pay-It-Forward'....

Love to you all...


Anonymous said...

I used to do smocking years ago when our daughter was a little girl & I made her dresses. I haven't done it in many, mnay years. It is so delicate & beautiful!!
Happy Tuesday!!

Unknown said...

Oh Rebecca!
How sweet your post is! How sweet too, of Sara! You both are in the blessing business!

You sure have been one busy gal! I needed your post, and reminder to be still, and listen. I am working really hard on this on.

Bball is over and now on to Softball. Still no job for hubs, I'm dealing with a 3 day headache, down in the dumps and needed my spirits lifted! Thank you again!

God is good and I have been blessed over and over by other bloggers. What special world we have huh?

Hugs and love!

Pink Princess said...

I learned to "smock" when I was a girl in school. Haven't done it in eons, so maybe I don't even know HOW to do it anymore lol. What a kind gesture that was. Enjoy ♥

VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,my dear Rebecca!-)*

Such an amazing,very exciting post!

You can SO lively talking about you inspirations!
And blog of Sara is also dealightful work!-)))

I always enjoy you post,dear Rebecca!!!

Wish you blessed,sunny,beautiful Easter days,my sweet friend!-)*

Much Love,

Laurie said...

What a gorgeous blog!!! I just stumbled onto it from another blog. Sara is a good friend of mine and you have done such a beautiful job in spotlighting her - what a beautiful tribute! Thanks for sharing!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Smocking is just so sweet and loved dressing my girls in it. The little bonnet is precious.
Hope you have a wonderful Easter visit with your sister. Come by and enter my give-away before you leave!
hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

How can I say "overwhelmed" enough!! You are so sweet to spotlight me!! I can't remember if I told you , but I knew you before you knew me. I followed your gorgeous creations on ebay and was always in awe of your beautiful creativity.
Thank you again Rebecca and I hope you have a wonderful time with your sister in our lovely state!!!

Rita said...

Dear Rebecca,
I've enjoyed you post so much. such a special one. sweet and and endearing.
How sweet of Sara to send you her gift and now it's your turn to learn... you're so talented I have no doubt whatsoever you'll create the most amazing smocked lovelies.
can't wait so see something posted here soon.
You're such a lovely sould Rebecca!
I'm now off to have a look at Sara's blog.

GwendolynKay said...

What a sweet bonnet. Blogging is wonderful!

Anneke said...

such a beautiful things i see here.
the bonnet is my favorite

Sandra said...

Wow, that is beautiful Rebecca! I've never heard of smocking but it looks amazing! Thank you for sharing with us. I can't wait to go visit her blog:) Have a great day.

Terra said...

What a perfect pay it forward. With smocking you can create pretty gifts, I am sure. I don't know how to do smocking, but it is great we have experts in our midst.

Ginger said...

Rebecca, I went over and visited Saras site and you are correct she is so amazingly talented. Just beautiful work......I can see you doing something like that. That is a lost art, I remember my Grandmother smocking and she made me a blouse and full skirt when I was 8 with smocking on the bottom of the skirt and the sleeves of the shirt.

Have a good trip and Happy Easter.
Hugs Ginger

Unknown said...

G'eve Rebecca ~ Sara is a very talented lady that does exquisite work. I envy anyone that can do all these wonderful creations, that I cannot. How lovely she sent you the beginners instructions ... anxious to see what you do with this project.

Hugs, Marydon

Tanza said...

Ooooh Rebecca,
This is BEAUTIFUL !! I really didn't think anyone EvEn did this smocking now a days ... it's truly soo delicate and quite lovely !! how wonderful that she still does this .. Now, we have to see what your sweet, talented ones do with this adorable bonnet .. can't wait !! Have a good evening sweet one ~
hugs ~tea~xo

Rebecca Nelson said...

Obviously blogger comment is really messing up. It shows that the comment (below) from my good friend, Carol, in Texas is published and yet it is not! Here it is below:

I just know all the ladies that ordered your Easter Bunnies will cherish them for years. This is perhaps one of my favorite concepts that you have painted.

Oh..Ms. A's bunny turns years old this Easter. Where does the time go?

Have a Blessed Easter with your visit to see your sister and her family.

God's Peace

June said...

Rebecca thank you for bringing us Sara and her special talent. I have always thought that smocking is such a genteel talent. I always bought beautiful smocked things for my children. Even the boys.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, I learned to smock many years ago and did when my girls were small. I never did any for my grands. I hope I will soon have a great grand and would like to get something ready. I am like you God sent Sara our way. Blessings

Charlene said...

BEAUTIFUL! Lucky you! Somehow with 5 little GRANDSONS this is not a skill that would get much use at my house. :( How can a girl wish to have a daughter only to have 2 sons (I'm not complaining... I LOVE MY BOYS) & then in thinking "oh well when the GRANDS come" No! 5 little BLUE GRANDS! I'm sure GOD knows best but, darn a little PINK would have been nice. Have a wonderful day. Now, I'm off to see Sarah. Charlene

Martha said...

What a nice tribute for a sweet stitcher. Sara does gorgeous work and is obviously very generous as well. Enjoy learning and we can't wait to see the finished product.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

What a sweet and dear girlie to send you (A SWEET and DEAR girlie) such a wonderful gift. And, sharing her expertise too? WOW.... What a blessing....

Hugs dear Rebecca.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Both you and Sara are of the same cloth. You have done for one another and that is what friendship and loving and appreciating each other, is all about. You both represent what blogging is all about also. Makes me proud to be a part of it...

I have no doubt you will learn this craft and be wonderful at it.
How very kind of Sara.

Love and hugs to you, Rebecca.
As usual, you have warmed my heart.

Obee Designs said...

Hi Rebecca,
It's so nice to meet you!! I'm glad we had the chance to meet and cross paths. I read your profile and you sound like me. When I was little, I too had a crazy need to make and create anything I could get my hands on. My mom was always telling me to clean up my mess!! I guess you are who you are even from the beginning!!
I hope we will share more in the future.
Thanks for becoming a follower:)
I hope you are having a wonderful day!!

Simply Debbie said...


Martha's Favorites said...

Rebbeca: God is so good. Your gift is beautiful. How precious to find a friend like Sarah. I know how it feels, I found a precious friend in you. Have a blessed Easter, Martha

Paula said...

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift from Sara! I know you will do a wonderful job with smocking. It was so kind of her to send the sweet bonnet and kit to you! I was so blessed by your sweet thoughts! God is so good!
Love and blessings,

Cherished Treasures said...

Dear Sweet Rebecca,
You are going to be hooked. I started smocking 35 years ago and then went on to learn French Heirloom Sewing techniques. I haven't wanted to do any other kind of sewing since. You will find that so many of the techniques used for baby items lend themselves to other items like the pillows and sachets that you are famous for.
Best wishes for much success in your new needlework adventures.
Hugs, Carol

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

pieces in your home and love how they look with their fresh finish. I just cannot do it, I think I would probably faint from shock as my brush approached the first piece of wood. The beside table and dresser in this room are cheap 1950's plywood and these gave me no problem at all. They look waaaaay better than they did!!!

Cottage Sunshine said...

Rebecca, what a beautiful post and a beautiful friend! I am amazed how the blogging world is truly a sincere network of friends!

God bless you! Have a wonderful Easter remembering the awesome meaning of this precious holiday!

Carolyn ~Cottage Sunshine

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Rebecca you are just the sweetest ever...I love how you write about the gift of others. I will have to visit her after I leave here.
I just came by to see if your ok and whats new in your world. As always I leave here with a smile on my face.

Tilly Rose said...

Hi hun...what a lovely blog you have! so lovely....
if you have five mins feel free to drop by and say hello....
Karen x x x

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