I can't begin to tell you how many trips I’ve made to our local craft store during the past few years looking to find instructions on "How to Paint Roses". What was available at the time provided little inspiration for me. I discovered lots and lots of information on specific styles and truly beautiful artwork, but nothing that spoke directly to my own heart. I longed to find something soft, vintage-like. More often than not I'd linger around a bit, but would ultimately leave empty-handed.
One night during early March of '08, I sought out some quiet time to think and pray (my Daddy calls it "Soul Searching"). I asked (begged?) God to direct me to something that would move me closer into the direction I wanted to go... I was seeking out something fresh, something new! No...not new... something old~
Being the faithful and attentive God He is, His answer came just a few days later as I browsed mindlessly in a tiny Shoppe which sold vintage collectibles and interesting junk. Working side to side, I moved stack after stack of dusty old books and periodicals. And then, as if willing me to pay her any mind at all, she was there. Her dusty dog-eared cover stared back at me and I, just for a moment, was breathless. She was gently faded and well worn, but her colors were gentle, beautiful in fact. What I had envisioned inside my head for so many years was finally within my grasp. I had finally found her.
I skipped up to the check-out, eagerly placing the twenty dollar bill on the counter. The sales lady smiled and then commented on just how a book of it's age and value could have sat undisturbed for so long. "I've had it for over 50 years" she said. "It was a gift from my father when I graduated from high school in 1948...he knew how I longed to paint! I never did pick up a paint brush, but years ago I loved looking at the pictures". The book was dated with the year 1940 and I was in heaven.
Since that early May morning, I've moved forward, ever grateful and ever thankful for change. I've included a picture from my early work (2003) and from a recently sold eBay offering (2009). "In His time, in His time! He makes all things beautiful in His time! Lord, please show me everyday as you're teaching me your way, that You do just what you say In Your Time".
Looove your roses beautiful blog too!
I love your site and ejoyed reading your post. It's WONDERFUL! Kylaj lookds like a ANGEL. (mY ANGEL #3) You sure have come a long, long way since "Country Temptations." You have such unique ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs-- Mom
Ooohh ~r~,
This is soo exciting, and your site is just gorgeous.. Can't wait to see all the new, creative,things in store for you.. You are truly blessed, and God is soo faithful to you.. Such amazing talent, and I'm thrilled to see all yout new creations.. Wishing you and yours a Happy, healthy, blessed New Year.. So blessed to call you my friend as well.. The best part..You are truly loved and adored all the way in Cali...Love and hugs to you..to the moon ~t~xo
I love your site, it is breath-taking! You are one of the most talented women I know.
Yes, your site is breath-taking..you never cease to amaze..this looks exactly like a magazine lay-out..uumm..sounds wonderful to me..everything over the top, and ever sooo PINK..yummy.. tea girl:):)
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