Since January 1st I’ve focused non-stop on the reopening of my Website. I sometimes feel like I’ve barely taken a moment to breathe in and out as I’ve concentrated mostly on just WORK and the making of product! So much activity, so much to do… it’s difficult to carve out time for my mind, body and heart to rest…
I’m not complaining here…I simply LOVE what I do. But there are times when I need more than a gentle reminder (how about a shove?) that this passion of mine, this love of creating, is not ALL God has for me. If I’m not careful, something else in my life, something equally important is neglected.
No doubt about it…I spend a great deal of time working on my home. I’ve invested hours decorating it and to be honest with you seeing the results of my labor (and my hubbs) have been very rewarding…
Why then at times do I give such little thought to the housing of my soul? Sometimes forcing it to live in a tiny shack or an unsightly hovel? Should I be shocked when the cold winds of life chill and stormy weather splashes me with it’s shivering rain?
There is comfort knowing there is space under His roof. Today it is there I seek rest...
Psalm 91:1 (NIV), “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
I’m not complaining here…I simply LOVE what I do. But there are times when I need more than a gentle reminder (how about a shove?) that this passion of mine, this love of creating, is not ALL God has for me. If I’m not careful, something else in my life, something equally important is neglected.
No doubt about it…I spend a great deal of time working on my home. I’ve invested hours decorating it and to be honest with you seeing the results of my labor (and my hubbs) have been very rewarding…
Why then at times do I give such little thought to the housing of my soul? Sometimes forcing it to live in a tiny shack or an unsightly hovel? Should I be shocked when the cold winds of life chill and stormy weather splashes me with it’s shivering rain?
There is comfort knowing there is space under His roof. Today it is there I seek rest...
Psalm 91:1 (NIV), “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Rebecca, Thank you for sharing your reflection! How true are your words. It is all too easy to minimize the spiritual by maximizing the earthly. :-)
What a beautiful sign Rebecca! So soft and pretty. I'm anxious to see your offerings when ready. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Rebecca,
It's so nice to meet you.
I have never been to your blog before and when you left me that wonderful prayer for my sister Jerri and my now NEWLY born nephew "Aaron" I just was so BLESSED!
Thank you so much for being so sensitive to our need.
My family in the Midwest has been through so much the past few weeks and I have been on "hold" for some reason way down here...but I will get up there when I get the release to go.
For now I am able to pray for them and comfort them from afar and I wish I could do more but this is what I am to do for now until I can go.
I am so thankful for people like you who have prayed for us all.....it's just wonderful.
I LOVE your blog site...it's beautiful and peaceful and I am going to have come back more often and READ all that you have on here.
There are so many great things to read and to look at on here and I can tell you are very GIFTED and talented....
Again I thank you for your kindness....
Be blessed,
Joyce M.
Rebecca, thank you for putting our crazy "working" life into perspective. Sometimes I feel that I get so focused on our website, blog and all of the hours that go into running the business details, I let my God, family, home and relationships get blurred and pushed to the side. It is easy now with my boys moved out and having families of their own. But, my role as Nana often brings the correct perspective back into sharp view. Keeping my eyes "up" and not on myself is always much more fulfilling and satisfying.
May God bless you!
Rebecca your transformed bench is just gorgeous, wow what a big difference huh! I honestly feel there is nothing better for the soul than make overs, whether it is old furniture lovingly bought back to life, an old house made into a home or working on ourslves to be the best that we can. We all need to *listen* to that little voice within us more often & hear what it is saying.
Have a great day my Sweet Rebecca
Lyn xxx
Oh Karen...I'm just in love with your ribbon sign!! My my but it is beautiful! Hopefully that will be on your website!! Please please!! Gorgeous...just a feast for the eyes. Blessings~Sharon
Hi Rebecca, Your words speak to the heart and ring true for me in every way. Thank you for sharing and giving thought to what most of us go through daily.
Also, thank you for featuring me on your lovely blog. I am so honored and so blessed that GOD crossed our path. HE works his blessings in all sorts of ways.
Enjoyed my visit tonight. See you again soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
I crawl into work and creep around the Blogopshere as an escape, for sure. Sometimes, I find God there, but more often than not, I find him in all the places I'm most afraid to go. Like sitting on the floor and coloring with the kids or wiping down the cabinets one.more time. (Great play list!)
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