Well...it's Wednesday again and time to share with you another one of my favorite "LOVE IS..." clippings! Now girls~you've just gotta admit that this one is a KEEPER! I mean, is there anything better than being able to decorate our homes the way we want and boss :) our men around in the process? Hmmm...not sure there is...OK...maybe CHOCOLATE (but, that is only a MAYBE)!
I especially love this little clippy because my Mr.AGPMan and I have quite the stories to tell when it comes to wallpapering our home... Can you say NIGHTMARE? WRONG COLOR? WRONG PATTERN? BUMPY, UN-PREPPED WALLS? Can you say REGRET? WASTE OF MONEY? HEADACHE? STEAM MACHINE? Well I can!
Many years ago, before I was into painting everything that wasn't painted (or anything already painted, but painted with the wrong color!), I wallpapered. I wallpapered everything except the floor! One day I got the bright (and CRAZZZZY) idea to wallpaper the CEILING in my kitchen. Now...if you've never done this, trust me, don't do it!!! Don't! DON'T...DON'T I say!
Now, it's not that I don't like wallpaper, I do! And it isn't that I don't believe it to be beautiful, it is! It's just that at the time I'd been married about 15 years and I wasn't sure we'd celebrate our 16th year together by the time we got finished with that ceiling project. Not only were we both covered in wallpaper slop (glue), the extra long strips were impossible to hang without using more than our four hands. We managed to get one piece up a night and we had seven strips... Not a good memory, trust me!
After that, the man you've all come to believe is Mr. WONDERFUL yelled at me! Yes he did!!! He said "NEVER AGAIN, REBECCA! DO YOU HEAR ME? DO YOU HEARRRRRRRRRRRRRR ME? NEVER AGAIN!" I agreed with him (at the time) that wallpapering MIGHT not be for ME...
I never wallpapered again...but he sure did! :)
Blessings to you as you figure out the best way to guarantee you'll find peace in your marriage...Rebecca
I especially love this little clippy because my Mr.AGPMan and I have quite the stories to tell when it comes to wallpapering our home... Can you say NIGHTMARE? WRONG COLOR? WRONG PATTERN? BUMPY, UN-PREPPED WALLS? Can you say REGRET? WASTE OF MONEY? HEADACHE? STEAM MACHINE? Well I can!
Many years ago, before I was into painting everything that wasn't painted (or anything already painted, but painted with the wrong color!), I wallpapered. I wallpapered everything except the floor! One day I got the bright (and CRAZZZZY) idea to wallpaper the CEILING in my kitchen. Now...if you've never done this, trust me, don't do it!!! Don't! DON'T...DON'T I say!
Now, it's not that I don't like wallpaper, I do! And it isn't that I don't believe it to be beautiful, it is! It's just that at the time I'd been married about 15 years and I wasn't sure we'd celebrate our 16th year together by the time we got finished with that ceiling project. Not only were we both covered in wallpaper slop (glue), the extra long strips were impossible to hang without using more than our four hands. We managed to get one piece up a night and we had seven strips... Not a good memory, trust me!
After that, the man you've all come to believe is Mr. WONDERFUL yelled at me! Yes he did!!! He said "NEVER AGAIN, REBECCA! DO YOU HEAR ME? DO YOU HEARRRRRRRRRRRRRR ME? NEVER AGAIN!" I agreed with him (at the time) that wallpapering MIGHT not be for ME...
I never wallpapered again...but he sure did! :)
Blessings to you as you figure out the best way to guarantee you'll find peace in your marriage...Rebecca
LOL!!! Sooo funny!! (now huh?) I bet we all could share some decorating horror stories that involve the Mr's. I know I could, recently as a matter of fact, and one time back in the 80's I wallpapered an entire wall upside down, the flowers were UPSIDE DOWN. geesh. ;) Very cute Love Is...and very appropriate for your story. LOL cute cute cute!!
I get the most enjoyment out of making our home "ours" by the decorating choices but oh, I try to avoid husband/wife projects! HA We've never attempted wallpaper; paint was enough of a challenge! Blessings to you this day.
That little 'Love is' clipping is my favorite so far! It reminds me of myself! I use to wallpaper on everything,too! I even did the small ceiling above my kitchen sink...and you know what I said? Never again! It was so hard! I can't even imagine trying to do the whole ceiling! Mine was a grape vine pattern and that made it even harder! Getting the pattern to line up just right was tough! I probably have some old pictures somewhere. That would be a funny post!
Lee Laurie
OMG! This is our story hand over fist re wallpaper! Here is another ...
One year when we moved into this house I decided to wallpaper every room in the house to get rid of this horrid country decor they had.
We went to the wallpaper factory & got beautiful designs ... the house was gorgeous when done.
About 6 months later I was showing the one room to a friend ... as I opened the door I let out a 'scream'! The only thing holding up the wallpaper was the spackling patched areas on the wall. So then we went into another room, SAME THING! I could have cried.
I called the manufacturer, the 2 executives came down from Pennsylvania. They were delightful but you could see the skepticism on their faces ... so I said 'follow me, please.' I let them open the door to both bedrooms, they both let out a very loud gasp ... then came the scrutiny. They admitted they were 'doubting thomas' & had never seen anything like this before.
In the end we took it all down & returned to that wonderful product ... paint. A lot less problems & more versatile!
Rebecca, I do hope you will read my Magnolias, it is right up your path ...
That art work of your husband's is so absolutely precious ... what loving memories each must bring you both. TY for sharing each of them.
Have a beautiful day.
TTFN ~ Marydon
I loved your wall papering story.... I was a miserable failure at my first (and last!) attempt and had my dearest utter practically the same admonition that your dear hubby did. I think our talents lie elsewhere for sure! Thanks for my big laugh this morning my dear friend!
Good morning sweeet ~r~,
Love this one !! You know I HAVE wall paper in every room somewhere.. My really good friend and neighbor, of 20yrs.. is a wall paper hanger.. Soo, that being said, she does all ours for me.. You can't believe how easy and clean she does this, and always why we're away at work.. Soo I come home to new and refreshed.. Gotta LoVe it.. I could never,never do this myself.. I have no desire to even learn.. It's a dirty guncky job girlie..
By the way, I LoVe the little pookie on this girlie, I think she's growing a tail..hahaha.. Why can't I ever just be good ?! huh ?! But, than, what would you do without my little quirky comments ?! I LoVe my sweet ~r~..Have a happy day !! huggers ~tea~xo
I did all the wallpapering, but my hubs once tried to lay floor tile for me.....He was not happy to say the least. Now, he pays someone to do it. He says it is worth it! I am glad I am not into changing things like I used to be. I am more content to keep it the way I like it! That is the cutest LOVE IS....
Dear Rebecca .. I just woke up and sat with my cup of coffee and turned on my comuter .. wishing I was still asleep ... then I came to your blog and read your little story about wallpapering ... OMG ..it made me laugh ..it is all soo true and soo funny ...This is why I never ask for help from my DH when it comes to stuff like wallpapering ... Thanks for the early morning laugh .. Now I am awake and thanks to you I'm starting my day with a smile.
Hugz ... Betty
I have found if I bring up a topic regarding decorating this is what happens. Either hubs will engage the conversation and have an opinion or he will do his "ah~ha... yeah nice" which means I get full rein and all ideas come from me. :) I'm lucky in the fact that he could really care less about how the house looks so long as he can find his "stuff". I've always told him the one room where I don't mind doing it any way he pleases is the bedroom as he leaves for work every day out of the home and he needs a place of comfort when he returns. Even then, "I don't mind how you decorate as long as I can find the bed". Pretty easy going. I like wallpaper very much. What I don't like is when I don't like the one I picked, anymore. Oy
OMG- I'm so sorry but.... I am sitting here laughing my butt off!! Not at you, well some at you, but my hubby & I were going to wall paper our kitchen ceiling with the dimentional wallpaper that you can paint. We wanted the tin ceiling look. To begin with it is very heavy so we just couldn't see how glue could keep it up until it dried. If we did try it all we could think was if it didn't work we would have a mess of glue on the ceiling. I will say cooler heads prevailed... We decided not to!!
Good Idea & probably a marriage saver!! LOL!!
Great Post!
OOOOh, I have never tried to wallpaper. (Love it though.) I don't believe I would be coordinated enough for even the smallest project. I struggle enough with painting. I'm sorry you had such a terrible experience. Perhaps one to laugh at now? :)
Your home is so beautiful, and your projects are so creative and lovely. I always have to take a peek at the pics when I visit.
My husband and I took a little trip to a charming little town yesterday (Fayetteville, TN). It was brimming with antique shops, and I found several treasures with bargain prices, so I've some redecorating to think about today.
Many blessing to you as always, dear friend. Take care.
Oh, Rebecca! It was a great way to start the day. Good memories and not so good of our re-model experiences. Only 2 and that was enough... we are still married!! Your wallpaper takes the prize! Thank you for the wonderful uplift to a cold, gray and gloomy day in Oregon. God is good! I hope you feel His hand in yours today.
~Rebecca~~This made me laugh! About 6 years ago Ron and I attempted to wallpaper one wall in our hallway to see how it looked and how easy it might be. Well first of all we didn't get enough wallpaper, so the last section was "off" coloring just a little and it took both of us and our youngest daughter to hold it up and then switching hands one of us would grab the "smoother outer". We actually laughed and had a good time at it. I can't say I ever was 100% satisfied with the way it came out and 2 months ago during the remodeling/painting we steamed it off and painted the wall. It looks better. Can't say we were laughing though taking it down. Wow, what a chore!
Enjoyed today's story...hope you are staying well and happy...Love and hugs, Mary H.
Hi Rebecca,
Oh how you have me laughing with this one. I avoid any decorating projects with Hubs, he gets so cranky. As long as I don't ask for his help, he goes for anything I decide to do. We are starting our bedroom redo this week and just asking him to move the furniture out has me in a cold sweat. I love coming here and seeing life through your eyes.
Oh yes, Rebecca......it's just like that I Love Lucy episode when Ethel and Lucy did Lucy's bedroom..... :-) I helped my daughter wallpaper the ceiling in her upstairs, dormered bedroom.........NIGHTMARE!!!! It was soooooooo hard, but roses on the ceiling seemed like such a darn good idea at the time. We actually resorted to holding part of it with thumbtacks until we could get everything "stuck"....
I don't watch Dr. Phil......but he does say there are only two words a man should know as far as decorating projects are concerned........"LOVE IT"........now, isn't that just the best? Thank goodness my dear hubbs just lets me go for it......whatever I want is just fine with this easy going fella. He said he was waiting for a girl to come along and make his house a "home"..ahhhhhhhhh......well, I was jolly on the spot!
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Hi Rebecca,
I enjoyed your post. The clip is very sweet and yes it's definitely a keeper.
Happy Decorating,
test - attempting to post again
Becky - I remember as a kid being so embarassed that the characters were naked. =)
Did you know Kim Grove died in 1997 and her son Stefani has continued the comic strip?
There is a facebook group page - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27920120085.
These clips you've kept are wonderful pieces of nostalgia.
To Jen...
Yes, I knew she passed and that her son has taken over her business. Kim drew the pictures for her then boyfriend/fiance. He sadly has passed as well.
Since digging out the clippings (over 100 and more) I realize how much they have always spoken to me. Innocent and still so fresh.
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