I mentioned in my Post from yesterday that I've had a BUSY week! I've been cooped up for days and days and so I was VERY excited when I was able to break free from the walls of my cottage chic home and ESS-KA-PAY (escape) for awhile... After dropping our little Miss K off for her final day of kindergarten (boo hoo!) I was FREE! I had exactly two and one half hours to do whatever I wanted before needing to return to pick her up! I knew just what I was going to do and where I was going to go! My plan was to squeeze in two full hours of vintage shopping!
I live exactly 9 miles from one of my favorite Junque Stores which was only one-half mile from an estate sale that started today at noon. I wouldn't be the first in line (I am sometimes, you know?) but, I'd get there within the hour!
I live exactly 9 miles from one of my favorite Junque Stores which was only one-half mile from an estate sale that started today at noon. I wouldn't be the first in line (I am sometimes, you know?) but, I'd get there within the hour!
I felt my heart beating a little faster than normal as I walked into a sweet and tidy home nestled inside a part North Oklahoma City called Nichol's Hills.
"Not many cars at this sale" I thought...(a good thing)!
"You snooze-You Lose" is my steadfast motto! :)
Now, I'm very kind about this, mind you. But I believe it nonetheless! It goes hand in had with "the early bird gets the worm".
Would you believe me if I told you the house was picked clean? It was! Either that or there wasn't much to begin with. I felt cheated...after all, I drove almost ten miles from my home only to be disappointed that some other

Now, in spite of my obvious disappointment, I trekked on. It's just my way. The next sale is ALWAYS BETTER (good outlook, don't you think?). I drove to an out of the way Shoppe I've come to expect will have mostly junky stuff. Still...I've found lots and lots of treasures there and even snagged them for good prices, too. Nothing however, and I mean NOTHING could have prepared me for what I would uncover today...

Back in the corner of a dusty little space were bags and bags and bags of vintage laces. Each neat little package looked as if it had been there for years. After a few minutes of digging in a fairly good sized box I decided to take it up to the counter to have a better peek at what was inside...
The voice of a little old lady spoke up and said...
"Honey~That's my little nook you're in...if you find anything you want I'll make you a great deal!"
Well now...that's my kind of gal! So...I dug deeper!

I found this darling old eyelet beading lace...never used...simply stunning! Sweet for Sachet Pillows or little lacy accents...

Absolutely 2die4 lace trims...Venice, Eyelet, English, Bobbin, Filet, Netting and so much more...

Stunning glass buttons, too! Icy PINK beauties that I know for sure you will see on upcoming romantic offerings...

My pile of lace-filled baggies grew and grew and expanded from edge to edge on the tiny wooden counter. After adding the pink buttons I knew I was quickly reaching (um, EXCEEDING) my spendable limit. So I ask...
"How am I doin'?" forcing myself to smile...
"Well, let me see" the woman says...
She begins to add and add and then says...
"How about $22.00 for everything?"
I mean, OK!" I quickly say! "That's GREAT! Does that include the buttons?"
"It sure does" she adds "But I'll have to charge you tax because you don't have your TAX ID Card with you! Your total is $23.25."
"That is JUST FINE" I replied with a Cheshire Cat grin.... :))))))))

Now...I'm thinking to myself...I've gotta get OUT OF HERE before this sweet little lady realizes that she's messed up and has not added up my total correctly. I quickly pay with cash, thank her profusely, and leave.
I skipped to my SUV happy my day had been redeemed...
It was then I felt this pang in my chest...you know the kind I'm talking about. The feeling that overwhelms you when you've gotten the best of something (ugh...or someone) and something inside of you tells you it isn't right...
I started to back out of the parking log when I stopped and put my vehicle in park. I grabbed the bag and walk back into the tiny store.
"Um Sweetie..." I begin...
"I think you gave me TOO GOOD A DEAL on these pretty old finds! I just can't leave without double checking with you about the final cost! Are you sure you don't want to recount everything and change your mind about the total? I'm sure I owe you MORE!"
"I know exactly what that old stuff is worth, honey!" she spoke with a polite, yet firm confidence...
"One hundred and seventy-two dollars!!!! I've been in this business a long, long time. Not many more years left to make someone smile. Today I felt like blessing you! I'll be 89 tomorrow! I may not get another chance to talk with you again and share with you my collection and my love of old laces! Make something lovely out of them, dear!!!"
"I think you gave me TOO GOOD A DEAL on these pretty old finds! I just can't leave without double checking with you about the final cost! Are you sure you don't want to recount everything and change your mind about the total? I'm sure I owe you MORE!"
The old woman smiled at me as she reached gently for my fingers which were still clutched tightly to my new found treasures...
"I know exactly what that old stuff is worth, honey!" she spoke with a polite, yet firm confidence...
"One hundred and seventy-two dollars!!!! I've been in this business a long, long time. Not many more years left to make someone smile. Today I felt like blessing you! I'll be 89 tomorrow! I may not get another chance to talk with you again and share with you my collection and my love of old laces! Make something lovely out of them, dear!!!"

I quickly pulled some cash from my pocket and pressed a flimsy twenty dollar bill into the woman's deeply wrinkled hand. I softly whispered to her "Happy Birthday!" and left...
I realized yet another important life-lesson today as I returned once again to my car. Too often I put too great a monetary value on things of this world! The deal on the lace was great for me...more than great! Still, my ultimate pleasure came not from the snagging of what very well may have been my best and cheapest find of the year, but from witnessing with my own two eyes the gentle spirit of a lovely old lady who was "storing up her treasures in heaven...".
Blessings to you as you learn along side of me the true value of a giving heart...Rebecca
I realized yet another important life-lesson today as I returned once again to my car. Too often I put too great a monetary value on things of this world! The deal on the lace was great for me...more than great! Still, my ultimate pleasure came not from the snagging of what very well may have been my best and cheapest find of the year, but from witnessing with my own two eyes the gentle spirit of a lovely old lady who was "storing up her treasures in heaven...".
Blessings to you as you learn along side of me the true value of a giving heart...Rebecca
Oh, sweet Rebecca.........when I get done bawling, I'll be able to write something profound, I'm sure......what a dear and wonderful woman.......BOTH of you!!!! Isn't God soooo good? I'm so glad you got such a great deal and, by going back in, not only got to have a clear consience, but also got to bless the sweet woman who blessed you.......does it get any better than that??
Big hugs dear girl..........
Hello Rebecca,
What a deal you got on the old lace and button, but the experience was priceless. I love hearing stories such as yours.
Have A Happy Day
Rebecca you've done it again girlfriend, I was oohing and aaahing over your beautiful lace and trim and those pretty pink buttons, and then I just went straight to the boo-hooing!!! That is just about the sweetest story ever. What a sweet sweet little lady, and I am POSITIVE you made her day as much as she made yours!!!
Hugs ♥ Teresa
OMGoodness, That brought a tear to my eye.... What a sweet thing for both of you to do for each other! I wish people treated each other like this more often instead of trying to pull-a-fast-one all the time.
You are such a blessing.....
Aww Rebecca, thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I just knew as I was reading that something more was coming, (knew this from getting to know you thru your blog and the sweet lady you are)! How that lady blessed your day and you blessed her day also! There is so much meanness and trouble in our world today, I just know God looked down on two of His sweet daughters and smiled! I love your blog and found that sweetie 'tea' through your blog also. The two of you are favorites!
Oh my! Can't I ever come here without crying? ☺ I love to see the Lord working in your life, Rebecca! ♥
You know, I think it really blesses the older women to see us youngers loving their old things.
Thanks for sharing that sweet event, Rebecca. There's something new for us to learn every single day if only we stay tuned!
First of all what a sweet story, I kinda thought that woman knew what she was doing. How blessed you are for her blessing you and for you to have blessed her with your honesty by keeping a clean conscience.
Rebecca, you are right on. I'm going to do a segment with lace that will be coming up shortly. I have had in in my files and I just haven't been able to post it yet. Lace is something I have always loved either displaying it or wearing it, and you have hit the mother load! I would of went nuts over all the lace you have gotten. Now that's a deal!!
Your a Darling-
You are a treasure, Rebecca. You ladies were both blessed to find one another ... His hand directs.
I love the glass buttons, what a coup on the laces.
It is so uplifting to know that you went back bringing both joy to the wonderful lady, but to yourself.
Now to see the gorgeous beauties you will create from these special 'gifts'.
Blessings upon you forever ...
What a precious moment you had. Every item you make you will have the remembrance of that sweet lady and her blessing to you!
Hello lovely Rebecca,
I came here to say something smart to you about the message you left on my blog, but then I read this post and I am sitting here almost in tears. Nothing happens in this life by chance. You two were meant to meet and bless each other's lives. And that's just what you did. The laces are beautiful, just like you.
Rebecca, first I want to "thank you" for your sweet congratulations on my anniversary.
Now, oh, my! How the Lord had ordered your day! What a powerful blessing He prepared for you!
The sweet touch of the dear lady's hand and her gentle, humble voice is something you will never forget. And I don't believe I will ever forget this sweet story either.
When I think of how the Holy Spirit just spoke to your heart and had you return to her, I am overwhelmed with praise for the grace of God and how he loves us so.
The lace is very, very beautiful! And each time you enjoy its beauty and are amazed by its value you will be reminded of God's precious love for you.
Many, many blessings to you today. May your weekend be filled with joy unspeakable.
You made me tear up. I felt your excitment inside when you found all of the goodies and then I felt your soft heartedness when you went back into the store to talk to the little lady. She sounded like such a doll...and you were too for giving her something extra for her birthday. You both were blessed. I know that she thought of you today on her 89th birthday.
Lee Laurie
P.S. You know what would be extra 'special'...if you could take her a little sachet pillow made with some of the lace that you got from her. I know that she would cherish it.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." I think you met an angel that day!
Oh this made me tearful. What a blessing she was to you and you to her. My post yesterday was about angels on earth and there you are. You are an angel on earth as she is too. I hope you have a lovely and blessed day.
What a great post, thanks for sharing.
And I like the design at the top of your blog.
What a wonderful story. What a SWEET lady. Sometimes I agree that it is better to give than receive and you were blessed enough to be on the receiving end. I'm sure you deserved it and will pass it on to someone else that needs to feel special and cared for. Congratulations on all your beautiful new goodies! Have a loveleigh weekend!
Oh Rebecca, I could just sit down and bawl my eyeballs out right now. That is such a dear dear story. Every stitch you sew with your beautiful laces, you will think of her and the lessons you learned. If you hadn't gone back, you'd never have known what she had to say. How sweet. xo rachel
What a lovely story. It would make the lace even more valuable. Your blog is just lovely too!
The Raggedy Girl
Hi Rebecca, what a lovely story for me to read on this beautiful Sunday morning.
Give and it shall be given to you.....Oh, I believe this with all my heart. Giving is the secret to life!!
Those glass buttons are beyond beautiful!!!
Love and happiness this day to you,
Oh Rebecca, what a lovely story!!! What a blessing you are!!! I always feel uplifted after reading your words of inspiration!!! The holy spirit is definitely alive in you!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by earlier...I always love hearing from you!!!
God bless you!!!
Oh Rebecca...I just LOVE this sweet story. You probably made her day by loving what she could not longer use too! But I totally understanding that feeling of being more concerned with the *great catch* and the priorities somehow getting all mixed up. Yet, I somehow think GOD does bless us in these ways too.
I had one of those *Great Find* experiences this week. It was at my Favorite haunt...and there was this amazinge bag of Vintage florals... lilies of the valley, forget me nots and more...for $2.99. I thought I Died and gone to heaven!!! I never see that kind of stuff...ever!!! God's sweet blessings!
I am having a GiveAway if you are interested in stopping by!
You are a real Christian...in DEED not just in name or claim...this post soooo touched me...oh what a blessing it is to read someone's blog who loves GOD and people more than things or great deals....
OH...this blog post is now a favorite of mine..thank you for letting your light shine in this dark world and blogland as well...
I believe this is what Christianity is about..maybe you can bless that dear lady with something made out of a piece of all that lovely lace.....she sure was a treasure.....
I am so happy the bonus of all of this was the lace....a gift from God to a Godly woman, you...
WOW!! I am deeply moved. ox Ali
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