want your independence on July 4th
Well now...is this fitting for the upcoming 4th of July holiday or what?
For those of you who are new followers of my blog, each Wednesday I post one of the vintage "LOVE IS..." clippings my hubby once hid inside his old love letters to me... I know I keep saying this (this is around my 10th "Love Is..." Post if my count is right), but these charming old comics are as fresh and new as they were when they first came out over 30 years ago... I just love them and I'm so hoping you do, too!
I've been so blessed that I've never had to worry about being totally in step with my guy! He has always graciously encouraged me to do and try whatever I wanted and would never even have thought of holding me back just because I was a woman. I've been his equal since the beginning of our relationship and I believe the mutual respect we have for one another is at least one of the reasons we've been happily married for so long now.
My Mr. AGPMan cooks as much as I do (um...maybe not QUITE as many dinners~ but his breakfasts ARE AWESOME)! And even though I still do most of the cleaning he does all the yard work! I think that's fair! I don't want to mow...NOT EVER! Besides~ I LIKE to clean our house and he knows that even if he did I'd go back and redo it all my way... Nope...independence is not for me! :) I like the feeling that our two separate halves together make us whole...
Blessings to you as you celebrate the red, white & blue and whip up your own special kind fireworks...Rebecca
For those of you who are new followers of my blog, each Wednesday I post one of the vintage "LOVE IS..." clippings my hubby once hid inside his old love letters to me... I know I keep saying this (this is around my 10th "Love Is..." Post if my count is right), but these charming old comics are as fresh and new as they were when they first came out over 30 years ago... I just love them and I'm so hoping you do, too!
I've been so blessed that I've never had to worry about being totally in step with my guy! He has always graciously encouraged me to do and try whatever I wanted and would never even have thought of holding me back just because I was a woman. I've been his equal since the beginning of our relationship and I believe the mutual respect we have for one another is at least one of the reasons we've been happily married for so long now.
My Mr. AGPMan cooks as much as I do (um...maybe not QUITE as many dinners~ but his breakfasts ARE AWESOME)! And even though I still do most of the cleaning he does all the yard work! I think that's fair! I don't want to mow...NOT EVER! Besides~ I LIKE to clean our house and he knows that even if he did I'd go back and redo it all my way... Nope...independence is not for me! :) I like the feeling that our two separate halves together make us whole...
Blessings to you as you celebrate the red, white & blue and whip up your own special kind fireworks...Rebecca
Like you, I want "inter-dependence" upon each other, sugar. No independence from Love Bunny cuz he's the love of my life now for over 48 years. We've grown so much together but I still can't get that man to take off his mud trackers at the door! I shall, however, keep him for 48 more years if the Lord allows. He's still the sexiest man I know. If he'd just quit trying to take me camping I'd be happy though! He's definitely MY keeper and takes me out to dinner every single friday night........and more if I request it. Cooking is for those chicks who are still trying to find a way to their hearts through the stomach. We older chicks know we've got 'em!!
Simply precious & poignant, Rebecca ... two halves make a whole says it all! Bless you for knowing the special words to bring forth your messages.
Thank you for being you.
We are not unlike you & Mr. APGman in very many ways ... we compliment one another to create a whole.
TTFN ~Marydon
You have summed up a perfect a relationship. My hubby just sits back and lets me "go for it". Most of the times I think it for his own amusement because I can get excited over the littlest things. I can totally relate to the cleaning part because as far as I am concerned no one can clean my house as well as I can :)
xxoo, Susan
Rebecca, I have Ron listed as my 'other half' on my blog. He is! I don't think of myself as independent and I have no desire to be, ever.
I lost my first husband when I was just 29 years old and then God gave Ron to me two years later. What a gift he was and continues to be. He is always in my corner and supports me totally. He still tells me I am beautiful when I have cleaned all day and look like the wrath of God. He almost cried when I made him paint over my wall vines when we redid our bedroom. He refuses to get rid of the awful green frogs I did in ceramics glass in the 70's. I could go on forever.
Yep, I would be happy to be linked with this one forever!!
Wonderful post, sweet girl.
I could not have said it any better than this about my sweet hubby!! We will be married 41 years this month.... I don't want my Independence either!!
Love You!!
Marilyn xxoo
hey Rebecca, I so agree with you. My hubby and I are so separate in our hobbies but we come together and make a pretty good pair. I guess 37yrs of marraige is a pretty good record. He cheers me on in whatever I do.
Rebecca, Oh honey I just love your post today. Isn't it special what couples share? How we manage to work out who does what without even thinking about it? After almost 34 years Tony and I think the same thing and when we run into each other in the hall, as we were coming to share, we start laughing as we know we have had the same thought. It is scary sometimes as we are truly one. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. "Country Hugs", Sherry
GM My Dear friend...I just love that you have had a love affair of over 30 years...sighs...May you have another 30...You are very blessed my friend..May you have a great Fourth...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hello Rebecca,
Sounds like you have a great Hubby.
Mine too loves to cook breakfast on the weekend. Big ones.
Thanks for visiting my blog too. I hope You and Hubby has a Safe and Happy trip over the 4th.
Hi Rebecca, I love your post. I can say my dh and I reflect all that you said here. What a blessing it is. We will be married 36 years this August. He still makes my heart skip a beat, and he tells me~~ he is still gaga over me. LOL!! Yet, we are together independent!!
Hope you have a happy,healthy and safe 4th of July!!
Blessings, Celestina Marie
I had Patrick for 43 years. We would have been married for 55 years had he lived. It is hard to believe even to this day that he is not here with me. I used to say I wanted to die in his arms.
Long and enduring marriages have something so special. Enjoy every single second.
~smiles and love~
I hope you and you husband have a wonderful July 4th together!!
I hope that you and your hubby have a happy 4th! Y'all sound so perfect for each other!
Thanks for sharing all the sweet vintage clippings. Happy 4TH of July.
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